I’ve always gotten lives trees, but with grown kids I’m thinking about the convenience of getting an artificial tree. I started to look online but there’s just a ton of information, so I figured I would tap into the boneyard braintrust.
A few years ago we “inherited” my in-laws tree when they upgraded. In my opinion it’s heinous looking, but I guess it’s nostalgic for my wife. Too fake for my taste though, but it’s probably from the 70s.
So does anyone have a pre-lit tree that they like? I’m thinking spruce because they tend to look a little more natural, pre-lit, and 7 1/2 feet.
I know I want the mold and needles and a fuller more natural shape. Is there anything else I should be thinking about? Any brands that people particularly like?
What’s the budget for it to get a decent one. I see that the prices range from a ridiculous hundred dollars to thousands of dollars.