Seattle has become a bad team, management screwed up in hiring Quinn.Is it pretty much baked in at this point that Stewie is going to make a move to the Liberty come the off-season? The idea of her pairing with Ionescu is tantalizing given how versatile they both are. Thus far Ionescu hasn't had the opportunity to pair with a really dynamic big.
Benching your best defensive player at the end of the year was stupid. Ezi is a better defensive and offensive player then Gabby. If Bonner can play the 3 then Stewie should play the 3, Tina at the 4 and Ezi at the 5.
This is Jewell's worst year shooting, and Sue has been off because Seattle has a very bad shooter at the 3.
No one bothers with Gabby, because her offense is so bad.
26 minutes a game and 7 points doesn't make it in the WNBA.