Maybe there isn't time, during a game thread, for a dissertation on the nuances of the 2-3 zone, but, frankly, mindless pissing in the pool isn't enlightening. I tend to agree with Ice & Rady: posting "negatives" isn't the problem. Posting negatives without substance or detail does tend to rub some folks fur the wrong way, myself included. I had no problem with folks watching last nights' game posting things about the excess turnovers, the poor execution, missed defensive assignments, etc., if they didn't include things along the line of "this kid can't play/start, about time they're on the bench, we can't beat a good (not great, merely good) high school team, why do we play such lousy opponents" etc. We all tend to use hyperbole at times, but, there's exaggeration to make a point, and then there's ludicrous falsehoods and personal attacks. You can point out the flaws, and complain about them, without resorting to personal attacks and flat-out lies.