GOT Season Six | Page 21 | The Boneyard

GOT Season Six


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I think it might be useful to come up with a list of competent players, because most of the characters are total idiots.

LittleFinger - Other than pissing off Sansa, I can't find a lot of fault with anything he has done. He controls the one fresh army left in Westeros.

Tyrion - maybe competent. Went from being the most wanted man in Westeros to being the Mother of Dragon's Consigliere, but the deal with the Slavers seems like a bad idea, and he did get all his ships burned. He has also pissed off Missandei and Grey Worm. He will have to raise his game when the Iron Islanders show up.

Queen of Thornes - We are probably giving her more credit than she deserves. She let her heirs get captured by fanatics, Cersei has been holding her own against QoT for the whole season, and the QoT is stuck in an alliance with a family she hates while the rest of Westeros lights itself on fire again.

Dany - I have a suspicion that Dothrakis on boats is going to turn into a disaster somehow.

High Sparrow - playing with fire. He needs to release the prisoners to finish his takeover, but he is in danger now that they are no longer prisoners. Still, he is playing the game very well so far.

Yara - She got the upper hand on her uncle, that's for sure. That said, Iron Islanders don't have a great track record of actually winning anything. It would be more interesting if her and Theon get to Dany before her uncle.

Blackfish - Got a castle, an army and some allies. Also has the chance to get rid of his idiot nephew. We will see about the siege next week. If he is smart, he will stay in Riverrun.

Margaery/Tommen - Tommen is alive until Margaery decides she doesn't need him anymore.

Bran - If Meera was smart, she would find another man. In 5.5 seasons, Bran has only outsmarted Theon. Not a lot of great pelts on the wall.


Sansa/Jon - The writers are going to have to stretch credibility to keep these two morons alive.

Arya - Jaqen and the Waif were probably the two worst people in the entire world to piss off. Literally #1 and #2 in that order.

Cersei/Jaime - Incompetence, thy name is Lannister. I assume that Jaime and Brienne are going to run into each other in the Riverlands. This is Jaime's last chance, because Cersei is going down hard if the rumors of a Second Battle of Blackwater are true.

Dornish Idiots - I wonder if we are done with these morons.

Euron - It is not good for any character when Theon gets the best of you.

Ned Stark - An idiot even from the grave. I was watching the fight against Sword of the Morning again this weekend. Ned shows up at a small castle in the middle of nowhere with 4 of his buddies against 2 Kingsguard (3 in the book), and rather than working out a peaceful solution, Ned lectures them on their duty until a fight breaks out and 3 of his buddies and the greatest swordsmen in Westeros get killed.
It's almost like these characters are closer to actual human beings than the usual predictable Joseph Campbell hero archetype.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Also known as the Horse's Arse Award. If it ever came to it, I'd hope I wasn't dumb enough to marry. Can you imagine having to talk to someone that much younger day in day out? And that's just them. Then you have to listen to them talk to their friends. You have to talk to their friends. Ugh. Shoot me.

What are you talking about? That's the beauty of a trophy wife. You aren't even required to talk to them day in day out. Just let them go shopping until it's time for conjugals or the odd dinner out. All of the fun, none of the headache!


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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That's why I said "ideal mate" as opposed to "trophy wife". Also, the idea of the formula is you replace your mate every two years at the least . . .

This man gets it.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Talk about creepy. Guy moved down to Paraguay after he retired where his not immoderate means (was a professor who cheaped his whole life) make him a wealthy man. And he is taking advantage of it.

God bless him. Shame is just a barrier society puts in your way to keep you from having fun.
Sep 2, 2011
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What are you talking about? That's the beauty of a trophy wife. You aren't even required to talk to them day in day out. Just let them go shopping until it's time for conjugals or the odd dinner out. All of the fun, none of the headache!

