Golden State equals "UCONN West" | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Golden State equals "UCONN West"

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Aug 25, 2011
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I think this is why message boards are great, pathetic dbags like you can sit in your own filth and toss personal insults. Just hop from thread to thread looking for someone to act like a dick to, at a time you got under my skin but now I just find it so entertaining (at your expense)

This made me laugh. Take a deep breath. Reschedule that anger management class you seem to have skipped.
Apr 1, 2013
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You might want to look and see who is getting nasty and calling people names here. BEMC was arguing with a post that stated, unequivocally, that LeBron is a coward. This is a nonsense opinion, and it deserves derision. If you post stupid things on the Internet, in a public forum such as this, you shouldn't be surprised when people disagree with you.

Typical. As the other poster said you make some valid points on other threads. Probably a ton. But on here - you read what you want to read. If you really think I said he is a coward now- please show me where I said it? Below in bold I never said he is a coward. Please see my last paragraph I said I loved how he said he was best in the world.

Let's not try to re-write other people's opinions to fit your own agenda. And if you want - I can start calling your opinion on this subject close-minded nonsense that wants-media-to-think-for-you etc too. Is that what you want to this board to turn too? How far do you want to go? I'll oblige you if you want to continue. Read below and please tell me where with this or my other posts where I said "He IS a coward. "

I;m giving him big-time kudos for what he IS now. Not the guy he WAS with Miami. Even Wade says he sees a different LBJ. Whyi is LBJ different? Why did LBJ allow himself to be a decoy on a playoff game with Heat when game was on the line the last seconds? Why did he fold so bad vs the Mavs? Why?


Thus it made me sick that the greatest player in the world was a coward. He was better than Kobe for a long time. He was best in NBA for many years. Stop being a coward and hiding behind Wade's skirt. His 1st year in Miami that is what I thought he exactly did. I want the greatest player in the world to act like one. ANd IMO he joined with Wade because he was scared and as mentioned I didn't think they were a good fit. For example, this year he did what he used to do in Cleveland years ago- he tried his best to take over. Now Just look at last year's NBA Finals - LBJ shot 57%. They couldn't stop him. Shot 52% from 3. Why the hell wasn't he taking more shots?

When he said "I'm the best player in the world"- I loved it. He is. I'll still root against him - but at least for me - he showed he didn't give a damn who he offended - unlike after his 1st year with Heat when he said after they lost or start of next season . . .
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Apr 1, 2013
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Would a young Shaq have dominated or influenced what we saw in the playoffs this year? Would mobile bigs like Parrish or Ewing resulted in more conventional offenses being successful?

I think so. Of course they'd need talented teammates. I wouldn't call Memphis among the best ever teams and they were up in the series with their pg coming back from being hurt and their elite defender going down/ was a shell of what he once was earlier in the series.
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Mar 15, 2014
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Its funny. I live in the Bay Area and watched a majority of the GS Warriors games this season. It was a dream season. They team played together. No egos, all about winning. Perfect chemistry and amazingly fun to watch. Not only because of their offense but also their defense. Everyone seems to forget that they were the number one ranked defensive team in the NBA.

As a UConn fan you had to love them. Played amazing defense, holding most teams to under 40 percent shooting all season. It was a joy to watch them switch off players and communicate on D. Draymond Green was a beast defending and could handle a player almost at every possession along with Iggy's great one man defensive ability. Klay Thompson was the defender on Harden most of the Rockets series and gave up his offensive skills to make sure he kept Harden in check. And Bogut when he played blocking shots even though most players thought they could get past him. And Barnes who played solid D and also made important shots all through the post season.

Then you had one of the most amazing benches ever. Iggy (who ended up being the MVP), Livingston who could play point and post up any of the smaller defenders he had, Mo Buckets Spreights who was instant offense, The Brazilian Blur, David Lee, a former All-Star who sacrificed his minutes for the team, Ezieli who could be a starting center on most other teams. You also had Justin Holiday and McAdoo way down the bench who contributed big time during the regular season. Such an amazing squad.

And, oh yeah, they have one of the most amazing shooters ever in Steph Curry.

