I understand. I just don't get the badge of honor new Englanders feel. This storm really won't affect much, but 2 days, but it's the garage, with the generators, the snow shovels, the gloves, hats, and boots, year round for which to care and organize. It's the wood pile to be maintained throughout the fall. It's the generator fuel to store, just in case for 3 winters, so when it comes, you're prepared. It's the phone calls to overworked people you haven't thrown much business to in 2 and a half years to come get you out, or the self bailing, on the fourth hour, every hour as the snow piles up. And it's the high, high state taxes and high, high property values. But the selling points are immense. Hartford, Providence. I mean compare those world class cities to Atlanta, Miami, Nashville, Dallas, Phoenix. It's really no comparison. And plus, in April, when it's 80 for 3 days in Atlanta, it's a much more comfortable 42 in Hartford. And then in July, when it's 95 both places, they have a/c pre-installed and it works. And it cost 1/3 what it did in Hartford. Everything makes so much sense to me now. It costs nearly half as much to live down South, the weather's way better, but damnit "I have brass balls." Have a great Death Storm, and in all seriousness, have fun, but take care.