We will all agree that UConn and the XL Center are supported by the same source, the state of Connecticut. And, we know that the UConn AD is under pressure to reduce the annual deficit. Unfortunately, the current deal for using the XL Center makes the UConn AD losses higher than they need to be which makes Benedict's job to reduce costs more difficult as he could easily reduce the AD deficit by moving all games to campus. So, of course he should complain about the XL Center.
As for the XL Center, The Times Union Center in Albany has produced an operating profit for 24 years straight! In 2019, they had 125 events and 589k in attendance or 4.7k per event and they made $2.6 million in profit. I don't know if they are using accounting tricks, but why can't the XL Center be like the Times Union Center? By the way, The Times Union Center is 30 years old and it has about half of the luxury suites that the XL Center has.