It was an absolute joy watching them play and win as a team like all the great UConn championship teams. I soaked up the victory on Tuesday night and I'm going to enjoy watching the parade tomorrow!
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Apr 1, 2013
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Just thought I'd add a nice little article from Marc Stein. Only a week ago - one of the papers I was reading blasted us LBJ Haters. Of course in my "baseless" opinion- the writers from that paper and many, many others that love LBJ know of the below article - yet they'll do what they've always done, slam us haters and close their eyes of not wanting to read anything negative of their beloved.

As a basketball fan, for me, this guy is just so easy to hate and root against. And it becomes comical from media, to writers and to fans that always seem to offer up excuses for the guy while slamming us haters.
Aug 25, 2011
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Just thought I'd add a nice little article from Marc Stein. Only a week ago - one of the papers I was reading blasted us LBJ Haters. Of course in my "baseless" opinion- the writers from that paper and many, many others that love LBJ know of the below article - yet they'll do what they've always done, slam us haters and close their eyes of not wanting to read anything negative of their beloved.

As a basketball fan, for me, this guy is just so easy to hate and root against. And it becomes comical from media, to writers and to fans that always seem to offer up excuses for the guy while slamming us haters.

This is what you did in your other post. You invented a narrative and then commented on it. I know, I'm so mean.

The idea that Lebron is immune from criticism is hilarious. He is a magnet for criticism. You've either been asleep for the entirety of his career or you're making up something and then criticizing that thing you made up. Wow - just like you did before!


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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As a basketball fan, for me, this guy is just so easy to hate and root against. And it becomes comical from media, to writers and to fans that always seem to offer up excuses for the guy while slamming us haters.

What excuses do they need to make?

He's so far and away the best player on the planet that second place isn't even in a close orbit. He just carried a lottery-worthy roster into the Finals and managed two wins. You can count the number of guys who can do that with one finger.

Off the court, he's basically silent - he has a wife, kids and never causes even a hint of scandal.

There's a lot to hate - if you're a miserable screwball.
Apr 1, 2013
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This is what you did in your other post. You invented a narrative and then commented on it. I know, I'm so mean.

The idea that Lebron is immune from criticism is hilarious. He is a magnet for criticism. You've either been asleep for the entirety of his career or you're making up something and then criticizing that thing you made up. Wow - just like you did before!

What's comical is that you continue to read what you want to read, and bury your head in the sand with the rest. I clearly said I was reading an article from a aper I read slamming other LBJ Haters. How dare us haters hate a player they love. What we have here is over and over posters like you, the media such as the article I read, continue to live in your own fantsasy that LBJ doesn't get's treated with kid loves.

Why did he collapse vs the Mavs? We hear from posters like you and groupies like Colin Cowherd- nothing. Or we get such brilliant insight maybe coming from you such as "I don't know because I can't prove it." Okay nobody can offer an opinion unless you feel it has warrant to be proved in your own world.

Why did LBJ allow himself to be a decoy in last play out-of-bounds play vs the Pacers in the playoffs when he was clearly the best player in the world?

Why didn't he take more shots last year vs the Spurs in last year's finals when he was no doubt nearly unstoppable?

WHy do guys like Charles Barkley pretend it is okay for LBJ on the last play pas the ball to Udonis Haslem on a last second shot to Udonis Haslem who was shootng under 30% from 10-15 feet - yet whiy is it the haters get criticized by guys like Barkley instead of calling it like it is? He made a bad decision. But for those of us that criticize him in this instance, we get villified. So here's the play "and enjoy."

Keep burying your head in the sand every time he makes a mistake and listen to guys like Barkley, Colin Cowherd and below is an example of some dude from the media-- all don't want to criticize their beloved EVEN when he messes up. I'd be okay if he made would say yeah he made a bad play. But some of the bigger voices in media - they don't criticize this. Instead they vilify the opinion that he blundered. It's nonsense. Barklely ripped him for THE DECISION. After that he treated him with kid gloves just because he was/is the best. Who says you can't criticize the best player?

