Does UConn Need a Low-Post "Banger"? | Page 5 | The Boneyard

Does UConn Need a Low-Post "Banger"?

Feb 24, 2021
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I can understand your point of view, and I appreciate your detailed response, but if you are looking for a player like Morgan Tuck, then what is your issue with Aaliyah Edwards? I think they are very similar, and that AE has a chance to be as good as Morgan by the time she graduates. For one thing, she is faster than Morgan and can defend on the perimeter better than Morgan. At this point, she doesn't have the rebounding and boxing-out skills that Tuck had, but she may develop them in the next two years.

Morgan was out with an injury in her sophomore year, so a direct comparison is difficult, but I suspect that if she had played, sophomore Morgan would not have been notably better than sophomore AE was in the second half of the season. If senior Morgan were playing in Sunday night's game instead of AE, it would not have changed the outcome of the game.
AE has a long way to go to be Morgan - mental mistakes every game with her - not to mention how many missed layups and defensive assignment gaffes. I hope she turns it around but there was no progress with her from freshman to sophomore year - and I believe she actually regressed some. Hoping she turns it around
Mar 8, 2016
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To answer the question, sure we could use a banger down low. But I don’t think this is the only approach that can work. Think about the Warriors in their hayday with a primarily outside game - Steph, Durant, etc.. wouldn’t that approach work well in women’s bb?
Excellent post. I would much rather see Geno focus his energy on getting Paige and Fudd more open mid-range and 3-point shots (i.e. double picks, give and go, etc.), Caroline getting more back cuts to open up the offense, and the overall UConn defense playing better one on one defense, than trying to out muscle Boston and her mates. We got within 7 points of SC playing a poor game by Uconn standards. No one is going to outmuscle Boston but we already have the players to outshoot and neutralize SC.


Cranky pants and wise acre
Aug 30, 2011
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AE has a long way to go to be Morgan - mental mistakes every game with her - not to mention how many missed layups and defensive assignment gaffes. I hope she turns it around but there was no progress with her from freshman to sophomore year - and I believe she actually regressed some. Hoping she turns it around
I sense a certain amount of shifting of the goalposts in responses such as this, not with you specifically but with the general direction of this discussion.

This thread started because a lot of Boneyarders were and still are saying that UConn does not have anyone in its front court with the physical size, strength, quickness, and appetite for physical play that is needed to beat SC. (Apparently it has enough to beat everyone else, including Stanford. Everyone seems to forget that in the semifinal game against Stanford, UConn won the rebounding battle against the "tallest team in the country" by 46-37, and tied in offensive rebounds. In that particular game, against some pretty physical rebounders, Aaliyah Edwards personally had 8 rebounds including 4 offensive rebounds.)

When it was pointed out that Aaliyah is the same size as Morgan Tuck (who apparently provided adequate physical play and enough rebounds in 2015 and 2016), and is in fact a bit taller and quicker than Morgan and has undamaged knees, people either say that she isn't big enough since Boston is 6-5, or that times have changed since 2016 (which I greatly doubt). Or they just ignore Aaliyah entirely when they make these sweeping generalizations.

Now you shift the argument to a different ground, by arguing about AE's mental mistakes. Does this mean that you are conceding that AE has all the requisite physical skills to deliver what UConn needs in the front court? If your point is that AE has the physical tools that are needed and simply needs development to minimize mental mistakes, then I agree with you. Because that means that it's quite unlikely that UConn will find anyone in the transfer portal who will deliver what UConn needs in the front court better than Aaliyah will.

Beyond that, your comments about mental mistakes and missed layups apply mostly to the first part of the season, as do your comments about "regression". After about February, she was playing at least as well as she did at any point in her freshman year, and that level of play was very good. I would contend that she made major improvements in the area of reducing her foul-proneness, and also in developing and using her mid-range jump shot.

