No, UConn is a unique add. UConn brings its Big East history, its National Championships, its conference championships, its NYC presence, and its MSG crowds.
Without UConn, the Big East Tournament is the best conference tournament, the best attended, the toughest ticket, and the best venue. Without UConn the BET has thrived. Now overlay the UConn program on top of that success. We just increased demand on a sold out event. Great for MSG, great for Fox, great for the conference.
No other program brings this value.
The BE could have added Dayton and triggered an automatic plus up clause so nobody gets diluted. I think UConn uniquely adds value and triggers a Fox amended deal. The Big East has been a Top 3 conference without UConn, we extended our MSG contract, and now UConn is Home. All of those support Fox wanting to extend the term, and the conference being able to realize more cash for its increased value.