Attention AG Bashers | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Attention AG Bashers

Jul 26, 2019
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There's discussing basketball.....and writing a post that's so convinced that you know more than a D1 coach. Like the ones calling for Gilbert to be benched.

And, on a greater scale, I've found the point of this forum is to build relationships with like minded people where you can share the highs and help live through the lows as a collective group.

I see the difference here but I think it comes with the territory when you’re a head coach at such a high major program with the exposure and dedicated/crazy fan base like UConn’s.

I’m sure Duke and Kentucky have equally if not even more crazy/ridiculous fans that probably hound K and Calipari for their game decisions. And they are sure fire HOF coaches.

Dan is right about fans not knowing a thing but he isn’t going to be able to put a stop to the negativity.

As a leader you have to silence that on your own by not giving it attention.

If getting your players off social media is necessary as part of that protection then he should do it.

I just don’t think his words are going to make the crazy ones all the sudden stop messaging his players.
He’s going to have to find a better tactic. I don’t disagree with his thoughts though.
Mar 16, 2015
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There were people on Twitter I saw in particular directly tweeting Gilbert telling him he was trash. Go ahead and complain about his performance, go ahead and critique him, but DM a college kid who you say you root for and call him trash? Weak.
Jul 3, 2014
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He must think this is a cult if he wants no criticism and everyone to just be a Hurley yes man. I support UConn before and after Hurley. Calhoun was critisized, Hurley will be too! Comes with the job and a passionate fan base. AG didn't play well in that game and Hurley let it go so he takes some of that blame too. Get over it, make changes and play better. Neither Dan nor Ag owns UConn basketball. I was a fan before them and I'll be a fan them. Criticism doesn't make you not a fan imo.
Aug 26, 2011
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We are James Bouknight & a lot of interesting pieces.

Gilbert - and I have said this often - has a valuable skill to dribble drive past most any opponent and create openings; and he works extraordinarily hard moving his feet on D. Carlton is an old school center with good balance & a head for where he is on the floor; good offensive moves; I wish he would finish stronger. Akok is a solid defensive add & Development of O. Vital is a lead dog personality w skills. Chutzpah. Polley shooting. Gaffney looking more confident can get the ball moving. Adams is a revelation this year; just far improved. Wilson finding his way.

so ... as we’ve had from coaches in our past: you have to learn how to optimize all the chess pieces. We have a ways to go. But I think - after Charleston - we have Bouknight. I disagree on the Jeremy Lamb comment from Villanova fan. This kid CAN be a Allen or Rip lead. He has that talent that you can see immediately. Scottie Lewis of FLORIDA was higher ranked - we’ve got the better draw.
Aug 24, 2011
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I see the difference here but I think it comes with the territory when you’re a head coach at such a high major program with the exposure and dedicated/crazy fan base like UConn’s.

I’m sure Duke and Kentucky have equally if not even more crazy/ridiculous fans that probably hound K and Calipari for their game decisions. And they are sure fire HOF coaches.

Dan is right about fans not knowing a thing but he isn’t going to be able to put a stop to the negativity.

As a leader you have to silence that on your own by not giving it attention.

If getting your players off social media is necessary as part of that protection then he should do it.

I just don’t think his words are going to make the crazy ones all the sudden stop messaging his players.
He’s going to have to find a better tactic. I don’t disagree with his thoughts though.

Let me take it a step further.

Fishy used to post a lot of X and O stuff here. Lots of game recap "good, bad and ugly" type posts.

It was great stuff....for what it was. And, over time, you realize it's just meaningless message board fodder.

Edward Sargent

Aug 28, 2011
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Let me take it a step further.

Fishy used to post a lot of X and O stuff here. Lots of game recap "good, bad and ugly" type posts.

It was great stuff....for what it was. And, over time, you realize it's just meaningless message board fodder.
I miss that great stuff


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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Maybe Dan needs to stay away from social media, and tell his kids to too

Wasn't he critical of AG's mistakes?

He was making too many of them, but I was always in his corner and I said those problems were fixable


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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Hurley to negative trolls - “We don’t need you”
Hurley to casual fans - “You don’t know what you talking about and We don’t need you”
Either be all in for the ride or get off the ship.
He’s taking on New England negativity. Gotta love him.

Hurley needs us all, especially the donors


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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I see the difference here but I think it comes with the territory when you’re a head coach at such a high major program with the exposure and dedicated/crazy fan base like UConn’s.