I would say that AE is Answer #1 to the need for more physical play and rebounding among UConn's big players, and most likely Brady and Patterson are Answers #2 and #3. I don't see Amari or Dorka being top-flight rebounders against teams with strong front courts; I agree with those who say that they will be more like Liv than like Morgan Tuck or Stef Dolson.
Oct 29, 2021
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She hasn't played one minute of wcbb and is coming off an ACL. I hope she is 100% but even if she is it's questionable whether any freshman is ready. Feagan was supposed to contribute right away. Rivers can't shoot.
All I'm saying is that SCar isn't without a huge hole and the options to fill it are far from solid.
They also have Talaysia Cooper coming in who looks solid as well. They have a lot of point guard depth. I don't think Cooke is their best guard next year. She may well put up big numbers but her efficiency is not ideal.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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I sense a certain amount of shifting of the goalposts in responses such as this, not with you specifically but with the general direction of this discussion.

This thread started because a lot of Boneyarders were and still are saying that UConn does not have anyone in its front court with the physical size, strength, quickness, and appetite for physical play that is needed to beat SC. (Apparently it has enough to beat everyone else, including Stanford. Everyone seems to forget that in the semifinal game against Stanford, UConn won the rebounding battle against the "tallest team in the country" by 46-37, and tied in offensive rebounds. In that particular game, against some pretty physical rebounders, Aaliyah Edwards personally had 8 rebounds including 4 offensive rebounds.)

When it was pointed out that Aaliyah is the same size as Morgan Tuck (who apparently provided adequate physical play and enough rebounds in 2015 and 2016), and is in fact a bit taller and quicker than Morgan and has undamaged knees, people either say that she isn't big enough since Boston is 6-5, or that times have changed since 2016 (which I greatly doubt). Or they just ignore Aaliyah entirely when they make these sweeping generalizations.
Now you shift the argument to a different ground, by arguing about AE's mental mistakes. Does this mean that you are conceding that AE has all the requisite physical skills to deliver what UConn needs in the front court? If your point is that AE has the physical tools that are needed and simply needs development to minimize mental mistakes, then I agree with you. Because that means that it's quite unlikely that UConn will find anyone in the transfer portal who will deliver what UConn needs in the front court better than Aaliyah will.

Beyond that, your comments about mental mistakes and missed layups apply mostly to the first part of the season, as do your comments about "regression". After about February, she was playing at least as well as she did at any point in her freshman year, and that level of play was very good. I would contend that she made major improvements in the area of reducing her foul-proneness, and also in developing and using her mid-range jump shot.

I would say that AE is Answer #1 to the need for more physical play and rebounding among UConn's big players, and most likely Brady and Patterson are Answers #2 and #3. I don't see Amari or Dorka being top-flight rebounders against teams with strong front courts; I agree with those who say that they will be more like Liv than like Morgan Tuck or Stef Dolson.
The goal post only appear to be shifting because you remain determined to cling to these two strawmen. 1) AE IS NOT a comparable player to Morgan Tuck if you compare the skill set. It is not even close. They happen to be the same size and play the same position but that is where the comparison should quickly end. 2) The need is not just for a body to bang in the post against SC. The need is for a bigger body with sufficient basketball skills to match the physicality and skill of SC. AE is already very good a throwing her body around and knocking people on their behinds. That is not the assignment- the assignment is for her to become a better basketball player while remaining physical. If AE happens to be confused about this particular assignment then she should break out some video of her assistant coach (Jamelle) and study how she played the game.
Nov 14, 2021
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I'm starting this thread to facilitate discussion of a point that has been made in numerous posts since 10 PM EDT last night. There are many examples of posters making this point, but I have selected this one from @LoboDays' comment in the "Enough About Bad Recruiting" thread:

"If UConn wants to get back to winning NC's, they need to bring in post players who can defend players like Boston and Brink, get their share of rebounds against them (especially limit their offensive rebounds) and have the ability to score underneath when guarded...."

