If it's anything like what we used to do, and I'm guessing it is, it goes kinda like this:
3 on 3 with the defensive guys inside the offensive guys, defense has to act as if they are gurading the guy and ten JC or one of the coeaches throws up a jumper which then becomes a backyard brawl. The defensive guys either need to get the rebound or as we used to do it, keep them away from the ball and the ball HAS to hit the floor first therefore proving the prowess of your boxout. Then you still need to get the ball beofre the others.......very difficult if not everyone is an expert at boxing out. You can be real good and have someone who just keeps missing his man and you repeat, repeat, repeat etc etc.......3X in a row 3 guys boxing out well enough to have the ball hit the floor? Real fun.......pretty gald I'm over 50 now!! LOL