I’m sure Duke and Kentucky have equally if not even more crazy/ridiculous fans that probably hound K and Calipari for their game decisions. And they are sure fire HOF coaches.

Dan is right about fans not knowing a thing but he isn’t going to be able to put a stop to the negativity.

As a leader you have to silence that on your own by not giving it attention.

If getting your players off social media is necessary as part of that protection then he should do it.

I just don’t think his words are going to make the crazy ones all the sudden stop messaging his players.
He’s going to have to find a better tactic. I don’t disagree with his thoughts though.

Damn, many people use to ride Jim Calhoun, does Dan expect a free pass? ;)
Apr 8, 2017
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DHs reply to social media people bashing AG
“You’re not a fan of this program,” Hurley said. “You don’t even know what you’re watching. You haven’t spent enough time studying this game, studying what we do, knowing what makes a championship program. You just don’t get it. The things that were said across the board spoke to how little people know about team, how little they know about the game, and to treat a college kid — some fans or some others — in that manner, it’s shameful and despicable. That guy is all heart. He hasn’t played a full college season yet. If we’re going to have any success this season and change the narrative of our program, who is leading the way Josh?”
Josh Carlton, sitting next to Hurley, answered, “Alterique Gilbert.”
That's my leader. A true.hardo


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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DHs reply to social media people bashing AG
“You’re not a fan of this program,” Hurley said. “You don’t even know what you’re watching. You haven’t spent enough time studying this game, studying what we do, knowing what makes a championship program. You just don’t get it. The things that were said across the board spoke to how little people know about team, how little they know about the game, and to treat a college kid — some fans or some others — in that manner, it’s shameful and despicable. That guy is all heart. He hasn’t played a full college season yet. If we’re going to have any success this season and change the narrative of our program, who is leading the way Josh?”
Josh Carlton, sitting next to Hurley, answered, “Alterique Gilbert.”

Dan, I'm happy you're here and I'm in your corner my man. But let me correct something about what you said. Many of us "know what makes a championship program". We've been observing that stuff for 20 or more years.
We've observed 15 titles in total, so we know what it takes. Maybe that's our problem. :D

Anyhow, I think you're the right man to get us back into the mix, and I believe our short term success relies heavily on AG's play. Most of us do, ignore the noise. You can't have the passionate fan bash without the passion
Jun 12, 2019
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Where do we draw the line? Where does acceptable stop and over the line begin?

I do not think I have gone out of bounds myself, but it is always good to self reflect.

Have I said "Coach, please show him some tough love" or "Take him out, give him a stern talk" or "Man, I wish he passed the ball there"...Or "oooof, he had a tough game there." Sure. Is his quote about those kind of things?

Or is his quote about other nasty things I have seen where people lay into Gilbert saying he is trash, that he sucks, that he needs to ride the pine clearly THOSE ARE NOT TRUE. Those more than cross the line. They are indeed disgusting and not okay.

I notice a lot of the worst offenders on social media are nowhere to be seen after today when Gilbert had a solid game. 7 assists vs 2 turnovers. Have I been upset with Gilbert before? Sure, but he brings a ton to the team too.
The Penn St. QB has received numerous deaths from fans...that’s crossing the line. I don’t know what Uconn fans have done but we seem like cheerleaders compared to that crap!
Jul 26, 2019
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Let me take it a step further.

Fishy used to post a lot of X and O stuff here. Lots of game recap "good, bad and ugly" type posts.

It was great stuff....for what it was. And, over time, you realize it's just meaningless message board fodder.

Meaningless or not? So what? I don’t think anyone here believes their boneyard thoughts are being reviewed and applied by the UConn staff.

It’s just fans having fun and bouncing off thoughts with other fans. Waste of time? Sure. So are a lot of things that people enjoy doing, like drinking for instance. Some posters even do both at the same time.


Aug 27, 2011
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I've said this in the chat room a couple of times but never bothered to post on the various threads regarding AG. For UConn to be great this year, we need AG to be very good to great. He's shown in limited time in the past few seasons he is capable of scoring. He's always defending. He's off to a slow start and in some kind up slump no doubt. You have to let him work through that.

Today in the chat, up 20ish, 4ish minutes left, relatively deep in the shot clock, Gilbert shot a pretty wide open three and missed. People were mad he took that shot. He's got to keep taking that shot, particularly when it's practice time.

He's going to work through the shooting woes at some point - he's just shown in the past he can shoot far better than he has this year. When he does, we suddenly become an even more scary team.