There are several points to be made in response to this, in my opinion:
  1. First of all, Aliyah Boston is a very special case. She is currently the Wilt Chamberlain or Kareem Abdul Jabbar of WCBB. Just as no opponent was able really to match up with either of them, even in the NBA, no one in WCBB has really matched up with Boston. It would have been nice if Geno had brought her to Storrs, but he didn't, and there really is no one else he might have recruited (including Brink, Cunane, Nalyssa Smith, Tamari Key, or Elizabeth Kitley) who could have neutralized her.
  2. UConn (specifically Liv and Aaliyah Edwards) did fine against both Brink and Cunane, neutralizing them sufficiently that UConn was able to win the game with its other assets. Tara Vandeveer in her postgame remarks specifically mentioned how physically Liv played against Stanford, and the Indiana coach said the same thing in her postgame remarks. Some have said that Liv didn't develop in her time at UConn, but I don't think opposing coaches would have been saying those things after their teams faced her in her freshman or sophomore years.
  3. Really, Liv's only deficiency at this point is her scoring -- her lack of an array of post moves or (more importantly) a truly reliable 15-foot jump shot that she can take 8 to 10 times per game and hit 50%. I wonder whether pro teams will be willing to take a chance on her developing those skills at the pro level. If I were a WNBA GM, I think I would take that risk in the second round of the draft, but not in the first round.
  4. There is no issue with AE's appetite for physical play. She is big enough to make that work (bigger than Morgan Tuck or Asjah Jones), but she needs to play with a 5 who can open up space for her in the paint by making midrange jump shots, and she needs to develop her own midrange jump shot to pull opposing posts out of the paint to defend her.
"I don't want to see a 6-5 post player lead the team in assists. That is a negative stat in my opinion.... Against the best, that is a losing strategy."

I think this is an outdated view of the game -- that every team needs a Shaquille O'Neal to be truly successful. Have you watched the Boston Celtics play lately? They don't have a center that plays like that, and they are 33-11 in the NBA since mid-December.

I remember that when UConn's starting lineup included Stef Dolson and Kelly Faris, a lot of fans were asking why Stef played in the high post and seemed to like passing more than scoring. There was such a chorus of these comments that Meg Culmo posed that question to Geno on The Geno Auriemma Show, reading a listener's question.

I remember his response very clearly, although not verbatim. It was almost exactly this:

Playing your big in the low post only works if the other four players are all major scoring threats who have to be guarded. If we put Stef in the low post, the other team would just leave Kelly unguarded and double Stef. Kelly would get any shot she wanted, but we would then have to rely on her jump shooting to win the game. That's not where we want to be. We want to get shots for Stef, and that is much easier if she is in the high post.

What he didn't say in that response (but everyone understood) is: (a) Stef did have a reliable jump shot from 15 feet, so no opponent could afford to leave her unguarded there (a contrast with both Liv and AE); (b) Stef was a fine passer -- at least as good as Liv -- and could facilitate the offense from the high post, allowing the guards not just to get jump shots but also to get backdoor layups and 6-footers; and (c) Stef could take an ungainly opposing post off the dribble and get to the hoop for an and-one, which she did with some regularity.

In the Louisville game in December, Liv drove against Engstler twice in the first few minutes of the game and got 2 quick fouls on her, sending her to the bench for the rest of the first half. I wish we had seen that more often -- she probably could have done the same thing against Brink, but maybe not against Cunane. She certainly could not have done it against Boston.

I'm certainly not saying that if a gifted "banger" like Boston is available out of high school or in the transfer portal, Geno should pass her up. He shouldn't and he won't. But lesser players of that type are not necessarily a better option than players like Dorka and Amari. Imagine if by some miracle, UConn had Aneesha Morrow on the roster this year. She is a "banger" -- would she have turned the South Carolina game around? Would she have done better against Stanford or NC State than UConn's actual front court did? I don't think she would.

