Game of Thrones - Season 4 | The Boneyard

Game of Thrones - Season 4

Aug 24, 2011
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Simple thread rules.
  1. If you read the books? Leave them out of this thread.
  2. Try to use spoiler tags for deaths or big events.
Aug 24, 2011
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Things I liked:

  1. The Hound and Arya stole the episode. Arya crossed one off her list and I have the feeling more are coming.
  2. Any scene with Tywin Lannister is pure gold. The guy is a total sonofabtch.
  3. The dragons. Ahhh, they're getting so big.

Things I didn't like:

  1. A new Daario Naharis? I hate a recast.
  2. Jon Snow breaking every vow possible, then acting like he's better than The Watch.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Things I liked:

  1. [ ]The Hound and Arya stole the episode. Arya crossed one off her list and I have the feeling more are coming.
    [ ]Any scene with Tywin Lannister is pure gold. The guy is a total sonofabtch.
    [ ]The dragons. Ahhh, they're getting so big.

Things I didn't like:

  1. [ ]A new Daario Naharis? I hate a recast.
    [ ]Jon Snow breaking every vow possible, then acting like he's better than The Watch.

The Watch is a bunch of misfits anyway, so it is not hard for Snow to feel superior, and he was basically a double agent the whole time so it does justify it.

Get used to the recasts, because it is going to be very difficult to hold onto all the actors with a cast this big.

I like that the Tyrells are more prominent in the show than the book. Queen of Thorns is a great character, and certainly feels like one of the few remaining counterweights to Tywin.

I thought the scene with Arya and the Hound was perfect. These are two dead-enders with no place to go. Neither of them are too enthused about the Hound's plan to sell Arya to Lysa Arryn. They have nothing, and then they go into an inn and slaughter 5 Lannister's which they justify because they are Lannisters but the reality is that Arya and the Hound are just killers now.

A big theme throughout the show and the book is the difficult relationships between children and their parents, particularly their fathers. The Roose Bolton is a sociopath in a large part because of his father. Theon is in the predicament he was seeking his father's respect. Tyrion and Sansa are stuck together because of their fathers' actions.

The show opens with Tywin giving his son a tremendous gift of a sword made from Valyrian steel, but then demands that Jaime go to Casterly Rock, which Jaime doesn't want to do. Tywin mocks Jaime for being a glorified bodyguard. The show ends with Jaime realizing that the King he is protecting, who happens to be his own son, is a wretched little brat.
Aug 24, 2011
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A big theme throughout the show and the book is the difficult relationships between children and their parents, particularly their fathers. The Roose Bolton is a sociopath in a large part because of his father. Theon is in the predicament he was seeking his father's respect. Tyrion and Sansa are stuck together because of their fathers' actions.

The show opens with Tywin giving his son a tremendous gift of a sword made from Valyrian steel, but then demands that Jaime go to Casterly Rock, which Jaime doesn't want to do. Tywin mocks Jaime for being a glorified bodyguard. The show ends with Jaime realizing that the King he is protecting, who happens to be his own son, is a wretched little brat.

I thought Jamie was great in this episode. He can't wait to get back "home" only to find his father disowning him, his sister/lover now not interested in him and his bratty duckk of a incest-born son thinks he's an underachieving loser. The scene where he's having a talk with Brienne makes you think that she's actually his only friend there. Welcome back, Kingslayer!


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I meant to say Ramsey Snow's relationship with Roose Bolton made Ramsey a sociopath.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I thought Jamie was great in this episode. He can't wait to get back "home" only to find his father disowning him, his sister/lover now not interested in him and his bratty duckk of a incest-born son thinks he's an underachieving loser. The scene where he's having a talk with Brienne makes you think that she's actually his only friend there. Welcome back, Kingslayer!

One of the great things about the show is how the characters are so consistent. The Lannisters are just as awful with each other as they are with the rest of the world. Tywin only gave Tyrion any responsibility because he thought Jaime was lost for good. Jaime's quote about how Brienne may be a Lannister because like his family she has been a giant pain in his ass is a great one.

