The situation at Tennessee is a disaster… I do not relish in their misery, as I really feel badly for the players. Especially Graves, who I think is one of the few who really puts it out there…. I have been saying from day 1 when Holly took over in Pat’s last year as coach, when Holly was de facto head coach…. Doing all the game management and coaching….. for the first year or so, gave her the benefit of the doubt and said that it appeared as though she was totally lost…. But it soon became apparent that this was, in fact, the bitter truth. She does not live up to standards as head coach material.
Before this year started, I said the 2 things I really wanted to see were how Mercedes’ feet were, and how the interaction between Holly and DD was….. i.e. was she going to coach Diamond, or let her have free reign ala Meighan. I could have predicted the Diamond – Holly diad being what it is now, but the Mercedes situation surprised me somewhat… In the sense that it appears that her feet are fine…. She just does not have a motor for the upper echelon of WCBB. It seems she operates on the “good enough” theory. I am 6’6”, and I was #1 in the country overall, I must be all right. But of course the USA coaches got production from her this summer… something Holly has not gotten or apparently demanded.
Here are a few quick idle thoughts about where the LVs are…..
- It really surprises me that, although many in TN land have come to realize that their coach is in name only, there are still loyalists…. People who blame the players….. saying things like “coaches do not play the game, they cannot help on the floor”… but all the problems come back to the coach …. Because she has 100% control of the program and thus has total power to fix it. Yes even shot selection, foul shooting, and all that.
- Why does CHW throw her players under the bus at seemingly every post game…. Things like “I do not know what to do … I tell them to do it but they do not listen” Absolutely incredulous…. This is also a cry for help… a blatant ask for someone to fire her…. “I tell them to get in the defensive stance , but they do not want to…” I just do not believe my ears … the things she says…
- What does Pat think? Not that Hart will listen necessarily, but is Pat still solidly behind Holly? Even Pat has to see that Holly cannot teach the game, or at least get players to follow simple instructions. This was Pat’s choice for HC and I wonder if she is still behind her…..
- Where are the assistant coaches in all this? You would think that one of them would say to Holly, Hey Coach, why don’t we try this system on offense? They are not looking good in their positions either….
- Why won’t Holly discipline anyone? Yes I am not there to see the goings on, but I never have seen her get pissed off and sit someone down. Ever.
- What is her method and reasoning of substitutions? It looks so disorganized and without rhyme nor reason.
Of course can go on and on… good time to stop…. I just feel sorry for the players, because it is so obvious it is a rudderless ship.