I will be interested to see the appetite of of Ice and Ayanna for physical play. My hunch is that they will be closer to the AE end of the physicality spectrum than to the Liv/Amari end. If that is true, then I think UConn's front court for 2022-23 is well situated even without any additional help from the transfer portal or elsewhere. Which doesn't mean that it will have an answer for Boston. The only answer for her is to limit her to some degree and have the rest of the Huskies defeat the rest of the Gamecocks by enough to make up for her advantage.
One thing is: Boston a good as she is didn't defeat Uconn alone. Dawns has a lot of athletic, scoring, tough on defense, players. As much as Boston owned the boards; Dawns defense stopped Uconn scoring.

Your assumptions of Ice and Ayanna seem accurate.

Those teams that beat or come close to beating Uconn started with Arizona, last year. Each played almost a helter skelter double and tripled teaming of nearly everyone who had the ball. It worked.

The one characteristic of Paige that few seem to speak of, and the one that makes her a winner is: She is tough, mentally and physically. If her younger teammates emulated her toughness this would be a hard team to beat. As great as Paige can be, she needs help scoring to take the pressure defense off of her if only for a few seconds, that's all she needs. Fudd has the most accurate shot I've seen since KML. She needs a quicker release. Caroline is often accurate on the 3, is a slasher to the basket. If I were Geno, I'd build on that in the off season.

Dolson, could and did, tough it out under the boards. Yes, she roamed to the key and yes she was accurate from there. She didn't earn her breakfast plunked down on the foul line or top of the key.
Steff against mobile big posts of ND, neutralized them with her bulk and mobility, not out on the key.
I'd take a Steff, if Geno could find one, or a Stokes, or even a Stewie and put them in any game against the gamecocks with the kids we have, and win.
Feb 18, 2016
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Stef was not just a good passer but phenomenal passer, one of the best bigs. I personally think Stef was better than Liv. Just my opinion.

She was vastly better than ONO. Dolson was not only a great passer, but a fine outside shooter, a reliable inside shot, and an excellent defensive player. Dolson has also been a fine WNBA professional, while ONO is unlikely to find a roster spot in the W.

No comparison.
Feb 18, 2016
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One thing is: Boston a good as she is didn't defeat Uconn alone. Dawns has a lot of athletic, scoring, tough on defense, players. As much as Boston owned the boards; Dawns defense stopped Uconn scoring.

Your assumptions of Ice and Ayanna seem accurate.

Those teams that beat or come close to beating Uconn started with Arizona, last year. Each played almost a helter skelter double and tripled teaming of nearly everyone who had the ball. It worked.

The one characteristic of Paige that few seem to speak of, and the one that makes her a winner is: She is tough, mentally and physically. If her younger teammates emulated her toughness this would be a hard team to beat. As great as Paige can be, she needs help scoring to take the pressure defense off of her if only for a few seconds, that's all she needs. Fudd has the most accurate shot I've seen since KML. She needs a quicker release. Caroline is often accurate on the 3, is a slasher to the basket. If I were Geno, I'd build on that in the off season.

Dolson, could and did, tough it out under the boards. Yes, she roamed to the key and yes she was accurate from there. She didn't earn her breakfast plunked down on the foul line or top of the key.
Steff against mobile big posts of ND, neutralized them with her bulk and mobility, not out on the key.
I'd take a Steff, if Geno could find one, or a Stokes, or even a Stewie and put them in any game against the gamecocks with the kids we have, and win.

True, Boston had a lot of help, but Boston dominated that game. So many times Connecticut didn't even try to get a close shot because Boston was lurking there. Boston dominated an arc to about 15 feet from the basket. And Boston was so agile that she got to the shooter before the shooter could even contemplate a shot. So Boston shaped the game, and facilitated all the other SC players.