Or when Mike Francesa during last year's NBA final's - in 1st game or two maybe the 3rd- he's talking to Evan and Joe and to paraphrase he claimed the Spurs were deliberately keeping the ball away from LeBron as the Spurs ran their offense. Ohh GOD -- PLEASE JUST STOP IT!!

Yeah right. This is the same guy when comparing LBJ vs Jordan- he claimed "Jordan only guarded 2's." Sure we get it that LBJ has an ability to guard more-- but to make this comment that he only guarded 2''s? Heck- I hate Jordan too- BUT I can remember him guarding Magic in the Finals for the 1st half- then who did Mike F think Jordan was guarding in the 2nd half of the finals in 90-91? It was Vlade Divac- a center. And in game 3 or 4 Lakers were making a huge run- Magic was destroying Pippen, What happened? Jordan went back to guarding Magic, he slowed Magic down just enough, Bulls won.. And yet you have a prime time guy like Mike F - totally mis-characterizing Jordan and how the Bulls played while he was comparing him to LeBron. It is so transparent than some in the media despise people that criticize LBJ just as I told you about the paper I was reading specifically highlighted their disgust of LBJ Haters. It's so comical.

And how about Van Gundy on draft night after 2011 season Heat lost he was asked why did he think so many fans hated the Heat? His reply to paraphrase was "I don't know I can't understand it. They play BEAUTIFUL basketball." The OP spoke of "wanting to hurl." It still mke makes me want to hurl. C'mon I would watch some of their games and analysts such as Kerr and maybe even Van Gundy during the season would speak of how they play "isolation basketball" and they need to get more players involved. Why would Van Gundy say that when dthe season many of saw and heard this flaw of the Heat? Who did he think he was kidding? I don't expect an answer from you. Just more burying your head in the sand and pretending the media hasn't covered for LeBron James at times. For the record imo LBJ is the 5th greatest player in basketball history.
May 7, 2014
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Lookit you, man. You're writing small essays on this. You --and anyone who hates on anyone, let alone a professional athlete, let alone the greatest in the world at their respective sport-- need a life. Get a hobby and write about that. Read a book and write about that. Something more mentally stimulating than talking about another human who is just doing what they do, which ultimately does not actually affect you in the least (you're posting like it/they do).

Maybe you need a little break from the internet. You clearly have too much emotional going on over this and way too much unused mental energy.
Apr 1, 2013
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What excuses do they need to make?

He's so far and away the best player on the planet that second place isn't even in a close orbit. He just carried a lottery-worthy roster into the Finals and managed two wins. You can count the number of guys who can do that with one finger.

Off the court, he's basically silent - he has a wife, kids and never causes even a hint of scandal.

There's a lot to hate - if you're a miserable screwball.

I didn't say anything bad about this series or this playoffs did I in terms of his performance? Please provide the link or the statement where I mentioned this series and criticized him for it (other than the article posted) if that is what you are implying I said? I said he was the best, did I not? And I was sticking up for him when he said he was the best in the world. Others have criticized him - one hated it and another said he didn't care for it. I loved it. He IS the best and HAS BEEN for some time. So you and I are in agreement that we have no problem with his statement and the others that were either offended ro didn't care for it- you had no problem with it- just as I didn't either.

And can I ask you why you are bringing up stuff off the court? What did I say about his off-the-court stuff? You just wanted ot bring it up? Sure okay he is a super guy off the court- what he does for charity and families. God bless him. He is great for that.

I love to hate rivals in sports. Are you kidding me you don't have friends that are either Yank fans or Sox fans and they don't hate the other team? Celts fans vs Knicks fans when they were good? It's all in fun. It's great to be a fan(atic).
May 7, 2014
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This is the work of an unbalanced person.
Or just way too much underlying anger and unused mental effort. Not a good combination. This is what spawns conspiracy theorists.
Apr 1, 2013
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Lookit you, man. You're writing small essays on this. You --and anyone who hates on anyone, let alone a professional athlete, let alone the greatest in the world at their respective sport-- need a life. Get a hobby and write about that. Read a book and write about that. Something more mentally stimulating than talking about another human who is just doing what they do, which ultimately does not actually affect you in the least (you're posting like it/they do).

