Reading through this thread there's an elephant in the room feeling that no one wants to touch because it'll likely derail the entire thread. The saddest part of what's happened with this virus, is when the science was co-opted by politics. I'll refrain from tossing out blame as that usually results in meaningless arguments leading to nowhere.
From the beginning when this thing first attacked the world, all countries got in line, listened to the scientific experts, and followed their recommendations. But as I predicted early on, America's spirit of individuality & freedom was always gonna be the biggest obstacle to fighting this disease and once it became political, that obstacle became a boulder. We don't like people telling us what to do, we think we know better, and everyone's an expert nowadays. And with the internet and social media at our fingertips we can always find a source to back up our point of view, no matter how wrong or misguided it may be.
So, while most other countries went through the quarantines and are now starting to reopen, we are suffering the effects of not sticking to the science, following the experts advice, and being on the same path as they are. We are literally banned from the rest of the planet, our passports are useless, because we don't wanna wear masks, or social distance, or simply stay the frick home.
Now the pattern is about to repeat with opening up these schools and putting our kids at risk with no overall UNIVERSAL plan on how to go about it. In some states masks will not be required at all, and the logic being "well, its kids and they don't get affected as much". We are literally doing the same things and expecting different results, the pure definition of insanity.
I'm not a pessimist by nature, I really do want to hope for the best. But most likely, the sports leagues will probably have to stop playing the games at some point, and schools will likely have to close down again. We rushed to "reopen the economy" and the results are what we've seen in TX, AZ, FL, and so on, so why should this episode turn out any different? We can't get out of this cycle until we bite the bullet, sit down, and have several seats. And unless and until there's a vaccine, we'll be right back here in a few months having the same arguments, and debating the same points.