Pure domination of the game.
Aug 20, 2019
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One thing is: Boston a good as she is didn't defeat Uconn alone. Dawns has a lot of athletic, scoring, tough on defense, players. As much as Boston owned the boards; Dawns defense stopped Uconn scoring.

Your assumptions of Ice and Ayanna seem accurate.

Those teams that beat or come close to beating Uconn started with Arizona, last year. Each played almost a helter skelter double and tripled teaming of nearly everyone who had the ball. It worked.

The one characteristic of Paige that few seem to speak of, and the one that makes her a winner is: She is tough, mentally and physically. If her younger teammates emulated her toughness this would be a hard team to beat. As great as Paige can be, she needs help scoring to take the pressure defense off of her if only for a few seconds, that's all she needs. Fudd has the most accurate shot I've seen since KML. She needs a quicker release. Caroline is often accurate on the 3, is a slasher to the basket. If I were Geno, I'd build on that in the off season.

Dolson, could and did, tough it out under the boards. Yes, she roamed to the key and yes she was accurate from there. She didn't earn her breakfast plunked down on the foul line or top of the key.
Steff against mobile big posts of ND, neutralized them with her bulk and mobility, not out on the key.
I'd take a Steff, if Geno could find one, or a Stokes, or even a Stewie and put them in any game against the gamecocks with the kids we have, and win.
That’s a tall order.
Nov 13, 2013
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The goal post only appear to be shifting because you remain determined to cling to these two strawmen. 1) AE IS NOT a comparable player to Morgan Tuck if you compare the skill set. It is not even close. They happen to be the same size and play the same position but that is where the comparison should quickly end. 2) The need is not just for a body to bang in the post against SC. The need is for a bigger body with sufficient basketball skills to match the physicality and skill of SC. AE is already very good a throwing her body around and knocking people on their behinds. That is not the assignment- the assignment is for her to become a better basketball player while remaining physical. If AE happens to be confused about this particular assignment then she should break out some video of her assistant coach (Jamelle) and study how she played the game.
These players have access to video all season and it doesn't seem to help any of UConn's bigs figure out how to use an upfake, use a drop step, or simply spin and shoot in one motion inside. Maybe that assistant coach should take them out on the floor and SHOW them how to play. Or find someone who can.


Cranky pants and wise acre
Aug 30, 2011
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The goal post only appear to be shifting because you remain determined to cling to these two strawmen. 1) AE IS NOT a comparable player to Morgan Tuck if you compare the skill set. It is not even close. They happen to be the same size and play the same position but that is where the comparison should quickly end. 2) The need is not just for a body to bang in the post against SC. The need is for a bigger body with sufficient basketball skills to match the physicality and skill of SC. AE is already very good a throwing her body around and knocking people on their behinds. That is not the assignment- the assignment is for her to become a better basketball player while remaining physical. If AE happens to be confused about this particular assignment then she should break out some video of her assistant coach (Jamelle) and study how she played the game.
I think the fallacy here is comparing sophomore Aaliyah to senior Morgan. However, you appear to be granting the point that Aaliyah has the physical talent and body to become comparable to Morgan by the time she graduates -- which is all that I was claiming. Do you agree with that, or do you think that she simply lacks the potential to be as good as Morgan?

I think that AE has a higher ceiling than Morgan, if only because of her healthy knees. I also think that she is quicker as a defender. Of course she hasn't mastered footwork, positioning, and post moves to the degree that Morgan did by 2016, but I don't think that should be expected of a sophomore.
Jan 26, 2016
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I think the fallacy here is comparing sophomore Aaliyah to senior Morgan. However, you appear to be granting the point that Aaliyah has the physical talent and body to become comparable to Morgan by the time she graduates -- which is all that I was claiming. Do you agree with that, or do you think that she simply lacks the potential to be as good as Morgan?

