BC Opposed the Inclusion of UCONN | Page 2 | The Boneyard

BC Opposed the Inclusion of UCONN

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Sep 20, 2011
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This guy is a petty little . This is the height of his power. He is maxed out but he is going to make sure everyone knows he got us blocked and shine a light on how much more power he has in the conference than Coach K or Brodhead (yeah right). Great, good for you GD. At the end of the day the rest of the ACC said, ok Pitt is a fine alternative. Let's throw the a bone since we will continue to screw BC on bowl games long into the future and long after GD is gone. That said, if the ACC needs another team (i.e. FSU heads to SEC or ND agrees to join) we are next in line regardless of what he says or thinks.
Aug 26, 2011
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Living in Boston, you have to understand that The Globe and Blaudschun have it in for BC. I would not take this story at face value, but it is one writers spin on what happened to cast DeFilipo and BC in a negative light. Did BC oppose UConn? Sure. Did they have the ability to block UConn? Probably not. Face it, Pitt is a good alternative to UConn and it has much more football history, so you can't blame the ACC, especially since football money is driving the bus.

In addition, if you think ACC basketball has been bad, what about ACC football? Remember when the ACC was going to get 2 BCS berths in many years? National championships? It has not happened since the ACC expanded.

Blaudschun has great contacts within the Big East including the BE offices and Calhoun. He does not have great contacts within the ACC so take this article with a grain of salt.

You have doggone quote from DeFillipo. What in the world do you people need? I would just admit I was wrong and move on.
Sep 18, 2011
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One last point on Pitt basketball. Pitt has enjoyed success over the past 10 years, but before that Pitt was an average college basketball team. They have greatly benefited by being in the BE and playing in NYC as many city players have starred at Pitt. Put Pitt in the ACC, and we will see if they keep getting the NYC players. Pitt is not in the top 50 of college basketball winning percentage even though they have one of the best records over the past 10 years. (Note: the new ACC will have 4 of the top 50 programs, and the current remaining BE has 11 of the top 50.)

You could say UConn has only been successful since Calhoun, but then you don't know history. UConn was a regional power for decades before Calhoun and played in the NCAA tournament many times.
Sep 18, 2011
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Upstater - Blaudschun had an angle on the story and he took a quote from DeFilippo to support his thesis. Of course BC didn't want UConn, but I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn if you think this is the hole story.
Sep 2, 2011
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Since the reports of bc blocking UConn have already been leaked out, the most revealing part of the article is GDF's brazen assault on the duke's ad and Coach K. There was no reason for such a gratuitous mention. Yet he did. It will now force a reaction from tobacco road. Make no mistake about it, unc and duke just sat up.

Now we know why uconn as next in line. BC was able to block by claiming pitt was a good alternative. Will they hold the same sway for #15 or #16? The only real competition is RU. Wonder how that inclusion over uconn will go over on tobacco road? Two guesses as who wins out on that.

Aug 26, 2011
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Since the reports of bc blocking UConn have already been leaked out, the most revealing part of the article is GDF's brazen assault on the duke's ad and Coach K. There was no reason for such a gratuitous mention. Yet he did. It will now force a reaction from tobacco road. Make no mistake about it, unc and duke just sat up.

Now we know why uconn as next in line. BC was able to block by claiming pitt was a good alternative. Will they hold the same sway for #15 or #16? The only real competition is RU. Wonder how that inclusion over uconn will go over on tobacco road? Two guesses as who wins out on that.

This article just serves to confirm what we knew all along, that BC blocked us out of fear of our program. They couldn't compete on the basketball court and soon would be our b____ in football. To say that this move was motivated by football is hilarious. I'm sure that the football powers in the ACC were thrilled with the addition of Syracuse.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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One last point on Pitt basketball. Pitt has enjoyed success over the past 10 years, but before that Pitt was an average college basketball team. They have greatly benefited by being in the BE and playing in NYC as many city players have starred at Pitt. Put Pitt in the ACC, and we will see if they keep getting the NYC players. Pitt is not in the top 50 of college basketball winning percentage even though they have one of the best records over the past 10 years. (Note: the new ACC will have 4 of the top 50 programs, and the current remaining BE has 11 of the top 50.)

You could say UConn has only been successful since Calhoun, but then you don't know history. UConn was a regional power for decades before Calhoun and played in the NCAA tournament many times.
This sounds like a handful of St John's fans who are convinced that now that Pitt and Cuse are leaving the BE neither school will have a shot at landing any NYC players (turning St John's into a dynasty in no time).

Believe it or not, NYC players have gone to ACC schools in the past. There is no reason to believe that this will not continue.
Aug 29, 2011
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I wouldn't be surprised If UConn didn't necessarily oppose SYR and Pitt's early departure in exchange for their support should an ACC opportunity eventually present itself to UConn down the road.
Aug 26, 2011
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“We always keep our television partners close to us,’’ he said. “You don’t get extra money for basketball. It’s 85 percent football money. TV - ESPN - is the one who told us what to do. This was football; it had nothing to do with basketball.’’

