Yes sir!!! Geno and staff have been hosting potential recruits for decades. They know what they are doing, and exactly how to appeal to a recruit and her parent's sensibilities and desires. UConn can't compete with campuses in an urban location, nor those in warm climates. UConn's facilities are not state of the art, but they are (I would imagine) comparable with that of most other top ranked D-1 programs. What does set UConn apart from all of the other programs is the staff and the legacy.
Let's not forget the adage:
A good indication of future behavior is past behavior. Any program can win a single championship. How many win championships on a continuing basis? THAT'S the program I would be interested in taking a very close look at. Why? They are doing something there, that the other programs aren't. Since they continue to win with different players, it must be the system. Also, with UConn, there's usually no drop off when their best player leaves. After the BIG 3 left, UConn was 1 basket or 1 free throw in regulation from playing in the championship game. Players come and go, but yet, UConn continues to win, and very seldom lose. Not to mention their graduation rate is 100% and they are highly coveted by
every team in the WNBA during the league draft and beyond.
If winning championships are important, note the last time the UCLA women won one. If coaches are important, note how many NC's
Cori Close has won. This is not a hard choice here. If she wants 75 degrees and sunny, and to be within 4 miles of the Santa Monica beach, Direct flights to Australia from LAX airport, Live in a very popular upscale community, attend a well known and respected institution of higher learning, then UCLA is the place for her. If she wants to experience the exhilaration of winning national champions, be coached and molded into the best player she can be, while receiving a high quality education that will serve her well any where in the world, then the choice is clear. Depending on what Magbegor wants, the choice is Ezi. Something to think about.