B1G | Page 20 | The Boneyard


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Aug 26, 2011
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Good link. There is no way ACC will get their total of $50M from Maryland. Based on one other case of BE vs. WVU, I am pretty confident Maryland will not pay close to the $50M penalty they did not sign up for. I would guess they will probably settle somewhere around $30M as the exit fee. I doubt the ACC will want all its dirty laundry aired in the public court so they will settle rather than litigate all the way through. Hopefully, we can get this done soon so the realignment drama will go into full swing again. At end of the day, ACC will turn into a private school/secondary state school type of conference. Let's just hope we are in the B1G by then.
Aug 26, 2011
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I brought this crap up 11 months ago and people were doubting it's possible. Don't forget me. :p
Nov 2, 2011
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You really do, my man. Especially if the B10N created a B10N2, B10N3, etc (similar to ESPN2). If they follow your ideas, they would dominate college sports coverage from Nebraska to Maine, from Minnesota to North Carolina. That's a HUGE coverage zone.

I have already said BTN2 is on deck as soon as they get to 20 schools.
Aug 26, 2011
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I brought this crap up 11 months ago and people were doubting it's possible. Don't forget me. :p

I predicted ACC would be blown apart at some point right after B12 signed their TV deal. All the pieces are moving nicely now. It is just a matter of time. College football is about greed and you just need to follow the money.
Nov 2, 2011
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I predicted ACC would be blown apart at some point right after B12 signed their TV deal. All the pieces are moving nicely now. It is just a matter of time. College football is about greed and you just need to follow the money.

OK, you win the interwebs. ;) (j/k)
Aug 26, 2011
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I predicted ACC would be blown apart at some point right after B12 signed their TV deal. All the pieces are moving nicely now. It is just a matter of time. College football is about greed and you just need to follow the money.
Of course. I'll just say this, the writing was on the wall for 16(+?) team conferences. For a while. To be honest, all credit really goes to the Metro Conference and Raycom. They are the true visionaries for what's going on.


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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the few sources i have are not tv ppl, just uconn homies. i wish i was a important person. i would have uconn in a great spot and also be making all my connections cash $$$ all dam day.

Dan, Don't let the Bastards and Biatches Grind You Down!

At this point, I could really give a rat's ass whether or not you are crazy moonshiner as#hole or someone with actual inside info. Your spouting actually is quite logical the majority of the time and is the preferred outcome for me. Plus its entertaining. Keep up the fight despite the naysayers.

Aug 26, 2011
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I had a strong feeling that UCONN would start a heavy pr campaign to reveal more of it's assets to a certain audience, so I have my eyes peeled. Wouldn't you know:


Last Monday I saw UCONN opened a position for a new vp of research. I bet Herbst is spacing out these press releases to improve the effect and to underscore our commitment to research. I wonder what we can expect next Monday?

I think there have been discussions with the b1g, but no promises. The full court press to move that bird - from the bush to the hand - is in effect.


$3M a Year With March Off
Aug 26, 2011
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I had a strong feeling that UCONN would start a heavy pr campaign to reveal more of it's assets to a certain audience, so I have my eyes peeled. Wouldn't you know:

http://today.uconn.edu/blog/2012/12/uconn-creates-innovative-institute-for-systems-genomics/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed: uconn-today (UConn Today)

Last Monday I saw UCONN opened a position for a new vp of research. I bet Herbst is spacing out these press releases to improve the effect and to underscore our commitment to research. I wonder what we can expect next Monday?

I think there have been discussions with the b1g, but no promises. The full court press to move that bird - from the bush to the hand - is in effect.

Do you have a source regarding discussion or are just speculating?


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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I had a strong feeling that UCONN would start a heavy pr campaign to reveal more of it's assets to a certain audience, so I have my eyes peeled. Wouldn't you know:

http://today.uconn.edu/blog/2012/12/uconn-creates-innovative-institute-for-systems-genomics/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed: uconn-today (UConn Today)

Last Monday I saw UCONN opened a position for a new vp of research. I bet Herbst is spacing out these press releases to improve the effect and to underscore our commitment to research. I wonder what we can expect next Monday?

I think there have been discussions with the b1g, but no promises. The full court press to move that bird - from the bush to the hand - is in effect.
This research will include the development of the uber football athlete. We sell the information to the first power conference that selects UConn!


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I seriously love Susan Herbst. We've got to be inching closer to AAU acceptance soon, eh?
Aug 26, 2011
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Agreed. That would be one genius powerplay for UConn. HFD - I really hope that you have some sort of insider info/connections with UConn and all of this realignment business.
Seriously Dooley? You think HFD has "inside info"? Yes, HFD has inside info that no one else has, it is because it is only inside his head! :confused:
Aug 26, 2011
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Do you have a source regarding discussion or are just speculating?

No source. Sorry if I got your hopes up. It makes sense that UCONN has been vetted as an option, and that they know they are somewhere on the b1g radar - but I have no insider knowledge.


Aug 24, 2011
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Seriously Dooley? You think HFD has "inside info"? Yes, HFD has inside info that no one else has, it is because it is only inside his head! :confused:

in order for any inside info to become public, it must be inside your head at some point in the transaction.
Oct 11, 2011
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Again, link already posted earlier today. From the ONE AND ONLY source that called RU and Maryland to B1G before it happened.

