An Experiment Failed... | Page 3 | The Boneyard

An Experiment Failed...

Feb 4, 2016
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In my experience, people generally complain of being attacked when others don't agree with them.

@SpockLogical This is a discussion board. If people disagree with you, it's not arrogance, it's simply disagreement. Feel free to offer support for your opinion or explain your thoughts. It will also help us get to know you. I hope you hang in there and give it another try.
I can see his side to some degree. It's not a matter of disagreement, I think most like to hear and read different opinions and assertions however, it's how some disagree with the points and observations made here. From time to time I've disagreed with what Geno has done and the replies read as if I don't have a clue as to what I'm talking about, treating Geno (one of the all-time greatest, mind you) as if he never makes a bad coaching or recruiting decision - he'd even, at times, find fault with things he's done. Not to infer my comments are correct or fair but they are opinions which are always subject to disagreement but I would hope done so respectfully.
Oct 17, 2011
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My message for the OP: As we like to say in my Deep South hometown, "Yeah you right!!" On rare occasions, some of the Philistines on our forum have summoned up the temerity to disagree with even some of my own, invariably lofty opinions...shows what THEY know! The moderators here, alas, have elected to adopt a policy that allows the opinions of the "unwashed" to enjoy equal space along side those of the sagacious. This is unfortunate. But my advice? Sulk not. Better to embrace an attitude of smug superiority!! When yaknowya right, yaright (my motto)!!
Aug 28, 2011
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It's a shame when something like this happens. Someone comes on the board after watching for a while and ventures an opinion and feels like he/she got shut down by BY experts. So I went back and looked at what the OP posted in the thread he was talking about. I read the posts that followed, and believe that of all of them, one was aggressive and could be viewed as being written in an arrogant way.

Now, I say this as someone who has posted a few times on this board over the years and who is sensitive to how people take my remarks. So I have the following suggestions.
First, to the OP, may I suggest that the give and take on this board is lively, and when you come in with a minority opinion (which yours was, no doubt), expect to be challenged.

People on this board, like you, love their UConn WCBB and have opinions held at least as strongly as you. I saw several cases of people acknowledging the points you were making before disagreeing with one or more other points. That's not arrogant. It's respectful. As a new board member (assuming you want to continue here) take comfort in the fact that your post got lots of response and people took you seriously. That is a great start, and welcome to the Board.

For the one poster who responded aggressively (I would have been offended by the way you said things, too), you might want to go a little easy on newbies. I am not going to name the person I think was offensive (first because it's only my opinion and second, because it might be regarded as calling out an individual, which is against the rules and I don't want to do), but here's a suggestion. When you start a post with the words "Sorry, but....." basically you are saying you are not sorry. You are saying that whatever follows is going to be in complete disagreement with the OP and that you've basically dismissed that person's opinion as insignificant. It does not matter whether you are right (which I think you probably were). The "Sorry, but..." adds a level of snark that, whether intentional or not, will almost always get someone's feathers up.

Just something to think about.
Apr 10, 2015
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To sum things up:

On a dirt road in Southwick Mass, Lobo's home town, I came within feet of a huge moose---I backed down about a 1/4th mile and changed direction. Saw lots of Bare and deer and coyote, etc in that area never expected to see a Moose--he/she was bigger than I expected Moose--as in your video.
Major damage to the car, I'm sure.
Apr 10, 2015
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My message for the OP: As we like to say in my Deep South hometown, "Yeah you right!!" On rare occasions, some of the Philistines on our forum have summoned up the temerity to disagree with even some of my own, invariably lofty opinions...shows what THEY know! The moderators here, alas, have elected to adopt a policy that allows the opinions of the "unwashed" to enjoy equal space along side those of the sagacious. This is unfortunate. But my advice? Sulk not. Better to embrace an attitude of smug superiority!! When yaknowya right, yaright (my motto)!!
Will you please write Yankee soo's we kin unnerstan.


North is a direction; South is a lifestyle
Mar 7, 2017
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I am probably one of the posts that offended. So for that, I am sorry. it's too bad the poster won't read that.