I think that AE has a higher ceiling than Morgan, if only because of her healthy knees. I also think that she is quicker as a defender. Of course she hasn't mastered footwork, positioning, and post moves to the degree that Morgan did by 2016, but I don't think that should be expected of a sophomore.
I like AE a lot and think she has great upside potential..........she's clearly faster and a better athlete than Morgan Tuck but Tuck's interior skills, especially her footwork and finishing in traffic were polished like a fine's unlikely Edwards will ever be able to approach Tuck's unmatched abilities in close but she doesn't need to..........she just has to become the best version of herself....
Apr 11, 2020
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OK, I've been harping on another big for quite some time (so fire away). What proven, experienced bigs do we have? Dorka and Edwards. Can either one or both get in foul trouble, and/or god forbid turn an ankle? Sure it can happen. Who backs them up? DeBerry, who may or may not take a leap next year? You want to bank on 2 high school kids playing big time D1 hoops right out of the starting gate? (not me) Then we have two girls who in an emergency can be pressed into playing the 4 position, Ducharme who has decent height and length, but not really a banger. And Abrey, a real wild card. Godspeed Abrey, we need you back.

As to how you mitigate this problem, I have no clue. But I do know we can put 2 proven guard on the floor (out of the 4 or 5 that we have) even given fouls and other stuff. So what is the priority? BIGS.


Cranky pants and wise acre
Aug 30, 2011
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OK, I've been harping on another big for quite some time (so fire away). What proven, experienced bigs do we have? Dorka and Edwards. Can either one or both get in foul trouble, and/or god forbid turn an ankle? Sure it can happen. Who backs them up? DeBerry, who may or may not take a leap next year? You want to bank on 2 high school kids playing big time D1 hoops right out of the starting gate? (not me) Then we have two girls who in an emergency can be pressed into playing the 4 position, Ducharme who has decent height and length, but not really a banger. And Abrey, a real wild card. Godspeed Abrey, we need you back.

As to how you mitigate this problem, I have no clue. But I do know we can put 2 proven guard on the floor (out of the 4 or 5 that we have) even given fouls and other stuff. So what is the priority? BIGS.
It's artificial and misleading to characterize this choice as "either/or". Clearly UConn has two scholarships available for 2022-23, so it can absorb both a Big and a guard if players who can help are available and are interested. If a player is available/interested/ready at one position and not the other, then obviously UConn should take the player it can get.

However, I do think there is a greater urgency at the guard position. The backups behind Dorka and Aaliyah are less than ideal for the reasons that you mention, but the backups at guard for Paige and Azzi are really limited to Nika and no one else. I don't think playing Caroline in the back court for any length of time is a good use of her skills, nor is it where she can make her biggest contribution. So I think it is more important to get a guard from the portal than a front court player -- but, as noted, it is not an either/or situation.
Feb 8, 2016
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It's artificial and misleading to characterize this choice as "either/or". Clearly UConn has two scholarships available for 2022-23, so it can absorb both a Big and a guard if players who can help are available and are interested. If a player is available/interested/ready at one position and not the other, then obviously UConn should take the player it can get.

However, I do think there is a greater urgency at the guard position. The backups behind Dorka and Aaliyah are less than ideal for the reasons that you mention, but the backups at guard for Paige and Azzi are really limited to Nika and no one else. I don't think playing Caroline in the back court for any length of time is a good use of her skills, nor is it where she can make her biggest contribution. So I think it is more important to get a guard from the portal than a front court player -- but, as noted, it is not an either/or situation.
Well, Saniyah Rivers is available.
Apr 11, 2020
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It's artificial and misleading to characterize this choice as "either/or". Clearly UConn has two scholarships available for 2022-23, so it can absorb both a Big and a guard if players who can help are available and are interested. If a player is available/interested/ready at one position and not the other, then obviously UConn should take the player it can get.