The Starks were the same. So righteous and holier than thou as they screw up time after time. I watched the last few episodes of Season 3 over the weekend to catch up, and there is a scene in the last episode of Season 3 where Walder Frey and Roose Bolton are having breakfast together that is basically a eulogy for the Starks. Roose Bolton's comment about Robb Stark was "he never listened to me". Renly said something similar about Ned in Season 1, when Renly was prepared to throw his and Loras', support behind Ned and Ned refused. Sending Theon back to the Iron Islands was a huge mistake. Capturing Tyrion and then taking him to wacky Lysa Arryn was a huge mistake. Arya is starting to shake loose of the strict moral code that plagues the rest of her family.
Aug 26, 2011
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What I like about the show is that all of the sides have good and bad going on.

The Lannisters are really interesting.

-Cersei is politically astute and ambitious, but since she is a woman she can't really take control.

-Jaime has all the potential in the world but lacks the drive and wants to be close to Cersei.

-Tyrion has the brains, the drive and ambition that Jaime lacks and a good sense of right and wrong, a remarkable knack for survival, can be as cunning as a Cobra but since he is dwarf he gets treated like a pariah.

-Tywinn has the money and power but can't get his children to do what he wants and thus is held back from consolidating the Lannister legacy.
Feb 4, 2012
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Tyrion would actually be a good king if people could get past his dwarfedness.
Sep 12, 2011
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I came in here to post about it... beat me to it but I have to say ABOUT TIME. You know some one did a good job as a character when even in real life if you see him you want to punch him in the face.
Nov 11, 2011
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Warning spoilers if you aren't caught up to the tv show.

It seems like the blame is going to be on placed on tirion but that just seems a bit silly given that anyone with a brain would be really dubious of tyrion killing joffrey(at least in such an obvious manner) and accusing tyrion would embarrass the lannisters. I can see why his sister blames him since she hates him but why would his father who seems like the real person in charge let tyrion take the fall? Or idk maybe the previews are misleading?

I have the sneaking suspicion that once this season is wrapped up a lot of people will die but we'll be more or less at the same place where we started .


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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There were not many people at that wedding that wouldn't be better off with him dying. Most importantly, he was the worst player of the Game of Thrones.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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If it helps explain what appears to be a transparent frame job, the reactions by the characters last night are consistent with the book. The book draws this scene out a bit more and there is more confusion, doubt as to what actually happened, but the outcomes to date are aligned fairly well, just hyper-condensed.
Aug 26, 2011
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I came in here to post about it... beat me to it but I have to say ABOUT TIME. You know some one did a good job as a character when even in real life if you see him you want to punch him in the face.

That guy will never live that character down!


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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The performance of the 5 dwarfs offended every person at a wedding where Joffrey was already very unpopular. If there was ever a time to decide "enough is enough", it was then. As was pointed out throughout the first two episodes of this year, and even the last couple of episodes of last year, EVERYONE was better off with Joffrey dead. Joffrey was a threat to everyone there, and he was a sociopath.

Most importantly, Joffrey committed the unforgivable sin of being a poor player at The Game of Thrones. The two quickest ways to die in The Game of Thrones is to become a major threat (Robb Stark, Renly) or to play the game poorly (Katlyn, Ned Stark). Joffrey did both.
Aug 24, 2011
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Two interesting things they showed during Bran's vision:

1) The room with the Iron Throne not having a roof any more and snow falling inside of it.
2) The shadow of the dragon's flying over King's Landing.

