Gottlieb: UK was tired from media day and Shabazz is a liar | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Gottlieb: UK was tired from media day and Shabazz is a liar

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Aug 27, 2011
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Fishy said:
Honestly, if you're a member of the UConn basketball team and you go to bed hungry, you've done something wrong. They take extremely good care of their athletes.

You would think so. But I've heard that from other players also. Football too.


Aug 26, 2011
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I understand there are ways to make do, but again, guys generating huge revenue so coaches can make millions and ADs can make 500k should get a few bucks. It may not seem necessary since they get a free education, but it's just the right thing to do. Maybe $400 to $1000/month.
I agree their should be a stipend, and if UConn doesn't want to get buried in the coming divide it will have to agree to pay whatever it takes to stay with the "Power 5."


Aug 24, 2011
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Gottlieb is an idiot but I also don't know what Shabazz is talking about with the whole starving issue.
I think he clarified it in the little speech he gave on the podium right after the game - they are all "Hungry Huskies"...
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm also guessing that top level athletes are burning a few more calories than the average college student.
That's the point a lot on here are missing . He trains like a professional, but eats like a college student ? there might be some hyperbole to his statement , venting on the insane revenue the NCAA pulls in off shabazz Napier , whereas he barely sees a dime of it . Gotta agree with cal things need to change
Aug 26, 2011
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It strikes me as slightly bizarre that everybody has rushed to discredit Shabazz's claim that he goes to bed hungry. While he won't be going starving any time soon, it's more than conceivable that there would be nights where he'd go to bed hungry. I am a college student, and I constantly find myself hungry - I'm on a meal plan, sure, but the cafeteria isn't open 24 hours a day, and sometimes you may not be able to get to dinner if you're working, or have class, or some other commitment. Shabazz also plays D-1 basketball, and may not live nearby to a cafeteria. Might be he embellishing a little bit? Sure. But anything he says is far less ridiculous than the fact that guys who rake in millions of dollars don't have pocket money.
Aug 24, 2011
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What a crappy overview of the game……all from a negative aspect? He is amazingly inconsistent in his reporting…….and I get he wants to do this somewhat on purpose but it's just pitiful in this case by Doug!
I was beginning to like him lately after flat out hating the guy for years. He's back to his old tricks and is now again dead to me.
Sep 13, 2011
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It strikes me as slightly bizarre that everybody has rushed to discredit Shabazz's claim that he goes to bed hungry. While he won't be going starving any time soon, it's more than conceivable that there would be nights where he'd go to bed hungry. I am a college student, and I constantly find myself hungry - I'm on a meal plan, sure, but the cafeteria isn't open 24 hours a day, and sometimes you may not be able to get to dinner if you're working, or have class, or some other commitment. Shabazz also plays D-1 basketball, and may not live nearby to a cafeteria. Might be he embellishing a little bit? Sure. But anything he says is far less ridiculous than the fact that guys who rake in millions of dollars don't have pocket money.
The second semester of my freshman year I once made a meal of raisins and peanut butter. I had convinced my parents that if they gave me a weekly stipend equal to the amount of my meal card I'd eat better. It worked for the first 2 days of the week, especially on Monday because the bar across the street from the campus had 10-cent wings and 10-cent Labatts. By Friday I couldn't afford ramen noodles if I also wanted beer money. Priorities.
Aug 27, 2011
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Not being allowed to work
Not being able to accept even small gifts
Not being at home
Not being allowed access to dining halls after hours
Being up at all hours practicing, studying, working, out, being a college student (I hear they are up late).

I it perfectly conceivable that an athlete short without access to dining facilities, could in fact go to bed hungry on occasion. Those equating hungry to famine and assume the kid has an all access key to campus are missing the point.

I recall one sunday, out of milk, before the storrs/dining hall opened, I found my self eating cereal w. iced tea. (I wouldn't recommend it).

The revenue generating kid deserve more, if only a piece of merchandizing and the ability to earn outside money under some reasonable eligibility rules.
Starving? When you're in college you're always "starving." My God, you're 19 years old, it's 10 at night. You're "starving." We used to pile into someone's car and go to Luigi's Pizza. We were "starving." Leave the kid alone. Any ever hear of hyperbole?


Stairway to Seven
Jan 5, 2012
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People have taken starving in a literal sense for some reason, instead of the way a college student would mean it. No, he's not starving, but that doesn't mean he's inventing this either.
Feb 16, 2014
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SN speaks the truth as a college student. I remember starving a lot when I ran out of money back then and I wasn't forced to practice 50-60 hours per week. And these endless tales of unlimited food for athletes is just pure fantasy (But those of you pushing that idea know that.) It's against NCAA rules for a coach to give his players extra food! Watch the documentary "Schooled" and you'll get a much better idea of what's going on. I'm so tired of this discussion that I'll just repost my own post:

Some of you are just completely missing the point on the issue. It's not about pocket change for food. (But, all the Div I schools breaking away from the NCAA admit the scholarships do not cover all expenses as listed in the financial letter sent annually to all students.) This is also not about athletes in sports that do NOT generate revenue. This is about having two sets of rules for students which is blatantly unfair and discriminatory, and the false notion of amateurism. This new push to pay athletes for their work is partly due to recent Court decisions that basically affirm it is unconstitutional to have two similar people but apply different sets of rules concerning their rights. Sorry, I don't have enough time or space for a full explanation. But, even Jay Bilas has commented on how he doesn't understand how his nephew on full non-athletic scholarship at Kentucky can also be paid as an RA and have zero restrictions on work, gifts, or anything else while athletes have a long list of rules to follow. Also, the writing is on the wall in the Ed O'Bannon case (schools and associated companies profiting from his likeness in perpetuity without his consent or sharing the profits) and the Northwestern football players starting a union. It's only a matter of time before there are a slew of new workers' comp cases that won't be stopped by the NCAA's original plan and reasoning to call them "student-athletes." (The schedule, expectations, quid pro quo, and profit will constitute employment.) Even the first head of the NCAA who made the power grab that started all this admitted in his last speech before he died that with all the money involved now the old rules are just crazy and unfair. Like it or not, the near future will have revenue generating athletes receiving a stipend and insurance like an employee. Those of you who still hold on to the false notion of amateurism will get over it like you did with the Olympics.
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Aug 25, 2011
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Maybe some of these writers lost a lot of money Monday.


Adding Nothing to the Conversation
Sep 21, 2011
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In Doug's defense, UConn had a bye in the Final Four and only had to wait for Wisky and Kentucky to play before taking on the winner. Also, our coach can not speak proper English, eh Mr. Mushnick, so obviously he wasn't sought for media interviews Sunday.
Sep 6, 2011
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I'm surprised he didnt mention the unfair burden on UK to have to play as the favorite.

I remember asking my mom for snack money when i was a freshman.

She gave me case of mac and cheese instead.

For Christmas that year i got a case of peanut butter.
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