Also, I detect a consistent thread through this post that the great majority of you are saddened that she/he decided to leave and have not "kicked her to the curb". That heart is to be commended


North is a direction; South is a lifestyle
Mar 7, 2017
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Sometimes my sarcasm isn't funny.
Mar 17, 2015
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I took a shot a joining the Boneyard with the idea in mind that there would be room for another individuals opinions and ideas. Yesterday I posted some replies in the thread:
Louisville beating UConn aint in the CARDS

A number of responses to my thoughts on the Uconn women and Geno had a tone of arrogance and self-righteousness suggesting that my comments were illogical, un-sound, and that I was incapable of knowing the definitions of words in the English language. Nothing in anything I wrote in my commentaries was demagoguery or condescending. My thoughts on the program were just an opinion. I am a avid supporter of Geno and his team. I was born and raised in Connecticut. I do not profess to being an expert on basketball, but at 70 years of age, maybe I have been able to pick up some knowledge, along the way, that others on this board have not.

There is a systemic level of intolerance in our society today and a lack of respect for the opinions of others. You see it everywhere. I thought that might not be the case here. I was wrong. That is sad.
It's unfortunate that you have decided to not stay involved on the board. As others have pointed out this is a very fair place for those of us who spend too much time thinking and talking about UCONN wbb.

Your described age, experience and knowledge sound as if they parellel my own and I'll admit that the occasional challenging response that I have received that I considered to be unfairly aggressive I initionally found to be disappointing if not insulting. (I once made what turned out to be an inaccurate prediction about KLS' future roll as a Huskie and one of the responders asked "whether you know anything at all about basketball? Hardly a scathing rebuttal but a little insulting none-the-less.)

When the rare combatative comment has been made pointing out my limitations as a wcbb analist I've found it best to just take a breath and remember what a good group of posters there are that make up the Boneyard. When the occasional poster wanders into offensive territory the moderators generally pull them back or if need be just close the thread.

I read the Boneyard everyday because this is where I learn about what's going on in wcbb (and in some very good off-topic threads) and that in the end Boneyarders tend to be a generous and understanding group.

Leave the board if you really find this to be an unfriendly environment, but if you want to keep up with what's going in Storrs and elsewhere in the world of wcbb than this is the best and most tolerant place to be.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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There are not enough cynics on this board. I'll try to protect you guys and gals whenever I can. :rolleyes:


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
Reaction Score
Sometimes my sarcasm isn't funny.
Please don’t feel that you’ve caused a problem for the OP. He could have Reported the post he objected to , asked you to tone it down or otherwise have called you on your perceived insult. Instead, he chose to assume things about the Boneyard at large and posted a very aggressive screed. What is seen here is edited, as were follow up comments by the OP. You aren’t responsible for any of that.
Nov 19, 2011
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I just read the thread the OP was referring to and barely saw any negative comments directed towards the OP?


Aug 15, 2011
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I just read the thread the OP was referring to and barely saw any negative comments directed towards the OP?
There's a certain kind of poster whose message can be paraphrased as "I'm brave to be saying this, and know I'll be pilloried for it, BUT . . . [insert negative assessment of player or team, justified, partially justified, or unjustified]."

Then at the first sign of disagreement: "No one dares take an independent view here. It's all [insert choice of: party line, good ol' boy, blue-colored glasses, rah-rah, Geno can do no wrong, intolerant of dissent and/or aggressive toward anyone who fails to toe the line]."

A little homework might reveal to such a person that we actually have civilly conducted disagreements here, and that just maybe we mods prevent injuries more serious than a boo-boo.

You have to wonder whether someone who wears a self-inscribed "kick me" sign like that is really interested in dialogue so much as in playing the courageous martyr.
Aug 28, 2011
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I don't have an issue with what they say - I may disagree with some of it, but am ok with them posting it. I just get the feeling that there is some trolling going on here. Of course I may just be paranoid.

