Me too
under "normal" circumstances. These circumstances WERE NOT normal. When you have 4 starters sitting on the bench in street clothes, all bets are off. 90% of the prognosticators in MSGRET's thread predicted a Maryland win. So that loss was no surprise. I've never been so at ease with a loss in my life. Collectively, we were ALL drinking "lemonade" after the game (if you get my drift).

I'm just so proud of our girls and the way they played. The numerous turnovers are a by-product of not playing together, or in some cases not playing at all.
Our girls played hard right up to the buzzer. That's all you can ask. Ines and Amari got some very valuable playing time/experience from which they will learn. That loss to Maryland will not break us or define our season.
Normally I read all of our poster's post game comments. I didn't Sunday night. While I'm always interested in the thoughts and concerns of my fellow Boneyarders, I DID NOT want to read any complaints, negative comments or whining about their play.
I wasn't in the mood. I saw the game. I know what happened. Surprisingly more posters than I expected felt the same way I did, and heaped mounds of praise on our girls.

THAT was very refreshing. Usually when we lose, the critics come out in droves.