Don't Fret about UConn Transfers | The Boneyard

Don't Fret about UConn Transfers

Oct 19, 2016
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While pondering the state of our dear UConn Huskies, it dawned on me that in the last 20 years there has not been one player who suited up and played at least one regular season game (meaning no EDD) for Geno, who after she transferred became an AA (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or HM) at her new school. Even a very good player, such as Kennitra Johnson, who played significant minutes in her last year, who transferred after the "01 season to Purdue and then finished her career at S. Indiana, never became an AA. The next best player who transferred IMO was Samari Walker, who transferred to Kentucky half way through her freshman year. Michala Johnson played well at Wisconsin (school's career field goal percentage leader) and I believe may have won some B-10 Conference award, but did not even garner a third team AA award.

I am sure I am missing a few, but the rest of the transfers are as follows, in no particular order: Lauren Englien, Sadie Edwards, Courtney Ekmark, Brianna Banks, De'Janae Boykins, Andra Espinoza-Hunter, and Lexi Gordon. Espinoza-Hunter and Gordon are still playing, as is Ekmark, so there is a chance one of them may still do so. If I had to guess, I would bet on Espinoza-Hunter after she becomes a starter.

The point I am making is, even though we may bemoan when the inevitable transfer happens, regardless of the reason for the transfer, UConn has NEVER lost an impact player to transfer in the last 20 years. We never lost a player such as Lexi Brown or a Destiny Slocum (sorry MD fans). The closest to an impact player I believe we lost was Kennitra Johnson because she was a very good backup for SB, very athletic and scored enough. Of the remaining players who transferred, none prevented UConn from even missing a beat to winning a NC or going to a FF.

As much as I love the players when they are at UConn, if one decides to transfer, it is usually for the good of the team and the player. Now do we lose depth when a player decides to transfer, in some cases, yes, but overall the better players tend to stay at UConn and develop into pro prospects or better players. So I wish Lexi Gordon well at TT, but UConn Nation should be secure in knowing that the remaining players we have are quite capable of winning No. 12. That said, I do hope we can GET a transfer or two (preferably post players) for next year!
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Aug 27, 2011
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I think it may hurt the team as afar as practises go. The team loses depth. These may have become contributers in their junior or senior year.
Also, bonds broken between players; hard to measure.
May also hurt recruiting; I don't know.
Jan 26, 2016
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it hurts because for every player that transfers, there was another player UConn could have recruited instead.......................the bench is two players short this year and next due to those transfers unless Geno fills up the bench next year which is highly unlikely.....................recruiting is the lifeblood of the program....................every player recruited should bring something to the team.......
Oct 19, 2016
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it hurts because for every player that transfers, there was another player UConn could have recruited instead........the bench is two players short this year and next due to those transfers unless Geno fills up the bench next year which is highly unlikely......recruiting is the lifeblood of the program.....every player recruited should bring something to the team..
I agree to an extent, but that is the life of any competitive environment. For example, some people are recruited to a company based on what the company believes the employee brings to the table, only to discover the employee, while possessing good skills, does not fit in with the culture. For the time the employee is there she takes up the place of another employee who would have been a better fit. The biggest difference between the two is that a company can usually replace a departed employee quicker than a school, which typically has to wait until the next school year.

I hope we can have a 3-4 player recruiting class for ‘20, but we will need at least one more player for the fall. I have never seen Geno only have nine players on scholarship. We surely will be operating on a rather thin margin of error next season.
Jan 26, 2016
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I agree to an extent, but that is the life of any competitive environment. For example, some people are recruited to a company based on what the company believes the employee brings to the table, only to discover the employee, while possessing good skills, does not fit in with the culture. For the time the employee is there she takes up the place of another employee who would have been a better fit. The biggest difference between the two is that a company can usually replace a departed employee quicker than a school, which typically has to wait until the next school year.

I hope we can have a 3-4 player recruiting class for ‘20, but we will need at least one more player for the fall. I have never seen Geno only have nine players on scholarship. We surely will be operating on a rather thin margin of error next season.

recruiting is certainly an inexact science but when a program doesn't historically operate with a long bench to begin with, every player lost can be a big I've stated before and as Geno mentioned in that piece, UConn has very limited scoring coming off the bench.......................I'm sure it was anticipated that AEH and LG would be those scorers, so instead you have nobody to break a zone or simply provide some punch for a few minutes..............I have no idea where the scoring provided by KLS and NC will be replaced next season..................hopefully ONO, Coombs and Griffin can increase their scoring along with the current remaining starters..............unless there's a great player who is some how able to transfer without sitting out next season, I don't anticipate a savior to make the team whole after a disappointing recruiting season is certainly going to be an interesting scramble...............
Oct 19, 2016
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recruiting is certainly an inexact science but when a program doesn't historically operate with a long bench to begin with, every player lost can be a big I've stated before and as Geno mentioned in that piece, UConn has very limited scoring coming off the bench........I'm sure it was anticipated that AEH and LG would be those scorers, so instead you have nobody to break a zone or simply provide some punch for a few minutes....I have no idea where the scoring provided by KLS and NC will be replaced next season...hopefully ONO, Coombs and Griffin can increase their scoring along with the current remaining starters....unless there's a great player who is some how able to transfer without sitting out next season, I don't anticipate a savior to make the team whole after a disappointing recruiting season is certainly going to be an interesting scramble.....
Hopefully, Geno can find a gem or two from overseas like Fernandez does for USF! It’s been a while since we had a foreign player outside of North America. A quality grad transfer will help too.
Jan 26, 2016
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Hopefully, Geno can find a gem or two from overseas like Fernandez does for USF! It’s been a while since we had a foreign player outside of North America. A quality grad transfer will help too.