In fairness, I have to say that if this is the worst trolling we can see, we are either dealing with amateur trolls or maybe, just maybe, they are what they say they are and not trolls.
Aug 28, 2011
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#1florida, I reply and quote you because the OP ran out of the house as fast as he/she came in. :D
No attack as you insinuate you would receive here just my opinion on the situation the OP put him or herself in and the one you seem to pursue.
Let's begin....Welcome to The Boneyard, that could almost be like saying welcome to The Hotel California, but not going to get that deep here. ;)

Nobody attacked the OP or even used slander type insults of any kind. There were differences of opinions, possibly strongly verbalized but nothing more. It should be noted anyone posting on this forum for the first time should do some homework. The first time OP came in admonishing the recruiting, use of the bench and the future of the program. He/she is walking into a room of team supporters for a few decades and saying our leader is doing it wrong. The recruiting is weak and the bench is not being properly used. This about a program that not only the head coach is in the hall of fame but the assistant also???? :confused: This while they are in the midst of a so far still undefeated season while taking on a out of conference schedule of nothing but the best.

Again nobody attacked or said anything out of what is just a difference of opinion. This was probably a different forum for the OP as much as I think it may be for yourself. I say this as you are in fear of being attacked here along with your slander of calling this forum a good ole boys club. :eek: :confused:
I welcome you and suggest as the OP should have done is do some homework. Nobody gets attacked here period...I can tell you I enjoy several sports forums and this is the Good Ship Lollipop. If someone is attacking anyone they are quickly removed. My own avatar of Diana Taurasi ESPN cover for over a year was removed without explanation. :( :confused::confused: :eek::eek:
In closing on this one please realize a large portion of the people on this forum are women. No way that this is a what you call a good ole boys club! Join in lighten up and realize there are a lot of good times/ laughs to be had here. Some may be at your expense but we all have been there to. :D
Can't disagree with a word of this here. As I said in an earlier post, one criticism of the OP was a bit rough for my taste, but there was no one wringing him/her out and hanging him/her out to dry. Just didn't happen. I hope the person sticks around, but if they are too thin-skinned for even this, maybe it's for the best if they don't.
Aug 29, 2011
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Please don’t feel that you’ve caused a problem for the OP. He could have Reported the post he objected to , asked you to tone it down or otherwise have called you on your perceived insult. Instead, he chose to assume things about the Boneyard at large and posted a very aggressive screed. What is seen here is edited, as were follow up comments by the OP. You aren’t responsible for any of that.
Thanks for this. I had a feeling the OP weighed in a second time, in a manner that was inflammatory. We non-mods should bear in mind that a lot of clean-up occurs outside our purview.
Aug 26, 2011
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Uh...I apologize for causing such a stir with what I thought were rational "opinions:" on my part. I had no expectation one way or another as to what the reactions would be. Nothing I said had anything to do with the so-called "facts" that seem to be written in stone here, and never to be questioned or commented upon. They were my opinions based my current observations of the team, regardless of their current or past record. Now I have been accused by a number of individuals of expecting everyone to agree with me. Apparently the requirement is for new members to lay low and not disagree with anyone or have a personal opinion not in keeping with pre-established facts. Sorry, this is not the place for me. Have fun.
I reviewed the original thread to which SpockLogical posted and found healthy and vigorous disagreement but nothing that challenged SpockLogical’s competency to posit his or her opinions. In the present thread, SpockLogical rather overemphasizes relatively innocent contrary observations and apparently concludes that he/she has effectively been driven from the board. Frankly, I think that SpockLogical doth protest too much.
Aug 26, 2011
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I took a shot a joining the Boneyard with the idea in mind that there would be room for another individuals opinions and ideas. Yesterday I posted some replies in the thread:
Louisville beating UConn aint in the CARDS

A number of responses to my thoughts on the Uconn women and Geno had a tone of arrogance and self-righteousness suggesting that my comments were illogical, un-sound, and that I was incapable of knowing the definitions of words in the English language. Nothing in anything I wrote in my commentaries was demagoguery or condescending. My thoughts on the program were just an opinion. I am a avid supporter of Geno and his team. I was born and raised in Connecticut. I do not profess to being an expert on basketball, but at 70 years of age, maybe I have been able to pick up some knowledge, along the way, that others on this board have not.

There is a systemic level of intolerance in our society today and a lack of respect for the opinions of others. You see it everywhere. I thought that might not be the case here. I was wrong. That is sad.

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