I don’t think that would have happened with Sanogo in the game. Where I don’t agree with the critics is that Hurley has this smartest person complex. Like most successful people, he can have a healthy confident attitude sometimes but generally speaking, he can be self demeaning and can make fun of himself. He can see the humor in things. Inflexible at times in the short term - of course and that’s what he needs to work on. I wish he would ripe up Game plans more and ride the hot hand. But, one poster is correct - I expect more time for Adama next game but it will be Dan’s decision not ours. As Chief mentioned, I got a 4 letter word earful when I suggested something to Calhoun once but did see evidence he thought about it later but if I was stupid enough to inquiry again I am sure whatever changed had nothing to do with what I said! A friend of Chief had the famous “call off the dogs” comment to Calhoun at the Q game against Tom Moore. Of course, he responded what the “F” do you want me to do (think we are so much better we can’t help leading by 40 points) but then did put in the walkons that snowy day at the fairly empty XL, after pouting on the bench for 30 seconds. By then, it was his decision not hers, however there’s no doubt he thought she was right. In fact, he took her advice another time after that. Chief also knew that Pat was the boss off the court. So if it was a female he liked and respected - he might be more likely to listen and change fairly quickly on a people thing - and that was really about his relationship with Tom Moore.