Hey folks:
I contacted a good friend of mine who is one of the leading neuro-osteopedic surgeons here in Connecticut and I shared this thread with him and asked him to weigh in...below you will see his response... I hope this helps
A sprain is a ligament injury of varying degrees. Ligaments are flexible but inelastic structures that hold joints together and limit the degree of movement thus preventing dislocation.. When a joint is forced beyond its limited range, the ligaments are stretched more than their limit, and a tear results. This can be a minor microscopic tear or a a complete tear. The great majority of sprains heal uneventfully. Depending on the severity of the tear, there can be some elongation of the tendon which leaves the joint a little loose. That is why after the first ankle sprain, it is easier to sprain it again. Primary surgical repair of an ankle ligament is rarely indicated, but there are a number of ligament reconstruction procedures for recurrent ankle sprains. Hope that helps!