That's the dream version. The reality is she's a woman and you're a man who wants to get laid. After you say I do, she has all the leverage and none of the incentive to sleep with your wrinkled arse.
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Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
God bless him. Shame is just a barrier society puts in your way to keep you from having fun.



i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Now, in fairness to the High Sparrow, she was sleeping with her brother. Even degenerates, such as I, have our limits. All in on the Sparrow with that one.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
That's the dream version. The reality is she's a woman and you're a man who wants to get laid. After you say I do, she has all the leverage and none of the incentive to sleep with your wrinkled arse.

Don't ruin my fantasy.

Never been married. Half the guys I talk to say avoid like the plague (and they aren't all divorced either), while the other half say it's the best thing they've done with their life. So about 50/50 odds. In Vegas, that's the dream. But gambling with your sanity, your wealth, your sex-life, your free time, your future, etc? Damn, that's a coin flip we are talking about.
Sep 2, 2011
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Now, in fairness to the High Sparrow, she was sleeping with her brother. Even degenerates, such as I, have our limits. All in on the Sparrow with that one.

Plus, hoisted on her own petard and all that. Cersei armed the faith militant in return for a promise that they'd bag Loras for buggering men and ensnare the reigning queen when she came to her brother's defense.

Live by the puritan sword, die by the puritan sword. Insert more clichés here _________.
Sep 2, 2011
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Don't ruin my fantasy.

Never been married. Half the guys I talk to say avoid like the plague (and they aren't all divorced either), while the other half say it's the best thing they've done with their life. So about 50/50 odds. In Vegas, that's the dream. But gambling with your sanity, your wealth, your sex-life, your free time, your future, etc? Damn, that's a coin flip we are talking about.

It's worth it, but it's worth making a smart choice too. When you get married, you cede a lot of control over your life to others.
Aug 24, 2011
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What are you talking about? That's the beauty of a trophy wife. You aren't even required to talk to them day in day out. Just let them go shopping until it's time for conjugals or the odd dinner out. All of the fun, none of the headache!

I will never forget. I had a business lunch on Long Island with an Italian broker. Great restaurant. But he said it was where you went with your wife on Friday night.....not your goomah on Saturday night. It was too well lit for your goomah. Someone might see you there. He was 1000% serious.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Plus, hoisted on her own petard and all that. Cersei armed the faith militant in return for a promise that they'd bag Loras for buggering men and ensnare the reigning queen when she came to her brother's defense.

Live by the puritan sword, die by the puritan sword. Insert more clichés here _________.

Thinking on it, Cersei is actually just as incompetent as Sansa when it comes to getting things done, but she doesn't even have naivete or lack of common sense as an excuse. She's crafty as hell, but sucks at it, given her results. To top it off, she at times wields a ton of power, so her fook ups have far reaching effects.

"Bugger" is probably one of my favorite English words. When I say it, I always have to explain it, but never fails to get a chuckle.
Aug 24, 2011
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My father-in-law is currently dating a twenty-something paraguayan. She is younger than my wife, his daughter. My wife is always worried that she is going to have a sister younger than our daughter.

Talk about creepy. Guy moved down to Paraguay after he retired where his not immoderate means (was a professor who cheaped his whole life) make him a wealthy man. And he is taking advantage of it.

Having lived with parent dating issues my adult life, I feel for your wife. That situation may be why God invented therapy.
Sep 2, 2011
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Thinking on it, Cersei is actually just as incompetent as Sansa when it comes to getting things done, but she doesn't even have naivete or lack of common sense as an excuse. She's crafty as hell, but sucks at it, given her results. To top it off, she at times wields a ton of power, so her fook ups have far reaching effects.

"Bugger" is probably one of my favorite English words. When I say it, I always have to explain it, but never fails to get a chuckle.

(1) Bugger is a great word. I am laughing now too.