the problem would be to incorporate a graduate transfer or overseas student into the UConn style of we've seen so many times, learning how to play within the system takes time........................for some that means like three full seasons!!! I would view any new player as more of an insurance policy rather then a major contributor but believe me, I'd love to be proven wrong


Aug 24, 2011
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it hurts because for every player that transfers, there was another player UConn could have recruited instead........the bench is two players short this year and next due to those transfers unless Geno fills up the bench next year which is highly unlikely......recruiting is the lifeblood of the program.....every player recruited should bring something to the team..
Don't be so sure about not filling up the bench. I'm betting he's looking at multiple foreign kids and will also look hard at graduate as well as regular transfers for next season. Probably even JUCO's...

Your point about kids taking time to acclimate is well taken, but Stevens basically only played 1 season at UCONN (coaches said they did little coaching of her the season she sat out) so it's not impossible for a graduate transfer to have an impact and fit in. I think Anriel Howard would have fit in nicely this season as would Danni Williams.
Jan 26, 2016
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Don't be so sure about not filling up the bench. I'm betting he's looking at multiple foreign kids and will also look hard at graduate as well as regular transfers for next season. Probably even JUCO's...

Your point about kids taking time to acclimate is well taken, but Stevens basically only played 1 season at UCONN (coaches said they did little coaching of her the season she sat out) so it's not impossible for a graduate transfer to have an impact and fit in. I think Anriel Howard would have fit in nicely this season as would Danni Williams.

doesn't make sense to fill up the bench with lesser players unless they are playing for one year and in that case he only needs a couple..........................the 2020 class should be a minimum of three and perhaps even four if Geno actually offers enough recruits but who the heck knows anymore................


hopeless West Coast homer
Feb 16, 2017
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(coaches said they did little coaching of her the season she sat out)

I've heard that several times on this board. I don't understand. A RS year can be used to great effect. Why completely waste it?


Snark is always appreciated!
Nov 10, 2016
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Hopefully, Geno can find a gem or two from overseas like Fernandez does for USF! It’s been a while since we had a foreign player outside of North America. A quality grad transfer will help too.
Huh? Fernandez has had 1 Player from overseas that was a “gem”-Laksa, that’s it!
Even though he’s recruited at least 20+, I am not convinced any others would contribute at a level required, heck, even Laksa would struggle having to work on defense.
Our better shot is down under or the grad transfer. I think Geno may actually have a plan we are unaware of.
Aug 26, 2011
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I've heard that several times on this board. I don't understand. A RS year can be used to great effect. Why completely waste it?
Maybe they expected her to pay attention.


Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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Huh? Fernandez has had 1 Player from overseas that was a “gem”-Laksa, that’s it!
Even though he’s recruited at least 20+, I am not convinced any others would contribute at a level required, heck, even Laksa would struggle having to work on defense.
Our better shot is down under or the grad transfer. I think Geno may actually have a plan we are unaware of.
I would think a grad transfer would be a better deal than a Juco that someone mentioned above. Juco's can be very problematical, and to play at the level expected at UConn, tough to see.