However, I do think there is a greater urgency at the guard position. The backups behind Dorka and Aaliyah are less than ideal for the reasons that you mention, but the backups at guard for Paige and Azzi are really limited to Nika and no one else. I don't think playing Caroline in the back court for any length of time is a good use of her skills, nor is it where she can make her biggest contribution. So I think it is more important to get a guard from the portal than a front court player -- but, as noted, it is not an either/or situation.
Caroline is much better as a shooting guard than a power forward. But, in an emergency maybe she could play the PF. You could say the same about Abrey. FWIW, yes I think we could use both, a big and a guard, but in my mind the top priority is a proven big. Lotsa luck trying to find one. Lacking that, then a real good guard willing to play behind Paige, Azzi, Nika, Ducharme, Abrey, etc. is priority #2.
Jan 26, 2016
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OK, I've been harping on another big for quite some time (so fire away). What proven, experienced bigs do we have? Dorka and Edwards. Can either one or both get in foul trouble, and/or god forbid turn an ankle? Sure it can happen. Who backs them up? DeBerry, who may or may not take a leap next year? You want to bank on 2 high school kids playing big time D1 hoops right out of the starting gate? (not me) Then we have two girls who in an emergency can be pressed into playing the 4 position, Ducharme who has decent height and length, but not really a banger. And Abrey, a real wild card. Godspeed Abrey, we need you back.

As to how you mitigate this problem, I have no clue. But I do know we can put 2 proven guard on the floor (out of the 4 or 5 that we have) even given fouls and other stuff. So what is the priority? BIGS.
If UConn can find a fifth year big I'm all for it..............I'm actually looking forward to seeing what Deberry, Brady and Patterson can do..........I'm of the belief that if Brady is in shape she will have an almost immediate impact at both ends of the floor..........Patterson is a wild card..........I'm envisioning a slightly larger version of Aubrey Griffin, able to cover multiple positions defensively and a demon on the boards.......Deberry will score points, the question is whether she gives up as many points as she scores.........remember Geno's familiar refrain about another lanky forward from a few years ago.....:)
Nov 14, 2021
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AE has a long way to go to be Morgan - mental mistakes every game with her - not to mention how many missed layups and defensive assignment gaffes. I hope she turns it around but there was no progress with her from freshman to sophomore year - and I believe she actually regressed some. Hoping she turns it around
When you had the best guard in the nation and STEWIE a limping Tuck looked very good. In 3 years we will be writing: If only we had Edwards! I liked Tuck. I loved the 3 of them.

I liked this team. I could write a movie script on what they did with little this year. A team with 5 losses, with the back up center sitting with a damaged wrist, the Star still limping from surgery, the second Star beyond sidk with flu like symptoms, against the arguably best team (stanford) and they actually got to the Final 4 on shear guts, determination, will. Damn, weren't we lucky, blessed, given a gift by 9 young ladies, mostly under classmen--yep, I'll ask Carnac to help with the writing (he and Oldldog got the gift and TonyC to write the intro). It should go viral.
Feb 8, 2016
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When you had the best guard in the nation and STEWIE a limping Tuck looked very good. In 3 years we will be writing: If only we had Edwards! I liked Tuck. I loved the 3 of them.

I liked this team. I could write a movie script on what they did with little this year. A team with 5 losses, with the back up center sitting with a damaged wrist, the Star still limping from surgery, the second Star beyond sidk with flu like symptoms, against the arguably best team (stanford) and they actually got to the Final 4 on shear guts, determination, will. Damn, weren't we lucky, blessed, given a gift by 9 young ladies, mostly under classmen--yep, I'll ask Carnac to help with the writing (he and Oldldog got the gift and TonyC to write the intro). It should go viral.
I thought it was already written and filmed. I hear the sequel will begin filming this November.
Nov 14, 2021
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I thought it was already written and filmed. I hear the sequel will begin filming this November.

