My wife used to be far more into college and pro sports. Before we had kids, we used to take a Red Sox road trip each year. Since we've been engaged I've seen the Sox more times as the visitors and haven't been to Fenway since the week before we got married. We've done the road trip thing a few times since the boys were born, but no one can blame her on changing priorities.
She grew up a Minnesota girl and used to like the Packers because of Brett Favre. She won't watch the "hypocritical" NFL anymore. I don't blame her, but I compartmentalize the entertainment value from the domestic violence while wearing pink charade. I still have season UConn football tickets, but it is only 6 or 7 days out of the fall. She will come sometimes, but not at 5:00, only with the kids, and only in September. Both of our sets of parents live out of state, so weekend childcare is an issue. I watch most sporting events these days off the DVR, but my oldest is getting to the age will he will be able to come to football games and follow what's going on. Will probably start that this season.