There's only so much space. And the girls are taking up 3/4 of it. At a certain point, it becomes less meaningful. I like having hard, fast rules like AA only or whatever. If you want to go 1st team all Conference fine. Just don't start picking and choosing based on feelings or whatever.
This is coming from someone who really likes guys like CV. If CV is there, the Taliek has to be there. Boat does. Adrien does. Ricky Moore does, Kfree. All the guys who were warriors.
I don't see how you can argue CV is more (or less) deserving than those guys.
EDIT: to me, this kind of seems like recency bias. if you asked people, when each of those guys careers were finished, if they belonged in the Huskies of Honor, I'd think most would answer in the affirmative.