That said, are there really a lot of prospective grad transfers - who have in theory been 4 years with a school / program - who could instantly fit into the UConn program and mold? I'm doubtful, but it is certainly a possibility.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Huh? Fernandez has had 1 Player from overseas that was a “gem”-Laksa, that’s it!
Even though he’s recruited at least 20+, I am not convinced any others would contribute at a level required, heck, even Laksa would struggle having to work on defense.
Our better shot is down under or the grad transfer. I think Geno may actually have a plan we are unaware of.
Ferreira is from Portugal. Maria Jesperson, an AA All American HM who graduated last year is from Denmark.
Oct 19, 2016
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Huh? Fernandez has had 1 Player from overseas that was a “gem”-Laksa, that’s it!
Even though he’s recruited at least 20+, I am not convinced any others would contribute at a level required, heck, even Laksa would struggle having to work on defense.
Our better shot is down under or the grad transfer. I think Geno may actually have a plan we are unaware of.
Perhaps your definition of a “gem” differs from mine, but, regardless, Fernandez has had success bringing in good foreign players. Aside from Laksa, who is by far his best foreign recruit to date, he also recruited Laura Ferreira, Maria Jespersen, and Laia Flores, who all play or played well for him. Tell me you wouldn’t want Jespersen to play the 5, allowing Pheesa to play the 4, or Flores backing up Crystal Dangerfield over who we have now?!
Feb 3, 2018
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I think the interesting aspect to look at here is the recruiting process itself, not so much the players. We are talking about the most successful women's basketball program in history.
This year's team has 3 players nominated to the Wooden award, a top recruit from 2 year's ago, and the number 1 recruit in the nation last year. I think the question to examine is what comes next?
Can UConn fill the roster with more HS All-Americans? As WCBB improves, the talent naturally spreads out. It's not a knock on UConn or Geno that everyone doesn't come to UConn. Maybe it is already happening, but I think Geno has to recruit by position, including the role players. I think Kyla is an example of that. I like her, I think she contributes. I think Olivia is a good recruit! She will get stronger and be a top WCBB player. 100%. Mikayla has physical talent, especially defensively, that can help this team. You do not need 5 scorers on the floor at one time.
I'll finish my ramblings: not worried at all about the transfers. They were not going to contribute to a NC. I think the staff should recruit to specific positions, even players 6-10. Recruit role players. Ex. Marcus Smart for the Celtics- undersized, a tweener 1, 2, 3 man, poor shooter. All he does is spark the team, make hustle plays, and win. Kelly Ferris type.
BTW (not to be negative) we should have a center. Someone 6'4 or taller that can defend the post, rebound and set screens. Sorry-Celtics analogy- an Aron Baynes type. I do blame the staff for that one!
Jan 26, 2016
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Huh? Fernandez has had 1 Player from overseas that was a “gem”-Laksa, that’s it!
Even though he’s recruited at least 20+, I am not convinced any others would contribute at a level required, heck, even Laksa would struggle having to work on defense.
Our better shot is down under or the grad transfer. I think Geno may actually have a plan we are unaware of.

I think Jesperson was a pretty good player too...........................Geno is certainly acting like he has something planned..........................can't wait to see what rabbit he pulls out of his hat.......................of course if he had simply offered a few additional 2019 recruits this whole discussion would be unnecessary..............
Mar 8, 2016
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the problem would be to incorporate a graduate transfer or overseas student into the UConn style of we've seen so many times, learning how to play within the system takes time....for some that means like three full seasons!!! I would view any new player as more of an insurance policy rather then a major contributor but believe me, I'd love to be proven wrong
Charlie, while I agree that it takes time to learn the UConn system, overall I think its one of those "it all depends" scenarios. I believe one of the key reasons why frosh don't often get significant minutes from Geno is that in many cases they have had All Americans ahead of them. When openings existed, Geno has started frosh. I also believe that experienced players, whether Graduate or International, would learn the UConn system faster than someone out of HS. There is also a full college level resume that Geno can evaluate. I suspect the decisions are quicker and more predictable versus 17 year olds that change opinions frequently. Bottom line, while 4 year players are certainly preferable, we have little choice for the next 1-2 years.
Jan 26, 2016
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Charlie, while I agree that it takes time to learn the UConn system, overall I think its one of those "it all depends" scenarios. I believe one of the key reasons why frosh don't often get significant minutes from Geno is that in many cases they have had All Americans ahead of them. When openings existed, Geno has started frosh. I also believe that experienced players, whether Graduate or International, would learn the UConn system faster than someone out of HS. There is also a full college level resume that Geno can evaluate. I suspect the decisions are quicker and more predictable versus 17 year olds that change opinions frequently. Bottom line, while 4 year players are certainly preferable, we have little choice for the next 1-2 years.

you could be right but on the other hand the older players have bad habits that have been ingrained over their college years which can't be broken in one season while the freshmen can be more easily taught the UConn way..................regardless it's going to take someone like Anriel Howard now at Miss State to make a big contribution next season and players like that are not easy to come by........
Aug 19, 2017
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I would just add that a couple of bad recruiting years, which Geno has had, sets the program back 2 to 4 years.


Snark is always appreciated!
Nov 10, 2016
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I think Jesperson was a pretty good player too.......Geno is certainly acting like he has something planned......can't wait to see what rabbit he pulls out of his hat........of course if he had simply offered a few additional 2019 recruits this whole discussion would be unnecessary....
I think Jesperson performed well her last year, I am not convinced Geno would have recruited her and despite @HuskyNan mentioning Ferreira, Geno definitely would not have recruited her and as the original post stated "gems", Ferreira does not fit that bill. I will believe Geno likes Euros, when he recruits one and brings them to campus. I prefer Canadians, Aussies and Russians! :D


Snark is always appreciated!
Nov 10, 2016
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I would just add that a couple of bad recruiting years, which Geno has had, sets the program back 2 to 4 years.
"sets the program back" from what? Again with the entitlement that you think this is easy and it's our right to dominate the sport of WCBB by 30 points every game. Next year the team will still have 5 AA's and whatever Miss Griffith attains this year. Not sure I call that setting the program back.. Oye vey...


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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I would just add that a couple of bad recruiting years, which Geno has had, sets the program back 2 to 4 years.
You do realize there are three #1 ranked players currently on the team, a #3, a #5,and a #6, right?

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