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Fair Weather? I don't give an

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Sep 3, 2011
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The stadium argument is silly. It's only people stuck in the past that would care how big a stadium is. There is a reason why professional teams across sports keep moving into smaller stadiums.

So high school blue chippers are actually more impressed with tiny Rentschler than say a stadium like North Carolina or South Carolina or Virginia? In NFL bottom feeders get better draft positions (and players generally have to go where they are selected). In college, the rich get richer. Stadium size does matter.
Aug 26, 2011
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Cincy's in the same position as UConn and what are they doing? 86 million on stadium renovation (expansion). And funny they don't seem to be hesitant that there were empty seats at today's game. Louisville did the same. UConn? Not so much.

Like others have said. That would be spending to spend. If that's the best you got, you got nothing. I would rather we spend big on a coach. Put a 5 million dollar clause in there, if he leads us to success to get into a P5 conference. The stadium thing, while I wouldn't mind it doesn't mean shat if you don't improve the product on the field by leaps and bounds from where we are today. That is going to take the anti P to get it done.
Aug 26, 2011
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So high school blue chippers are actually more impressed with tiny Rentschler than say a stadium like North Carolina or South Carolina or Virginia? In NFL bottom feeders get better draft positions (and players generally have to go where they are selected). In college, the rich get richer. Stadium size does matter.

It will 10-15k, additional empty seats. Have to worry about the product on the field first and foremost.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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So high school blue chippers are actually more impressed with tiny Rentschler than say a stadium like North Carolina or South Carolina or Virginia? In NFL bottom feeders get better draft positions (and players generally have to go where they are selected). In college, the rich get richer. Stadium size does matter.

I was referring to conference realignment.


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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So high school blue chippers are actually more impressed with tiny Rentschler than say a stadium like North Carolina or South Carolina or Virginia?

Those stadiums are usually filled and loud. You think a recruit is gonna hear that Cincy did this upgrade and then they go to a game and see the stadium half full and is gonna be blown away by that? Riiiight....that's exactly what would happen to any recruit to came to a 55K Rentschler field should we expand that. You'd see a half full stadium.

To me, commitment to you football team is paying a higher fee for the right coach and improving the product on the field. Do that, and everything else will fall in place, including recruits and conference realignment.
Aug 27, 2011
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Yeah, but back then UConn's hoop team was a member of one of the nation's premier basketball conferences. Calhoun could (and did, by his own admission) recruit the conference to get "not-quite-ready-for-prime-time-players". The Big East was Calhoun's best asset Soon he was getting his share of the best of the best and the rest was history.

Today, UConn is in a crap conference that will become a MAC/Conference USA, irrelevant conference in football and hoops. The future in College sports is with the Power 5 conference.
Yeah...and back then there were people calling for us to get out of the BE because we would never be able to compete with those teams.


Mora excited than before.
Sep 6, 2011
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Tim, Max and Deshon made what I paid for yesterday's game a great value.
Aug 27, 2011
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There are expansion plans filed at the DOT for expansion already that are approved just awaiting funding to go forward (expansion is in the 60's...either 62k or 65k). A friend of mine works in the State office that oversees state funded building projects and has had his hands on actual plans. If we really wanted to do some smoke and mirrors expansion we can shrink the size of each bleacher seat to the size used in every big college stadium in the country to a postage stamp. That should give us around 50,000 give or take without putting a shovel into the ground.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm done. When the team( coaches and players)decides to start showing up then I'll show up. Not another dime from my pocket. I demand quality in anything I pay a premium for.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Well, that was embarrassing.......

I agree. I thought long and hard about this last night after seeing this thread. I came up with the analogy that defines this thread (and many of the differences between posters on the BY).

1) Some treat their support for the University of Connecticut as a transaction. I pay you this...you give me that.
2) Others treat their support for the University of Connecticut as a marriage. For better or for worse...in sickness and in health.

Cody J is clearly the former. I'm clearly the latter. UConn and I are in a very very long-term relationship. I will not leave her, just because she was suffering from a cancer for the last couple of years. We have removed the tumor, and we are going through the chemo. She's gonna recover. And even if she doesn't, I still love her. I'm not leaving her. And I don't give an ef what people think about that, either...
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree. I thought long and hard about this last night after seeing this thread. I came up with the analogy that defines this thread (and many of the differences between posters on the BY).

