Chris Dailey's post game comments... | The Boneyard

Chris Dailey's post game comments...

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Aug 24, 2011
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2 different halves. the first half was uninspired. but i thought the intensity level was better in the 2nd half. totally different energy level. unfortunately we've seen this story before where we start a game playing to the level of the competition. not a good sign and it's a bad habit. some of that can be immaturity, and some of that unacceptable.

more of the post problems are what we did to ourselves. different if you get the ball in teh lane nd then they triple team, butu we weren't even getting the ball into the lane. Stef not at the level we want her ot be at to be effective. also as coaches, we ran some stuff to get her down into the low block, but it's more us than COC playing well. certainly it's a concern - she can score int he post and we need that going forward.

Kiah - if you can't show confidence when you are up 50, when when can you show it? she wasn't confident at the outset. it ties into practice - from doing it right and doing it a certain way every day and if you don't, you wan't have the confidence when you play Baylor or COC. we are trying to build on that and have our younger players learn that as it's more mental than physical.

we don't want to have the excuse or we are so young, so we say "immature". but we are getting better. we seem to go up and down based on our opponent and that's not acceptable going forward.

got to see Breanna play Morgan. Morgan made a 3 to tie with 10 seconds to go. Breanna inbounds, gets it to a kid who knocks down a 3 with 2 seconds to go. no one thought Breanna's team should have even been in the elite league, and then they beat bolingbrook. we are going to be in good shape next year when they come...


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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"We are going to be in good shape." Chris sets the bar very high. Rough translation: "We are going to kick butt 39 times next year." Morgan and Breanna are playing like Maya!


Big Apple Big Dog
Sep 5, 2011
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"We are going to be in good shape." Chris sets the bar very high. Rough translation: "We are going to kick butt 39 times next year." Morgan and Breanna are playing like Maya!
I am very bummed that we are not playing Baylor next year in the regular season. It's not like there are many challenges besides ND and Stanford on the schedule for this team.

wire chief

Sep 12, 2011
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I am very bummed that we are not playing Baylor next year in the regular season. It's not like there are many challenges besides ND and Stanford on the schedule for this team.

Maybe you'd feel better by saying, "Maryland too".


Big Apple Big Dog
Sep 5, 2011
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Maybe you'd feel better by saying, "Maryland too".
Jury's still out on Maryland IMO. Their only good win so far is Georgetown, at MD. And Georgetown was not playing well back then. But yes, that's a good addition for the next couple of years.
Aug 26, 2011
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What puzzles me is that the team did not come out pissed that they had just let a 16 point swing happen at Baylor and lost and then not take it out on C o C, if this had been a SB, DT team C o C would not have scored in the first half and more, don't like that they seemed okay with loosing, none of them seem pissed off about it.
Sep 2, 2011
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This team does not have a mean streak in it............Doty needs to set the tone and she has not the last 2 games. Bria is playing more like a senior than Tiff.......IMO!!


Civil War Buff
Sep 1, 2011
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On the money - as usual
"we start a game playing to the level of the competition."
Never more obvious than last night. Sagarin has UConn ranked #2 and C of C ranked 296. Games between teams so far apart should be prohibited by the NCAA.

"Stef not at the level we want her"
Dolson is not performing at the level I expected this year. Against most teams she should be a dominant force in the post. She isn't.


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Ive mentioned this before. Next season starts the beginning of another win streak for a long time. Breanna is being called the Brittney Griner of HS BB. With a wing span of 6'10 I expect Breanna to block alot of shots even on a kid who is 6'8. With Stef at 6'5 Heather 6'4 Kiah 6'3 Morgan 6'2 and a healthly MJ at 6'3 we have alot of height. Even Griner should be neutralized with those post players. With the addtion of Moriah Morgan and Breanna we have more outside shooters.

One thing the Baylor game did was expose where we need to improve. Erics post above mentions what the coaching staff needs to do with Stef Kiah and BB. They will work with them. They will get to play with confidence,and to the level they want them to play, because of what was exposed during the past few games. Dont forget we are a team of underclassman still learning and still being developed. Its great to read what the coaches have to say and lets us know they know what they need to do to get to the next level

IMO over the next 5 seasons we may have the greatest assemblage of players in the history of WCBB. Our roster will be second to none.

Genos understanding of the game imo is far beyond anything we have seen and his job has gotten a little easier because of the history he has created at UConn which allows him to attract the very best players in HS and the tuff part is to choose who will fit best into his program.

UConn continues to set the bar higher each and every season. Geno continues to beat his best accomplishments. Just thinking back to 1995 going undefeated, followed up by TASS and Diana, then the past couple of seasons and all the undefeated teams, the blowouts at the half and now the next 6 years what we have to look forward too. This is amazin. Geno is one of the greatest if not the greatest coach in all of sports.

High school girls are aspiring to come to UConn. They are asking what do I have to do to play for UConn. AAU coaches are calling UConn the NY Yankees of WCBB. I know of girls who have said I will play for only UConn and no other team. This is what Geno has created. What a great time to be a UConn Husky fan.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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What puzzles me is that the team did not come out pissed that they had just let a 16 point swing happen at Baylor and lost and then not take it out on C o C, if this had been a SB, DT team C o C would not have scored in the first half and more, don't like that they seemed okay with loosing, none of them seem pissed off about it.
Sue Bird? Diana Taurasi? The two best players at their position on the planet and you expect a team of mostly freshmen and sophomores to be able to be as emotionally strong as them?

wire chief

Sep 12, 2011
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Sue Bird? Diana Taurasi? The two best players at their position on the planet and you expect a team of mostly freshmen and sophomores to be able to be as emotionally strong as them?