(2) Cersei is by far the worst player in the Game of Thrones. In the books, Littlefinger tells Sansa that he has to accelerate his own schemes because the chaos he expected in the Kingdom under Cersei's rule developed about five years faster than he expected. She's that dumb. Even the smartest player in the game couldn't anticipate her stupidity.
Aug 24, 2011
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(2) Cersei is by far the worst player in the Game of Thrones. In the books, Littlefinger tells Sansa that he has to accelerate his own schemes because the chaos he expected in the Kingdom under Cersei's rule developed about five years faster than he expected. She's that dumb. Even the smartest player in the game couldn't anticipate her stupidity.

Cesei thinks that she is far more cunning than she is. She'd be better off going full-on ruthless animal a la Ramsey but instead she tries to show everyone how calculating she is . . .
Sep 2, 2011
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Cesei thinks that she is far more cunning than she is. She'd be better off going full-on ruthless animal a la Ramsey but instead she tries to show everyone how calculating she is . . .

It takes an extra kind of stupid to arm the faith militant to go after "sexual deviants" when you're f----king your brother, your kid king is the product of incestuous adultery, and you slept with your 16-year old cousin to induce use him to murder the past king and your husband. Or so it seems to me.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Don't ruin my fantasy.

Never been married. Half the guys I talk to say avoid like the plague (and they aren't all divorced either), while the other half say it's the best thing they've done with their life. So about 50/50 odds. In Vegas, that's the dream. But gambling with your sanity, your wealth, your sex-life, your free time, your future, etc? Damn, that's a coin flip we are talking about.

It would be a coin flip if you didn't get to choose. But you do, so the odds are much better than that if you use your brain. Choose wisely. I tend to find people who never get married and have kids often become pretty sad, pathetic, narcissistic characters.


Universal remote, put it down on docking station.
Aug 29, 2011
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It takes an extra kind of stupid to arm the faith militant to go after "sexual deviants" when you're f----king your brother, your kid king is the product of incestuous adultery, and you slept with your 16-year old cousin to induce use him to murder the past king and your husband. Or so it seems to me.

You hate Cersei. Got it.
I see a strong powerful woman who plays the game. She is no Sansa.
Sep 2, 2011
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You hate Cersei. Got it.
I see a strong powerful woman who plays the game. She is no Sansa.

No one hates Cersei more than GRRM. He goes out of his way to revive the characters of the King Slayer, the Hound, Theon---you name it. Almost everyone not named Cersei or Ramsay is given their time in the sympathy sun. Cersei is all b---- all the time, and the HBO version is barely better.


Universal remote, put it down on docking station.
Aug 29, 2011
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So the next EPIC GOT twist prediction?

Arya and Sansa's reunion wont be as sentimental as Sansa and Johns. She is going to stick Sansa with needle as Arya being the the conscience of the show and its viewers recognizes all the horrors Sansa caused. It was foreshadowed in S1E1 . it is known.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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So the next EPIC GOT twist prediction?

Arya and Sansa's reunion wont be as sentimental as Sansa and Johns. She is going to stick Sansa with needle as Arya being the the conscience of the show and its viewers recognizes all the horrors Sansa caused. It was foreshadowed in S1E1 . it is known.

Nah. Besides, Sophie wants Arya to stick her with something else (a tongue perhaps).

Here is my prediction, Arya dispatches the Waif and escapes. She sets her sight on her list, and comes for Walder Frey. That coincides with Walder's command to take Riverrun, and Cersei's direction to Jamie to take Riverrun as well. The death of Walder results in his troops aligning with or at least ignoring the Blackfish and defeat of the Lannisters.
Sep 2, 2011
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So the next EPIC GOT twist prediction?

Arya and Sansa's reunion wont be as sentimental as Sansa and Johns. She is going to stick Sansa with needle as Arya being the the conscience of the show and its viewers recognizes all the horrors Sansa caused. It was foreshadowed in S1E1 . it is known.

Watch the "conscience of the show" in action.

Much more effective than Jimminy Cricket.


Universal remote, put it down on docking station.
Aug 29, 2011
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Watch the "conscience of the show" in action.

Much more effective than Jimminy Cricket.

Aryas #revengetour 300 AC

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