What am I missing here? We currently have a FIOS internet/TV/phone bundle that with the settop boxes and all fees comes out to $208/month.
There's no decent internet in this area for under $80. Fubo Elite is $100. We want to keep our landline for $20 as it has numerous advantages for us, not the least being very spotty cell reception as we live in a small valley. So $200 without any taxes and fees not mentioned. All this fuss to save $8?
"Cord cutting" is not for everyone, as you mentioned you have your reasons as to why it may not make sense for you. For myself I wanted no part to do with Comcast/Xfinity for years, especially the cable portion. When these live streaming services started coming up, I cut the cord, unfortunately I still require the internet from Comcast. I'm sure because I only have the internet portion from them, they're still sticking it to me...or others. For myself I removed the landline phone and only use my cell phone now.
There are three streaming services I will always look to whenever it's time to re-evaluate my options or whenever price increases come up. I currently have YouTube TV, it meets all my requirements for sports and non-sports programming. I had Hulu Live TV for a few months until they also raised the price to match YouTube TV and Fubo TV. I always liked Fubo TV but until recently the reason I did not go with them, they didn't carry the ESPN channels...now they do. All three by the way, base prices are $64.99...coincidence?
By the way Fubo TV Elite is $79.99 + taxes. Anyway, good luck, to cut the cord it has to make sense and that is usually to save a few bucks from previous provider.