Aresco Speech From AAC Media Days | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Aresco Speech From AAC Media Days

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Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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I'd love to go to a basketball game at Tulane.

Um, why?

You say these things and I start to wonder if you're not a garden-variety lunatic.
May 23, 2013
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The AAC NEEDS TO GET ON ANOTHER NETWORK. How much more evidence do we need that ESPN hates the league, hates UConn, and wants to see it go away? I don't get the problem, because logic would say that ESPN would want as diversified a group of power teams as possible, particularly since so much content is leaving or has already left ESPN. That said, it is hard to ignore the obvious, which is that ESPN hates us.
Maybe they know something we don't? Before NJU left the OBE/AAC they were for some reason(they knew what was coming) treating RU in an unprofessional shabby manner and sticking them on Espin3 way to often locally and until the announcement no one knew why!?! If its what I hope they see the writing on the wall!!
Feb 22, 2014
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The AAC NEEDS TO GET ON ANOTHER NETWORK. How much more evidence do we need that ESPN hates the league, hates UConn, and wants to see it go away? I don't get the problem, because logic would say that ESPN would want as diversified a group of power teams as possible, particularly since so much content is leaving or has already left ESPN. That said, it is hard to ignore the obvious, which is that ESPN hates us.

I don't necessarily buy that ESPN hates UCONN or The AAC, just that they don't value them the way that they should. If ESPN continues to treat the conference as a second rate entity, than the national perception will continue to be that it is one. Look at the old Big East for example. It consistently outperformed The ACC in both basketball and football for years, but the perception nationally, cultivated by ESPN, was that it was light years behind it.

The AAC isn't even being introduced into the discussion, despite winning a BCS Game in football, and the national championship in basketball SMH. Imagine the coverage the league will receive if it does neither of those this year, which is certainly more likely than doing both.

If UCONN is not invited to join the B1G or ACC by the time The current AAC media deal expires, I would gather all the teams that reside either in major markets, or have a national following, and form a new conference that will play by whatever the P5 standard will be. At that point go to Fox who needs programming desperately for FS1, and NBC who is also hungry for sports programming and possesses multiple cable channels.

While money is important, marketing may be more so. Whoever wins the deal, they should be required to market the hell out of the league. Just like ESPN builds up paper tigers like Clemson or South Carolina every year, perception = reality. If Fox or NBC promotes the league as an equal to the other P5 conferences, the public will eventually accept this as true. With that acceptance will come greater $$$, and better access to the playoff. Multiple Saturday games on Fox, FS1, and locally on their multiple Fox Regional outlets. It's possible to achieve if a leader with vision can rally enough like minded schools to the cause.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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Duke nearly beat Johnny Football and SEC power Texas A&M in their bowl game.
UCF wasn't even picked first in the preseason poll. Yes, they won the Fiesta Bowl, beating a good Baylor team (should be good this year, too). But Baylor isn't a name.

If Fox or NBC promotes the league as an equal to the other P5 conferences, the public will eventually accept this as true.

You clearly think people are really dumb and gullible.
Aug 26, 2011
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Duke nearly beat Johnny Football and SEC power Texas A&M in their bowl game.
UCF wasn't even picked first in the preseason poll. Yes, they won the Fiesta Bowl, beating a good Baylor team (should be good this year, too). But Baylor isn't a name.

You clearly think people are really dumb and gullible.
So nearly beat Texas A&M, trumps beating Baylor in a BCS game? Not trying to argue how good a conference this is or isn't, but since is almost beating a ranked team in a non BCS game better than beating a P5 Conference champ in a BCS game.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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So nearly beat Texas A&M, trumps beating Baylor in a BCS game? Not trying to argue how good a conference this is or isn't, but since is almost beating a ranked team in a non BCS game better than beating a P5 Conference champ in a BCS game.

It shouldn't. But perception is a tough nut to crack.

If anyone thinks AAC Media Day would draw anything but flies on TV, they're delusional. These decisions aren't made for no reason. Nobody cares. The TV ratings speak for themselves.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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* Baylor-UCF drew a 6.6 rating for the Fiesta, down 11 percent from Oregon-Kansas State last year.

* For the second straight year, the Chick-fil-A produced ESPN's most-viewed non-BCS bowl ever with a 5.0 for Texas A&M-Duke. That rating was lower than when Johnny Manziel appeared last year at the Cotton, which drew a 7.2 for Texas A&M-Oklahoma on Fox.

* The Fight Hunger had a 2.3 rating for BYU-Washington, up 219 percent from its ratings disaster of Navy-Arizona State last year.

Always good to see that you add schools described as 'ratings disaster' and the other two they added who went to bowls last year led to games with huge ratings decreases (-27%/-31%).

And now their bowl affiliations are WORSE!!!!!
Aug 26, 2011
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6.6, is still higher than 5.0, no? 11 percent is a pretty big drop, but that may have something to do with Baylor also. Navy/Arizona State a ratings disaster? Why is only Navy culpable?

This league is what it is. It is a cut or two below in terms of overall power in terms of play on the field or court and viewership on TV. BCS bowl wins and National Hoops titles would seem to be indicative of that. It is several cuts below in terms of money being paid to it from TV.

It is what is, it isn't likely to ever change and I do hope for the sake of our athletic department that we aren't here much past the expiration of the exit fees.
Feb 22, 2014
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Duke nearly beat Johnny Football and SEC power Texas A&M in their bowl game.
UCF wasn't even picked first in the preseason poll. Yes, they won the Fiesta Bowl, beating a good Baylor team (should be good this year, too). But Baylor isn't a name.

You clearly think people are really dumb and gullible.

Yes people are both dumb and gullible. Perception= Reality. Take the SEC for example. Before ESPN got in bed with them they were not viewed as the top dog conference. They were that southern football conference that Alabama and later on in the 90's Florida feasted on. They were behind The Big 10, Big 12, and other individual programs like Miami and FSU.

ESPN decided to put their money and marketing behind the conference, and suddenly it was all S-E-C all the time. By promoting the hell out of it, they created a self fulfilled prophecy. Top players flocked there in record numbers thus keeping the cycle going. If and it's obviously a big if, an entity like FOX wanted to push The AAC into the national spotlight, they have the means to do it.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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It shouldn't. But perception is a tough nut to crack.

If anyone thinks AAC Media Day would draw anything but flies on TV, they're delusional. These decisions aren't made for no reason. Nobody cares. The TV ratings speak for themselves.

What would you propose UConn do about its situation? Sell its media rights to ESPN for even less money?
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