Kind of a dumb thing for GDF to say, no?
Aug 24, 2011
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From everything I've seen and read there is absolutely no reason to believe this guy is a brain surgeon.
Sep 3, 2011
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my take after reading that article is that GDF is in a lot of heat at Chestnut Hill and did this interview to try to showcase his influence to the BC fan base. The story is being picked-up by all the big hitters on Twitter. Think this will backfire on him - especially the ESPN and Coach K/Duke quotes.
Sep 20, 2011
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You need more than one school to block an invitation. If it was only BC, the votes would have been 11-1 and UConn would have been invited.

UConn never came up for a vote. GD denied us that opportunity and promoted Pitt as a good alternative. Even though Pitt is not the first choice they are a great 2nd pick. Good hoops, football tradition (which appeases FSU, Clemson, etc in the near term), and even better, another traditional ND rival along with BC, and Cuse to hopefully pull them into the league. It's pretty easy to see why they chose Pitt as an alternative. Which is why it is so hysterical that GD is promoting himself as having all this power in the ACC. What a joke. We will be in the next round and he will be fired within the next 5 years.
Aug 24, 2011
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Reading that column made me feel like UConn is the second coming of Holy Cross. At one time, BCU-Holy Cross was THE rivalry in both football & basketball. Then Holy Cross decided to deemphasize major college sports. In the Big East BC went from a major player to an also ran in hoops at the expense of UConn. According to this column, UConn will be forced to demphasize at the expense of BC with some nudging from ESPN.
Susan Herbst has her work cut out for her. Tying this to another thread, let's hope that UConn gets an invitation to join the Big-10. The power of the Big 10 Network & academic influence of the CIC could once again isolate the Thunder Chickens to the Island of Elba.

Hang in there Coach. I know some of this appears pretty bleak right now. But, Holy Cross was never UCONN in athletics. I'm old enough to remember.

We're going to be OK and it will be largely due to fans like you.
Oct 6, 2011
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Bottom line, if ESPN wanted uconn in the ACC, they would be there. Gene D s on the hot seat, he has singled handedly put BC football back 20+ years. His two football hires have both been disasters, TBA on the hoops coach. He needs something to flex about, and him claiming to have blocked uconn is one way of doing just that.
He wishes he had that type of power.


So if the ACC is so hot for Uconn, and basketball matters as Blaudschun would have you believe, why were they not considered during the first expansion?

Since the first expansion, we took our football program from trailers (trailers!) to the BCS, and won two more men's basketball titles, and approximately 1,786 more women's basketball games. Times have changed, for the better for us, and for the worse for them (BC).
Sep 3, 2011
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Hang in there Coach. I know some of this appears pretty bleak right now. But, Holy Cross was never UCONN in athletics. I'm old enough to remember.

We're going to be OK and it will be largely due to fans like you.

+1000. UConn is where it is today because of its athletics program. Every administrator, alumni and politician knows this and will not let the schools athletics programs slip into oblivion.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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The article is something of a mess. It starts that basketball was important which explains the addition of Syracuse and Pitt. Then it says it was all about football, but never explains how Syracuse and Pitt address the football side.

In any event, the Defillipo comments leave absolutely no question where he stands. UConn is likely never going to the ACC, and no amount of begging harder is going to change that. His objective, clearer than ever, is the destruction of the UConn athletic program. Yet 90% of this board supports this insane "beg harder" strategy. Defillipo gave this interview AFTER Herbst had spoken to BC. They are spitting in her face.

As an aside, this is an attack on the taxpayers of Connecticut too, since UConn is a taxpayer supported institution.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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“We always keep our television partners close to us,’’ he said. “You don’t get extra money for basketball. It’s 85 percent football money. TV - ESPN - is the one who told us what to do. This was football; it had nothing to do with basketball.’’

Kind of a dumb thing for GDF to say, no?

I think someone from UConn close to ESPN has to call them up, cite this quote, and tell them that we have a big problem with them legally if they don't make this right.


Aug 26, 2011
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I think someone from UConn close to ESPN has to call them up, cite this quote, and tell them that we have a big problem with them legally if they don't make this right.
This was the most new-worthy part of the article. If ESPN guided the expansion, how will all of its talking heads moan about how conference realignment is ruining college sports? This does look like a move to address the rejection of the last BE contract offer.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think someone from UConn close to ESPN has to call them up, cite this quote, and tell them that we have a big problem with them legally if they don't make this right.

Absolutely. BC just screwed up big time with this quote.
Aug 29, 2011
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I would add that BC said (way back when) there would have to be changes in the administrations at both schools before we would ever play each other again. Well, since then, UConn has a new university president, new AD, new head football coach (and staff), the state of CT has a new governor and a new Attorney General. How's that for change on our side of the border?
Sep 20, 2011
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F BC. That is all. They will never surpass UConn athletically regardless of what happens.
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