When he does that, make sure all you 'bench AG' guys show up and realize how important he is to this team having success at the highest levels.

/stepping off my soapbox
Mar 12, 2019
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I think his comments were more targeted towards Twitter people than on here- it's a lot easier for a kid to avoid a comically uninformed message board than a social networking site that is almost mandatory to maintain a social life among his demographic. I saw numerous tweets that night tagging AG personally and while none of the tweets I saw was abusive they were certainly just rude, undeservedly condescending, and unnecessary.

Best part is, if we pull that game out AG having a bad game is an afterthought and it would've just been purely a Bouknight circle j$%^.

And just to get ahead of things, when James inevitable regresses in the coming weeks (he is shooting 66.7%) how about you numbskulls just sit it out for a few days?
Jan 7, 2012
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The problem for me is the fan hypocrisy when it comes to loyalty. We think down on the transfers that leave and don't stick with the program. Particularly J Dunham who ollie stuck with through injuries but left after one year. I don't blame the players for leaving as there was no development, but we call them out on lack of loyalty.

Then on the flip side we have CV and AG who stayed through the losses, coaching change, and keep saying that all they want to do is get UCONN back to winning. And some fans are ready to give up on AG after 5 games? We know he can do better. He's a much better shooter than he has shown. Remember Cinci last year without Jalen Adams? Almost singlehandedly won it. Coach cannot build a long term successful culture giving up on kids after a few bad games. Doesn't mean they are beyond critique and suggestion they need to change their approach. It does mean they deserve our support as they work through their struggles.

Hans Sprungfeld

Aug 26, 2011
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DHs reply to social media people bashing AG
“You’re not a fan of this program,” Hurley said. “You don’t even know what you’re watching. You haven’t spent enough time studying this game, studying what we do, knowing what makes a championship program. You just don’t get it. The things that were said across the board spoke to how little people know about team, how little they know about the game, and to treat a college kid — some fans or some others — in that manner, it’s shameful and despicable. That guy is all heart. He hasn’t played a full college season yet. If we’re going to have any success this season and change the narrative of our program, who is leading the way Josh?”
Josh Carlton, sitting next to Hurley, answered, “Alterique Gilbert.”
I'm OK with the above, especially after a game in which AG took 5 shots and had 7 dimes in a 25 point blowout.

Year 2, game 6 of a rebuild.
Why punch down at kids?
November is for learning:
players, coaches, & fans.
Stay positive.
Jan 7, 2012
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Also although some fans may think the calling out of fans is not needed - this, intentionally or unintentionally, also speaks to every future recruit out there that coach will have your back through your struggles. Will pay dividends also.

Edited to add love the timeout at the end to get AG out and have crowd recognize him. AG needed that. And for DH to know AG needed that shows how in tune he is to the team and their psyche.
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Aug 24, 2011
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The Husky fans here have every right to constructively criticize AG. Whether or not he received direct IG or FB etc messages remains to be seen. I and everyone here want AG to succeed and mesh with the team so that we as a team may succeed. I didn’t get a chance to see them Miami game but saw AG was 2-2 within the 3 point line and 7 assists clearly something was said to him to warrant such a turn around. Anybody has some feedback on today’s game? As long as Aterique plays within himself we can turn into that dominant top 25 team that I think we deserve to be.

I think you are missing the point. No one has said a fan doesn't have the right to criticize AG, constructively or not. His point is that going beyond saying he didn't play well and suggesting he not be playing as much is dumb.

I'm not even saying Hurley is correct, but people who criticize need to understand that when they are in turn criticized, no one is telling them they don't have the right to criticize -- just that they need to be ready to be criticized as well.
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May 19, 2015
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I think his comments were more targeted towards Twitter people than on here- it's a lot easier for a kid to avoid a comically uninformed message board than a social networking site that is almost mandatory to maintain a social life among his demographic. I saw numerous tweets that night tagging AG personally and while none of the tweets I saw was abusive they were certainly just rude, undeservedly condescending, and unnecessary.

Best part is, if we pull that game out AG having a bad game is an afterthought and it would've just been purely a Bouknight circle j$%^.

And just to get ahead of things, when James inevitable regresses in the coming weeks (he is shooting 66.7%) how about you numbskulls just sit it out for a few days?
This is spot on. As fans, it’s okay to be frustrated, but tweeting at kids is bush league. They’re human beings and they chose to play for our university.

And not for nothing but I’d venture to guess that most of those tweets came from anonymous UConn “fan” accounts.

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