I totally agree with the privacy of players. But Tenn didn't say nothing, they said "day to day", so it wasn't like they were acting in the interests of Massengale's privacy. A concussion in which symptoms last beyond a week is serious. The correct statement should have been "out indefinitely" or else nothing. I would have been OK with indefinitely or saying nothing, but "day to day" was misleading at best.
As for Russell, if she was unaware until actual surgery of the seriousness of her bunions why did she resort to corrective surgery in the first place? Did she think "
I have only slight pain but I'll have surgery involving breaking the bones of my foot"?Foot surgery isn't done unless the pain is substantial since it has inherent risk. To suggest that she had her bones broken and restructured without any prior complaint or obvious limitation is just unbelievable to me. If I was a coach and a player was telling me that she was having foot surgery I might ask about her level of pain. And again, I am in no way saying that it should have been made public. I'm saying that for a head coach to say after the fact that she and her staff had no idea that her prized freshman was playing with foot discomfort that limited her performance is beyond credibility. Even if the player kept silent, injury sufficient to later make a player resort to surgery should be observed by someone in the program, whether a coach or a trainer, and the player should have been questioned. You are suggesting that that the trainer, whom I assume wrapped her ankles before each game, didn't notice the bunions and say something to the coach?
You make my case. DD rethought her choice within a week of arriving at UNC? That was a full month or more before the first practice? This the same young lady who went on social media just months earlier and announced how excited she was to be going to UNC with the other 3 recruits. That to me is a textbook example of fickleness. Now I don't condemn her for changing her mind but I do say that anyone assuming that she won't do it again is whistling past the graveyard.
MTSU, I have a lot of respect for your posts but it seems to me you are reporting what the LV public relations people would like to be the truth. It's like asking a trainer how his horse is doing a week before the Derby. It's always "couldn't be better"