My father's 40 year commute from Bishop's Corner to Albany Ave with a right turn on Scarborough to Asylum to Woodland Street, so that was how to get downtown. Over time, I explored all variations on West End streets (Terry St, Westerly Terrace, Woodside Circle Elizabeth St, etc.) but my non-native mother wanted me to never continue on Albany Ave. My father mostly went along but didn't really care, as he'd grown up in the North End and gone to Weaver.
Until my uncle took me around in 2016 to see every house the family had ever lived in before the post-War migration to West Hartford, I had minimal familiarity beyond Daniels Cadillac, Baltimore Drug, Mount Sinai Hospital, a pizza place called (I think, though it sounds odd) Nolan's that sold rectangular frozen pizzas they made for home heating, and a very memorable trip to see Sun Ra's Interstellar Arkestra at the West Indian Social Club one summer vacation from college.