Fuller: Geno's take on the Marcus Smart incident at Texas Tech | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Fuller: Geno's take on the Marcus Smart incident at Texas Tech

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Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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- After an incident where RU student / fans were insulting to players of another team (a service academy, which took it to a different level), our then head coach, Greg Schiano, came out very strongly about insulting student athletes, commenting that coaches are (well) paid to take the abuse, and if you had to be abusive, boo the coach, not the athletes.

the coach isnt some poor black kid from the city who's mom and/or pops hasnt been around since the kid was 5... so sometimes its easier for the million dollar coach to shake it off but a player not so much. some comments really strike a nerve and the chanter knows this.

react and deal with the consequences later (shrugs)

btw there's name calling/insults on message boards by some but of course they wouldnt say it to the other's face.

lets be kind to one another and stop hurling insults because you never know how someone will react!
Aug 27, 2011
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Let's be clear here. Has it been definitively established that Orr used the racial slur? If so then ban him forever . He deserves every rotten thing said about him. But I haven't seen it corroborated by other people near the incident. Not that there aren't any number of other miserable things he could have said. It would seem from all estimates of Smart's personality that the fan's remark would have to have been extreme for him to react in such a way.

All evidence suggests that Orr did not use any racial slurs. Still no excuse for what he said - but Smart's actions were still wrong and he deserved the suspension. Had he been an NBA player, he would be sitting for a month.
Aug 26, 2011
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I guess my question to Geno would be is it alright for the students to have a chant of "You suck" to a player or referee then? Or according to all of you we reprimand all of the students?

Sorry, calling a player a "piece of crap" is pretty immature I agree but compared to what some of the chants are at other schools, you can't do anything to this guy!


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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I would venture to guess that no player in college basketball was called worse than what BG was called, and did you see her hitting anyone? Oh, wait...


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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TTU has tolerated this behavior from their fans for many years. I'm really surprised that this is the first incident of its kind there.
It's not really the first incident of its kind, though in the 2010 BB incident with Orr at TT against Texas A&M, his crappy behavior was at more of a distance and didn't provoke physical action. But what if he had given the T A&M player the same gestures in his face from a foot away back then? Would there have been an incident? If anything from the tape of the 2010 incident, he seemed even more over the top back then.

How do you describe someone like Orr? Well, at TTech he's known as a "superfan," the kind who travels thousands of miles each year following the football and basketball teams and screaming his big lungs out for his team and emptying his back passage toward the opponent. He gets profiled on the university web sites, and the coaches laud him saying, "We can always count on Jeff." And of course they can. They know he's there behind the basket abusing the visiting players and working the home advantage and doing his obscenely creative best to get to the other team's best players. Until the shove, the school had never indicated it found any of his past behavior "unacceptable." And I'm sure he's a hero to TTech fans because he can provoke the other team's stars into suspensions because he's a well-placed superfan who can say anything he wants and the BB players are just NCAA lackeys who are all very well paid to take the abuse and turn the other cheek.

What nobody wants to get into about all this is the racial dynamics. Whatever, accept that he didn't sneak in any n-words under his breath after the more clearly heard "piece of crap" stuff. Still, you have the big fat white doofus hurling invective at players who are mainly all tall and black (okay, Orr probably did yell something like "You little white POS" at OK St's Phil Forte). If the solution to all this is just the same-old namby-pamby "They're college athletes and they have to be ready to be abused on the court and if they do react maybe they should even face criminal charges," then maybe the NCAA really should be paying the athletes for hardship duty, as there will be more of these incidents in the future. Sure, the generally directed "Visiting U succccks!" chants will continue to rain down from the student sections for any school that has a pulse, but until schools get proactive about enforcing conduct standards in the volatile sections of the arena, we're in for more shoving matches and some ugly questions about racial issues to follow.



Dislikes Notur-Daim
Feb 26, 2012
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My brother is gay and been called every nasty name in the book, equally as bad as any demeaning ethnic insult you can think of, and he's never punched anyone because of it. Would he be justified? Probably. But there are consequences for laying your hands on someone in an offensive manner. It sucks, but it's the law.

True that!.... even though Orr is an idiot, he could sue Smart and Okla St because he was physically assaulted ...and you know what...he would win.
Simply put... you can't put your hands on people.....ever. It doesn't matter what pressure Smart is under or how obnoxious fans can be. Because Smart placed his university and himself at risk legally, he probably should have received more that the 3 game suspension. IMO........


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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It's not really the first incident of its kind, though in the 2010 BB incident with Orr at TT against Texas A&M, his crappy behavior was at more of a distance and didn't provoke physical action. But what if he had given the T A&M player the same gestures in his face from a foot away back then? Would there have been an incident? If anything from the tape of the 2010 incident, he seemed even more over the top back then.

How do you describe someone like Orr? Well, at TTech he's known as a "superfan," the kind who travels thousands of miles each year following the football and basketball teams and screaming his big lungs out for his team and emptying his back passage toward the opponent. He gets profiled on the university web sites, and the coaches laud him saying, "We can always count on Jeff." And of course they can. They know he's there behind the basket abusing the visiting players and working the home advantage and doing his obscenely creative best to get to the other team's best players. Until the shove, the school had never indicated it found any of his past behavior "unacceptable." And I'm sure he's a hero to TTech fans because he can provoke the other team's stars into suspensions because he's a well-placed superfan who can say anything he wants and the BB players are just NCAA lackeys who are all very well paid to take the abuse and turn the other cheek.

What nobody wants to get into about all this is the racial dynamics. Whatever, accept that he didn't sneak in any n-words under his breath after the more clearly heard "piece of crap" stuff. Still, you have the big fat white doofus hurling invective at players who are mainly all tall and black (okay, Orr probably did yell something like "You little white POS" at OK St's Phil Forte). If the solution to all this is just the same-old namby-pamby "They're college athletes and they have to be ready to be abused on the court and if they do react maybe they should even face criminal charges," then maybe the NCAA really should be paying the athletes for hardship duty, as there will be more of these incidents in the future. Sure, the generally directed "Visiting U succccks!" chants will continue to rain down from the student sections for any school that has a pulse, but until schools get proactive about enforcing conduct standards in the volatile sections of the arena, we're in for more shoving matches and some ugly questions about racial issues to follow.

Well said DR- excellent


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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True that!.... even though Orr is an idiot, he could sue Smart and Okla St because he was physically assaulted ...and you know what...he would win.
Simply put... you can't put your hands on people.....ever. It doesn't matter what pressure Smart is under or how obnoxious fans can be. Because Smart placed his university and himself at risk legally, he probably should have received more that the 3 game suspension. IMO...
Then Smart turns around and sues the university for allowing a guy with a history of harassment of players into games. They are both wrong. Both should should be accountable for their part in the incident.
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