I have a feeling that the wedding last night wasn't the worst stuff that King's Landing will see in the near future.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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It is worth noting that with Joffrey's death, Ramsey Snow and the Slavers of Murreen are the only true "villains" left in the show. The Lannisters are very 3 dimensional characters, Roose Bolton does follow a certain logic, Littlefinger and Varys are just playing the game and making no apologies for doing so, and Daenerys, Stannis, the Martells, Tyrells and Greyjoys are simply contenders for the crown. In many ways, the Wildings are good guys, since they are trying to get help to fight the White Walkers. Daenerys is a heroine at times, although she has left a trail of wreckage behind her, the dragons are getting out of control, and I personally don't want her to win.
Aug 26, 2011
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Cersei is a villain in my book. Even if she is just playing the game. The things she has done were basically crimes against humanity. The older Clegane brother who we haven't seen in a while is one.

The thing that is intriguing about this story is that all of the sides have "good" and "bad". What is troubling and ungratifying is that evil always seems to win or at least has an easier path to victory. I get the same dreadfull feeling watching this show as I did watching "No Country For Old Men".
Aug 26, 2011
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Two interesting things they showed during Bran's vision:

1) The room with the Iron Throne not having a roof any more and snow falling inside of it.
2) The shadow of the dragon's flying over King's Landing.

I have a feeling that the wedding last night wasn't the worst stuff that King's Landing will see in the near future.

This episode needs a second viewing for sure.
Feb 4, 2012
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It is worth noting that with Joffrey's death, Ramsey Snow and the Slavers of Murreen are the only true "villains" left in the show. The Lannisters are very 3 dimensional characters, Roose Bolton does follow a certain logic, Littlefinger and Varys are just playing the game and making no apologies for doing so, and Daenerys, Stannis, the Martells, Tyrells and Greyjoys are simply contenders for the crown. In many ways, the Wildings are good guys, since they are trying to get help to fight the White Walkers. Daenerys is a heroine at times, although she has left a trail of wreckage behind her, the dragons are getting out of control, and I personally don't want her to win.

One thing with Daenarys too that the show isn't hitting on - in the books there is the major question of if Daenarys has the "mad gene" that her father did. The books goes to pains to describe how the madness in the family will skip generations, so while the books present Daenarys as a thoughtful and somewhat benevolent Queen type of figure, in the back of the readers mind (and in the back of the characters mind too) there's the question of if Daenarys will become as stark raving mad as Mad King Aerys
Sep 12, 2011
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Two interesting things they showed during Bran's vision:

1) The room with the Iron Throne not having a roof any more and snow falling inside of it.
2) The shadow of the dragon's flying over King's Landing.

I have a feeling that the wedding last night wasn't the worst stuff that King's Landing will see in the near future.

If you think about back when the "mother of dragons" had her dragons taken from her by that magician (I think he was a magician?) one of the illusions I believe showed the same scenery (throne room with snow falling in) I could be mistaken but it felt quite similar to me.

@Zoo I believe the actor said he was quitting acting after GoT. Can't blame him, people probably hate him. Although he is a great actor.


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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partial said:
Warning spoilers if you aren't caught up to the tv show. It seems like the blame is going to be on placed on tirion but that just seems a bit silly given that anyone with a brain would be really dubious of tyrion killing joffrey(at least in such an obvious manner) and accusing tyrion would embarrass the lannisters. I can see why his sister blames him since she hates him but why would his father who seems like the real person in charge let tyrion take the fall? Or idk maybe the previews are misleading? I have the sneaking suspicion that once this season is wrapped up a lot of people will die but we'll be more or less at the same place where we started .

Actually they definitively showed who did Joffrey in on the episode last night but it was subtle and I was only watching for it because of the book, so I won't say here. In the book it is way more ambiguous and hasn't been stated for sure, but in the show last night they made it clear.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I had a hunch one of the Lannisters would meet their end, and then Tim Fontenault retweeted a King Joffrey twitter account that pretty much gave away the surprise. What can you do...

Anyway... I think I need to brush up on the Tygarion family lineage.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Actually they definitively showed who did Joffrey in on the episode last night but it was subtle and I was only watching for it because of the book, so I won't say here. In the book it is way more ambiguous and hasn't been stated for sure, but in the show last night they made it clear.

Really? I have read all 5 books and it is still not clear to me exactly what happened at the Purple Wedding.

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