Naa, that was about guys in Indiana, one of my top movies. This one will be about young women, top talent without, the big dominant center. Fighting from November to April through illness, injuries of 40 percent o the team. Mentally and physically being beaten. By January few pundits and many fans believed they'd not make it to the sweet16. The pathos, the behind the scenes anguish, Geno pushing and pressing each standing player to excell, Christine hugging, and caring for each all the time demanding mental toughness--Nika, a sub on most teams leads this team to victorys, Edwards who didn't have a good early season becomes a major player. THEN --the kid from Boston, came out of no where to win games, a Freshman from Virginia can't miss a 3, finally the Star Paige is better--there is no way she can be healthy, but she plays. Stumbles a bit in early games, she isn't the player of 2021, but her heart is huge----Well--you get the picture, fill this in with dialog and pick the right actors --a hit.
Feb 8, 2016
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Naa, that was about guys in Indiana, one of my top movies. This one will be about young women, top talent without, the big dominant center. Fighting from November to April through illness, injuries of 40 percent o the team. Mentally and physically being beaten. By January few pundits and many fans believed they'd not make it to the sweet16. The pathos, the behind the scenes anguish, Geno pushing and pressing each standing player to excell, Christine hugging, and caring for each all the time demanding mental toughness--Nika, a sub on most teams leads this team to victorys, Edwards who didn't have a good early season becomes a major player. THEN --the kid from Boston, came out of no where to win games, a Freshman from Virginia can't miss a 3, finally the Star Paige is better--there is no way she can be healthy, but she plays. Stumbles a bit in early games, she isn't the player of 2021, but her heart is huge----Well--you get the picture, fill this in with dialog and pick the right actors --a hit.
Nah, I see a trilogy.

2022 the comeback that comes up short.

Next year, the one point, triple overtime heartbreaker decided by a controversial last second call by the refs. ;)

The following year, UConn domination and return to glory.
Aug 20, 2019
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Nah, I see a trilogy.

2022 the comeback that comes up short.

Next year, the one point, triple overtime heartbreaker decided by a controversial last second call by the refs. ;)

The following year, UConn domination and return to glory.
Nov 14, 2021
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Nah, I see a trilogy.

2022 the comeback that comes up short.

Next year, the one point, triple overtime heartbreaker decided by a controversial last second call by the refs. ;)

The following year, UConn domination and return to glory.
That would die from lack of viewer. If you want to fund that pIX- it would be oked by your family, nixed by the Biz, got it? get it? good. The only movie that would sell would have --a group of kid, mostly ragged from the sticks, those hicks, picking tobacco when not in school, losing to the power house from Connectiut. The big post being brought to her knees by a tiny tot from Minesota, accompanied by kids grom around the world and the country--who worked hard to take down the giant. And they do. Box office buffo kEEP DANCING KID--YOU MAKE MAKE IT.
Apr 24, 2022
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The reason UConn couldn't free up PB and Fudd for 3s was because SC allowed their bigs to jump out on the high screens so they couldn't shoot over them. SC knew UConn had no inside offensive game and could sell out defensively. One example was the outside shot Fudd tried to take that Saxton jumped out to block.
Totally agree. And this was also true on offense. And having an inside offensive game was impacted by the injury to Dorka. I'm mainly thinking of foul trouble. The experience beating Stanford showed how vulnerable Liv and AE were to fouling out. I think this is why GA put AD in for as long as he did. But if they were worried about fouls, they were not going to be effective against Boston or Saxton or Cardozo offensively or defensively. Having a healthy Dorka in that game would have opened up their games on both ends for Liv and AE. And by extension, it would have opened up Azzi and Paige on offense and defense. I suspect if Dorka had been able to play, Henderson would not have had a big game because she and Zia would have been too occupied chasing Paige and Azzi all over the floor. All of this means it might have been a close game, maybe even a toss-up, like it was in last year's meeting.

Once you put it this way, the urgency of getting an inside banger seems less relevant. That's what AE already is, and Ice and Ayanna look to be formidable in this same way. If AE is not afraid of foul trouble, and Dorka has Amari backing her up, we already have a formidable front court.

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