1) Some treat their support for the University of Connecticut as a transaction. I pay you this...you give me that.
2) Others treat their support for the University of Connecticut as a marriage. For better or for worse...in sickness and in health.

Cody J is clearly the former. I'm clearly the latter. UConn and I are in a very very long-term relationship. I will not leave her, just because she was suffering from a cancer for the last couple of years. We have removed the tumor, and we are going through the chemo. She's gonna recover. And even if she doesn't, I still love her. I'm not leaving her. And I don't give an ef what people think about that, either...

I'm with you, but expectations are good. I hated when Edsall publicly said UConn fans had no right to have expectations, because there was no history. When there are no expectations you play in an empty stadium, and the coach doesn't get to make seven figures.

That said, Ward heard the fanbase, and fired the cause. From here on out we are playing out the string until the new coach comes in. If Ward kept P this year and next, I could understand the OP and its frustration, but action has been taken. Going forward, I want to see players play hard and develop. I think a lot of the current players are going to be in for a rude awakening when the new coach comes in and calls some of them out for their effort.
Aug 26, 2011
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Grew up in a UCONN family. My kids cut their teeth at Memorial Stadium when they were toddlers. (My daughter thought that Wilbur Gilliard was a god). When my eldest son was applying to colleges he asked the question. "But Dad, how can I go to College B when I'm a UCONN fan?" He's now a UConn alumnus (2010) & enrolled at UCONN Law school. National Flag Blue runs in my family's veins.
Cody B. should be ashamed.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Grew up in a UCONN family. My kids cut their teeth at Memorial Stadium when they were toddlers. (My daughter thought that Wilbur Gilliard was a god). When my eldest son was applying to colleges he asked the question. "But Dad, how can I go to College B when I'm a UCONN fan?" He's now a UConn alumnus (2010) & enrolled at UCONN Law school. National Flag Blue runs in my family's veins.
Cody B. should be ashamed.

By the way, Gilliard WAS a god!!! ;)
Sep 3, 2011
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Those stadiums are usually filled and loud. You think a recruit is gonna hear that Cincy did this upgrade and then they go to a game and see the stadium half full and is gonna be blown away by that? Riiiight....that's exactly what would happen to any recruit to came to a 55K Rentschler field should we expand that. You'd see a half full stadium.

To me, commitment to you football team is paying a higher fee for the right coach and improving the product on the field. Do that, and everything else will fall in place, including recruits and conference realignment.

So recruits only see the stadium on game day during the season. Recruits are entertained - and shown an empty stadium throughout the year. Big time recruits don't wanna see tiny stadiums.
Aug 27, 2011
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So recruits only see the stadium on game day during the season. Recruits are entertained - and shown an empty stadium throughout the year. Big time recruits don't wanna see tiny stadiums.
They also don't want to see outdoor practice facilities and small weight rooms, small locker rooms and small lounges and no dedicated dining area.
Sep 1, 2011
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Remember how sweet those first BE wins over GTwon, Cuse, and StJ's were after Calhoun replaced Perno? We have to have faith that Warde's hire makes it feel like that!
Except the wins will be against Temple, Tulane and SMU
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm done. When the team( coaches and players)decides to start showing up then I'll show up. Not another dime from my pocket. I demand quality in anything I pay a premium for.
Later, slug.
Aug 30, 2011
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Realistically, how does the consumer show displeasure with any product? If a product, like sports, has been paid for in advance, the consumer has one option. Embarrassing the provider with large blocks of empty seats and lousy TV ratings. Believe me. It works. The best example is the NY Giants/Wellington Mara reaction after the NY media coined the term "no show" to describe Giant's season ticket holders. The Parcels' era followed. Blind loyalty is dangerous. It creates PP/GDL relationships. If the consumer doesn't insist on a quality UCONN FB product, the consumer deserves what it receives.
Aug 26, 2011
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If they hadn't already fired P staying home to make a point might make sense.

Where UConn is right now the best statement the fanbase can make is we show up even when the team is 0-8, 1-9, 1-10....
Pretty much echoes my thoughts. Ward took action. Were just taking our lumps right now.
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