Can anyone take a meteorologist seriously anymore? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Can anyone take a meteorologist seriously anymore?


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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No the problem is you believing that they put things out there as if they are 100% locked and will never change.

That is not how most meteorologists present it. Most openly admitted that this storm in particular was hard to forecast for a number of reasons. (Except maybe the NWS. They really screwed this one).

Sorry your world was shattered that the storm stayed a few miles to the south of where imperfect models thought it might be 2 days ago.

get a life internet tough guy, I was just playing around

my ignore list is growing, just have no time for these guys
Sep 21, 2011
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So everyone essentially agrees they can't make accurate predictions, yet they keep talking to us like they can and we still listen to them

OK, got it

I'll tell you, some dude working in Phoenix was always right, everyday was sunny and 95 degrees

Aruba too, they're pretty accurate down there, probably batting 980

mostly sunny, 85 degrees and windy, every day of the year
Even our weather has been crazy this year .
January was warmer than normal ,Feb !and March so far colder than normal.
I’m in the desert and had too cover my plants a few nights in months that are usually our spring. We have 30-40 degrees difference between day and night. That’s how you can play golf all year round just get early T times which aren’t much of a problem in a June ,July,and August. Plus we’re not stupid enough to go on daylight savings time.
So frost from late December through January is not unusual but unheard of in Feb.
The native desert plants have no problem with cold it’s the imported tropical plants
which are usually constantly being watered on a drip system are the ones with a frost problem plus my young citrus trees .
I have a lemon ,Mexican Lyme, and an orange tree..
It suppose to hit the high 80’s today, the warmest day since January. The ground temps just now are allowing me to fertilize.
But it’s going immediately back to the 70’s . I think the’re predicting rain tomorrow.


#1 Casual Fan™
Aug 27, 2011
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I live in Brooklyn and we got pounded.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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Even our weather has been crazy this year .
January was warmer than normal ,Feb !and March so far colder than normal.
I’m in the desert and had too cover my plants a few nights in months that are usually our spring. We have 30-40 degrees difference between day and night. That’s how you can play golf all year round just get early T times which aren’t much of a problem in a June ,July,and August. Plus we’re not stupid enough to go on daylight savings time.
So frost from late December through January is not unusual but unheard of in Feb.
The native desert plants have no problem with cold it’s the imported tropical plants
which are usually constantly being watered on a drip system are the ones with a frost problem plus my young citrus trees .
I have a lemon ,Mexican Lyme, and an orange tree..
It suppose to hit the high 80’s today, the warmest day since January. The ground temps just now are allowing me to fertilize.
But it’s going immediately back to the 70’s . I think the’re predicting rain tomorrow.

I'm envious of you right now


Somewhere around Barstow
Sep 18, 2011
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As a science worker I must admit the best part of my job is when I discover that I am wrong (or that someone else is wrong) because when you get to that point, you are making progress. Too often we just spend our time proving something we think is true is real and not some artifact of the data we are analyzing.
Weather in spring, in high latitudes, near continental boundaries, is well known and well understood to be especially difficult model and or predict. The number of inputs increases on logarithmic scale over very short periods. There is a great deal of energy in the lower latitudes that is capable of inserting a tremendous amount water vapor into the the mix. Then the arctic air masses are exceptionally unstable during March - April and cause the jet stream to behave in the same exceptionally erratic manner. It is simply beyond our capabilities to accurately predict how certain stimuli will insert themselves into the prevailing pattern.
There a reason that they use terms such as "NN percent chance" of whatever weather they are predicting, because the there is a statistically probability that something will (or will not) occur. And if you really want to feel good about "science," I can tell you with near 99% certainty that the majority of oncologists will admit that their accuracy rate is on par with meteorology and those that claim they are better are lying to you.

Dream Jobbed 2.0

“Most definitely”
May 3, 2016
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Long Island got record snow. So it isn't like the storm didn't show up - just "where" kept changing. And it snowed a ton - luckily it was warm enough that most of it melted when it hit the ground. Had it been 7-8 degrees cooler in NYC it would have been well over a foot, but it never cooled off so we have a bunch of slush.
But see, that is kind of that these people should know about and take into account!
Dec 6, 2016
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Can anyone take a meteorologist seriously anymore?