Easy, doggy, you have to remember we are a present-oriented, I-want-it-now culture, without reverence for the past.:)


Big Apple Big Dog
Sep 5, 2011
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Easy, doggy, you have to remember we are a present-oriented, I-want-it-now culture, without reverence for the past.:)
Or for the very near future. Look around and take a look at who might be able to compete with UConn for the next few years.
Baylor? For now and next year. After BG, not so much.
ND? Sure, as long as Skylar is running the show. After that, doubtful.
Stanford? After Nneka leaves this year, also doubtful.
That's about it, IMO. The kids in the 201o, 2011 and 2012 classes could be bringing some glorious performances over a number of years our way. It's gonna be fun.
Aug 26, 2011
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This team does not have a mean streak in it............Doty needs to set the tone and she has not the last 2 games. Bria is playing more like a senior than Tiff.......IMO!!
I think you hit on it! Bria seems to the spark
on this team.
Aug 26, 2011
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Or for the very near future. Look around and take a look at who might be able to compete with UConn for the next few years.
Baylor? For now and next year. After BG, not so much.
ND? Sure, as long as Skylar is running the show. After that, doubtful.
Stanford? After Nneka leaves this year, also doubtful.
That's about it, IMO. The kids in the 201o, 2011 and 2012 classes could be bringing some glorious performances over a number of years our way. It's gonna be fun.
I like your thinking; anything we get this year is a plus!
Aug 31, 2011
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2 different halves. the first half was uninspired. but i thought the intensity level was better in the 2nd half. totally different energy level. unfortunately we've seen this story before where we start a game playing to the level of the competition. not a good sign and it's a bad habit. some of that can be immaturity, and some of that unacceptable.

more of the post problems are what we did to ourselves. different if you get the ball in teh lane nd then they triple team, butu we weren't even getting the ball into the lane. Stef not at the level we want her ot be at to be effective. also as coaches, we ran some stuff to get her down into the low block, but it's more us than COC playing well. certainly it's a concern - she can score int he post and we need that going forward.

Kiah - if you can't show confidence when you are up 50, when when can you show it? she wasn't confident at the outset. it ties into practice - from doing it right and doing it a certain way every day and if you don't, you wan't have the confidence when you play Baylor or COC. we are trying to build on that and have our younger players learn that as it's more mental than physical.

we don't want to have the excuse or we are so young, so we say "immature". but we are getting better. we seem to go up and down based on our opponent and that's not acceptable going forward.

got to see Breanna play Morgan. Morgan made a 3 to tie with 10 seconds to go. Breanna inbounds, gets it to a kid who knocks down a 3 with 2 seconds to go. no one thought Breanna's team should have even been in the elite league, and then they beat bolingbrook. we are going to be in good shape next year when they come...
Comprehensive inf she is right on! The staff is having some difficulty controlling their excitement,re the 2012 incoming class of Breanna,Morgan,and Mo:) I would not be surprised if Tuck moves up in rankings which vary from 4-15
Aug 31, 2011
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I like your thinking; anything we get this year is a plus!
We have 20 more games to work on this season,prior to Big East Tournament and March Madness. I did not think we had enough around Maya to come close to the Final Four! I was wrong. By the time we got to ND in the semi finals I really believed we would beat them for a 4th time and then beat Texas A&M. Well,it did not work out;( This season although, we were adding a rerere constructured knee CD,KML,Banks,Stokes, but losing all everything Maya along with Dixon, I did not believe we had the rebounding,height,4/5 play to compensate for the loss of MAYA! Well,with all of the questions,I am shocked we are 10-1 We beat #3Stanford,# TexasA&M,lost in a war in Waco that we could have won! So I am not writing off this year.
Having said that it is difficult not to be excited about the trio coming in come 2012 WOW
Aug 31, 2011
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Maybe you'd feel better by saying, "Maryland too".
Since the Maryland series was just announced a couple of weeks ago.Who lnows what are final schedule is going to look like? What about Duke,NC, who else?
Aug 26, 2011
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Sue Bird? Diana Taurasi? The two best players at their position on the planet and you expect a team of mostly freshmen and sophomores to be able to be as emotionally strong as them?

I don't expect them to be SB or DT, never said or insinuated they should be, what I do expect is a bit more fire in the belly, they seem to be okay with the lose and thats not acceptable in sports.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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Or for the very near future. Look around and take a look at who might be able to compete with UConn for the next few years.
Baylor? For now and next year. After BG, not so much.
ND? Sure, as long as Skylar is running the show. After that, doubtful.
Stanford? After Nneka leaves this year, also doubtful.
That's about it, IMO. The kids in the 201o, 2011 and 2012 classes could be bringing some glorious performances over a number of years our way. It's gonna be fun.
Jewell Loyd--a more explosive athlete and a better scorer than Skylar. She will battle against MoJeff.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't expect them to be SB or DT, never said or insinuated they should be, what I do expect is a bit more fire in the belly, they seem to be okay with the lose and thats not acceptable in sports.
Sorry, but that is exactly what you insinuated.

And I don't think they were ok with the loss at all. That is YOUR interpretation for their slow start. And an insult to the players.
Aug 26, 2011
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Sorry, but that is exactly what you insinuated.

And I don't think they were ok with the loss at all. That is YOUR interpretation for their slow start. And an insult to the players.

Hmm interpretation.... " I don't think they were okay with the loss at all" That is YOUR interpretation, Insulting the players hmmm, you should scold Geno as well because he says similar style things to them as a coach all the time, now I'll wait for you to formulate the rebuttal saying that it is different because Geno is the coach, and how do I know that he says such things, blah blah blah.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours
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