Maybe you need a little break from the internet. You clearly have too much emotional going on over this and way too much unused mental energy.

I've posted about 1400 posts and you've posted about 1800 or 1900.
Apr 1, 2013
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Now the insults fly from more people and I'm the bad guy. Unreal. I make a post that I hate LBJ.

I get insulted b y Mckrken
I get insulted by bruce
now I'm getting insulted more and I'm the unbalanced one. Unreal.
May 7, 2014
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Now the insults fly from more people and I'm the bad guy. Unreal. I make a post that I hate LBJ.

I get insulted b y Mckrken
I get insulted by bruce
now I'm getting insulted more and I'm the unbalanced one. Unreal.
The mere fact that you "hate" another human who you have never met and whose actions (should) have no affect on your personal life/emotions indicates you are, in fact, in some way unstable.]

You need a hobby.
Apr 1, 2013
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The mere fact that you "hate" another human who you have never met and whose actions (should) have no affect on your personal life/emotions indicates you are, in fact, in some way unstable.]

You need a hobby.

Hahahaha. Please spare me the whining about hate in sports and on a sports chatboard to boot. Some of you need a life- you get so super sensitive.
The fact you want to ram your personal beliefs then insult those that don't identify exactly to your beliefs as a fan that tells me a lot about your character. I have to be the exact type of fan you are. How pathetic.

If you are part of any Yanks/Celts rivalries or when Knicks and Celts were good their rivalries-- are you trying to say family, friends - anyone said they hated a player on the opposition-- then that qualifies them as unstable? Really?

I have no problem with people disagreeing with my posts- but people like into name-calling and deliberately ignoring the context of posts just shows the type of character you have.

Let me tell you something more-
I hate the NCAA for how they burned UCONN.
. I hate how the Big East Teams for not backing UCONN up- and allowing them to play in BET.
I hate a team like Boston College that is deliberately one of the top schools blcking us from getting into a P5 conference.
I hate how the NCAA so deliberately burns our current conference Such as the seeding 2 years ago - it was a disgrace where we were seeded.
I hate how NCAA burned SMU 2 years ago for not getting in and this past year hwo Temple should have gotten in.
I hate all the old Big East teams that burned us and formed the new conference. I wish none of them go beyond the 1st round of the NCAA.

But with all the hate - there is one bright spot in my life that I know to be true in all of this is that I really love you. C'mon give me a hug.

Don't worry I'm done with this thread. And your last post to me just as mind-boggling as your 1st post. Let's do each other a favor and ignore one another from this point, okay?
May 7, 2014
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Hahahaha. Please spare me the whining about hate in sports and on a sports chatboard to boot. Some of you need a life- you get so super sensitive.
The fact you want to ram your personal beliefs then insult those that don't identify exactly to your beliefs as a fan that tells me a lot about your character. I have to be the exact type of fan you are. How pathetic.

If you are part of any Yanks/Celts rivalries or when Knicks and Celts were good their rivalries-- are you trying to say family, friends - anyone said they hated a player on the opposition-- then that qualifies them as unstable? Really?

I have no problem with people disagreeing with my posts- but people like into name-calling and deliberately ignoring the context of posts just shows the type of character you have.

Let me tell you something more-
I hate the NCAA for how they burned UCONN.
. I hate how the Big East Teams for not backing UCONN up- and allowing them to play in BET.
I hate a team like Boston College that is deliberately one of the top schools blcking us from getting into a P5 conference.
I hate how the NCAA so deliberately burns our current conference Such as the seeding 2 years ago - it was a disgrace where we were seeded.
I hate how NCAA burned SMU 2 years ago for not getting in and this past year hwo Temple should have gotten in.
I hate all the old Big East teams that burned us and formed the new conference. I wish none of them go beyond the 1st round of the NCAA.

But with all the hate - there is one bright spot in my life that I know to be true in all of this is that I really love you. C'mon give me a hug.

Don't worry I'm done with this thread. And your last post to me just as mind-boggling as your 1st post. Let's do each other a favor and ignore one another from this point, okay?
Yeah if the point continues to sail this far over your head, there's no point continuing.
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