***Raises hand***

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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TV meteorologist in particular get swept up in the hype. Watching local and national tv news for weather information is one of the few real reasons to tune in these days. No one gets too excited when a weather man down plays a storm. The new producers, the station mgmt get caught up and the pressure is on to hype it up. Plus, our ever growing nanny state practically mandates meteorologist to err on the side of worst case.

Finally, if you read any of the weather nerd tweets and websites, they all said this last storm was iffy and would be severely impacted by the dry cold air high pressure system to the north which turns out - ate up a good part of the storm by absorbing the moisture.
Aug 26, 2011
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Back in the late 70's, my dad said... "I stopped listening to those people after we got 8 inches of party cloudy."
Aug 26, 2011
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Long Island got record snow. So it isn't like the storm didn't show up - just "where" kept changing. And it snowed a ton - luckily it was warm enough that most of it melted when it hit the ground. Had it been 7-8 degrees cooler in NYC it would have been well over a foot, but it never cooled off so we have a bunch of slush.
The European model supposedly nailed the CT results. That’s the one I try to follow, but I think they charge $ for it. Occasionally hear local forecasters mention it, and I start listening.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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The European model supposedly nailed the CT results. That’s the one I try to follow, but I think they charge $ for it. Occasionally hear local forecasters mention it, and I start listening.
If you have the patience, the NWS will talk about the euro model in their forecast discussion link which is generally updated every six hours, but more frequently during active weather.
Sep 27, 2017
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It’s like listening to Seth Greenberg predict basketball outcomes. Wrong, wrong, wrong, right, wrong...
Aug 27, 2011
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The problem, as with any predictive science, is that there are uncertainties involved that are hard to convey to a lay audience.

People don't want to hear "there's a 80% chance of more than 2" of snow; a 40% of more than 6" of snow; and a 10% chance of more than 10" of snow". And, worse, TV news producers don't want meteorologists to say it. There are ratings/hype to worry about. There's also a "better to err on the side of caution" attitude, since there are worse consequences for failing to forecast a blizzard than for forecasting a blizzard and getting flurries.
Aug 26, 2011
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If you have the patience, the NWS will talk about the euro model in their forecast discussion link which is generally updated every six hours, but more frequently during active weather.
I tried googling for a site, found one, and it basically shutdown the next week. That’s why I surmised $ was involved. I will recheck NWS. Thanks
Jan 28, 2015
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The Weather Channel website copywriter has only one tone: total and complete panic and terror all the time. This is just my pass through today, but it got so bad that I started writing down their headlines so I could recap it in a gigantic tweet one day. Astonishing stuff..

Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at 6.21.10 PM.png


Aug 26, 2011
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The Weather Channel website copywriter has only one tone: total and complete panic and terror all the time. This is just my pass through today, but it got so bad that I started writing down their headlines so I could recap it in a gigantic tweet one day. Astonishing stuff..

View attachment 29930
Good point. I can see how people feel misled by this kind of nonsense. Guess I just tuned it out years ago.

Dream Jobbed 2.0

“Most definitely”
May 3, 2016
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The Weather Channel website copywriter has only one tone: total and complete panic and terror all the time. This is just my pass through today, but it got so bad that I started writing down their headlines so I could recap it in a gigantic tweet one day. Astonishing stuff..

View attachment 29930
Any time there’s a storm headed for the DC-Boston corridor: “50 million in path of sheer destruction”
Aug 26, 2011
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How can they keep talking to us like they know what the weather is going to be? Especially them there "extended forecasts"

The only time they're accurate is when they're standing outside and telling us "it's raining on me"

I think they're batting like 500 on forecasts just 24 hours out, maybe below 350 in March in CT (we'll call it spring training)

PS: any updates on Hurley?
Look I don't give a damn that the forecast was wrong. In fact I'm glad the forecast was wrong because I didn't have to pay my plow guy. What little snow we did have melted on my driveway and sidewalk. I hope they are wrong more in the future.
Sep 17, 2011
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The local news has become a weather forecast. So they hype every event and always pump the next one even if it is 9 days away and never shows up. It really is a joke and they should be ashamed of themselves. Ch 30 with their infantile snowmonster baloney. Reporters out kicking an inch of slush around. These folks are becoming irrelevant.


Once upon a time, would never miss a game
Nov 28, 2016
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I totally get that the job is hard, and don't blame them for getting one wrong once in a while. What galls me is how the local channels have weather on all day any time there is any kind of weather. I guess it says a lot about the people who watch daytime TV.

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