That makes him 1 for 1, and more credible than anyone out there at the moment. It's not like this guy is like Mhver3 or Dude of WV, throwing hundreds of possibilities out there where one is eventually going to be correct.

Sheesh. Wait and see, like the rest of us. There's no guarantees in life.

This doesn't appear to be correct. The poster that you are referring to, RULookinatme, did not post that Rutgers was going to the B!G. In fact, here is his post where he refers to ANOTHER poster, a TV insider on the Rutgers board, who posted the info about Rutgers going to the

Respected Rutgers insider saying Rutgers Big 10 bound
There's a poster on Rutgers' site that's a television insider, very very high up. He's saying that Rutgers to the Big 10 is a done deal. This isn't just an average poster. He was one of the insiders that knew about Rutgers and the Big 10 when the Big 10 did a consultancy evaluation of new members. He has been probably the number one Rutgers guy involved with the Big 10 outside of RU's official channels. This is extremely big news for Rutgers and of course the Big East.

Curiously, if RU is Big 10 bound, the ACC only has you guys to look to for #16 when/if Notre Dame is added.

Definitely exciting times for everyone!

StartedJul 31, 2012 at 16:02
Louisville > UL Football > UL Football (scout)
by RUlookinatme



NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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HFD, you are either bats*it crazy or absolutely dead on, but regardless you are consistent.
I completely agree that there are a lot of little "tells" out there I outlined in an older thread that we could be headed to the B1G, but its damn frustrating when you don't hear any "leaks" linking us from other outlets. I do remain hopeful however that we are reading the tea leaves correctly and in the near future will be announced to B1G... Recent history shows us that this could very well be close to a done deal and we wouldn't know until the last minute. The B1G knows that this doesn't need to be rushed while waiting to see how other pieces come together (UVA, UNC... etc..) and in fact we could have been sealed up before the ACC "snubbing".
Wishful thinking??? ... Perhaps... But very plausible.
Wait can't he be batshit crazy and absolutely dead on? They aren't mutually exclussive.
Aug 27, 2011
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I had a strong feeling that UCONN would start a heavy pr campaign to reveal more of it's assets to a certain audience, so I have my eyes peeled. Wouldn't you know:

http://today.uconn.edu/blog/2012/12/uconn-creates-innovative-institute-for-systems-genomics/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed: uconn-today (UConn Today)

Last Monday I saw UCONN opened a position for a new vp of research. I bet Herbst is spacing out these press releases to improve the effect and to underscore our commitment to research. I wonder what we can expect next Monday?

I think there have been discussions with the b1g, but no promises. The full court press to move that bird - from the bush to the hand - is in effect.

Sorry, false alarm, this is just a reference to the same thing:

Nov 18, 2012
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This doesn't directly connect to the B1G but I thought it is somewhat connected to this entire process.

Fox is currently trying to purchase controlling share of MASN (link). MASN is Mid Atlantic Sports Network and was started by the Balitmore Orioles/Peter Angelos (owner of Orioles) as part of the agreement to allow the Nats to move to DC and MASN/MASN2 would be the only Network to broadcast O's and Nats games. Angelos is one of the most brilliant lawyers of his lifetime and because of his negotiations the Orioles ownership owns 87% of MASN and that percentage falls every year until it bottoms out at 67%. I am sure MLB is pushing Fox to buy MASN as both the Nats and Os are in disagreements about how much the Nats receive yearly (Nats believe they are being unfairly compensated).

MASN also carries a lot of ACC games on their network, which is why I think this is a situation to keep an eye on. If Fox does negotiate to buy MASN they not only own YES but will also own MASN (NYC-NOVA and I am sure MASN is available from PIttsburgh to the Carolinas). I believe Maryland has a contract with MASN like UConn does with SNY
Nov 2, 2011
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So YES & BTN bundle in CT/NY and MASN & BTN bundle in MD/VA/NC?

Along with the new Fox Sports channel that's being launched...

Looks like ESPN has a fight on its hands.


Aug 26, 2011
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I don't know a ton about TV contracts or deals with conferences.

SNY pretty much has UConn's tier three rights for 120 hours of men's bball and football, plus tier three for all women's bball (correct?)

How does the UConn deal with SNY (men's bball and football esp. (but also women's bball) hurt or help getting an invite to B1G or ACC? If the ACC has sold all it's tier three to ESPN, would the UConn/SNY deal hamper UConn getting an invite to the ACC? How about the workings of the BTN, does one interfere with the other?

Someone above mentioned ACC basketball games on MASN, but I thought ESPN owned all ACC games, or is that just in football?
Aug 26, 2011
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That MHver3 dude has some tweets in the last hour about Big 12 landing or close to landing FSU. We'll see if there is any smoke to this.
Aug 27, 2011
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That MHver3 dude has some tweets in the last hour about Big 12 landing or close to landing FSU. We'll see if there is any smoke to this.
You do realize that he just spins a wheel with 30 colleges on it, takes the one it lands on, spins a wheel with the 5 conferences, and uses that as evidence for his tweets? The committee in Dan's head has moved past that witchcraft.
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