Please tell me you are joking? Please!!! You must be, to post something so uninformed, but it's not surprising coming from the vol nation. Your entire post is a complete mess of incorrect facts which I'm going to help you out with.
Let me address your incorrect comments regarding Pearl. Here's the article.
Pat Summit's words fuel fire. Technically you are correct that Summit never directly "said she had no problem with what Pearl did". However, she very clearly supported him. Here are some snippets from the article and her quotes exactly:
At SEC media day in Birmingham, Ala., Summitt was asked a general question about recruiting and ethics, and she responded, "I've never compromised at all, and I wouldn't. And if I did, they should fire me."
Many thought she was talking about Pearl and his huge scandal, but au contrere.
In an attempt to clear up matters, Summitt spoke with Jimmy Hyams of radio station WNML, explaining that she was very supportive of Pearl, that they were good friends, and that she did not intend her comment to impugn him. She said she wasn't even thinking of men's basketball when she made the remark.
Really? She didn't mean to impugn Pearl? In her own words, they are good friends and she was very supportive of him. Ok that's a direct contradiction to your comments, but wait! There's more!
The real problem, though, came with another remark she made to Hyams: "I didn't have Bruce Pearl on my mind. I probably had Connecticut on my mind. There's a reason we don't play them." Yep! She actually said that.
The article goes on to say "
In the spring of 2008, ESPN reporter Shelley Smith obtained, through a public records request, a letter that Tennessee had sent to the SEC in 2006 detailing concerns over potential recruiting violations by UConn. Among them was an arranged tour at ESPN headquarters for Moore -- now a UConn senior -- which the NCAA subsequently deemed a secondary violation by the Huskies. Nothing else has come from these allegations in terms of NCAA validation or a penalty.
This info that Shelly Smith obtained access to was mentioned by TonyC and myself in this very thread - it was a 37 page complaint (or maybe 34 pages I forget the exact number) that went on and on with alleged recruiting violations that ALSO dragged the Boneyard into it, specifically a poster still on our board (and I believe it also mentioned violations of hand made signs given to recruits by another poster on the BY). And that was just a small part of it. It was a concerted effort by Tennessee and Pat Summitt to take down Geno and UCONN and it blew up in her face.
So I addressed your Pearl comments. I addressed the humorous comment you made about Pat or Tennessee "needing to apologize" (because we know what they did was despicable). As for the "something happened with the recruitment of Maya Moore", well that "something" is the fact that she chose UCONN. End of story. If you think Geno did anything nefarious, I'd love to hear you verbalize it because I guarantee you it's fabricated. Oh, I know what Tennessee fans think he did. Geno simply does not work that way. He doesn't need to. He gets the best recruits because he is the best.
But as another poster said, if you tell a lie over and over and over and over again, eventually, thru osmosis, people will believe it's true. Sadly, believing lies is not the same as having facts. Oh, and another factoid - Pat was cited for more recruiting violations than Geno. File that under "things that make you go hmmm"...
So if you are going to come onto our board all high and mighty, at least get your facts straight.
Lastly, if you really think Geno needs to apologize to Pat for the "endless quips and jabs at CPS and the LV program", then get in line. Geno has a sarcastic dry sense of humor. He's been that way probably since birth. Just ask Duke fans. Know what he told Rebecca Lobo and Kara Wolters EVERY SINGLE DAY? That they were the worst post players in America. And he told them that for 4 years until after they graduated, then they walked on water. That's 10 times worse than anything he ever said in with his dry, Philly humor about Pat. So my answer to that is "get over it." He never stooped to the level that Pat did and to even compare the two situations (what Pat did and what Geno did) is insanity.