All we can do is enough | The Boneyard

All we can do is enough


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Well I'm still recovering from yesterday. Many posts nailed what went wrong and Im just here to post my thoughts. Early in the season when we learned we were once again injury ridden. There we many predictions about how poorly this team would be. Alot of posters felt we could loose 6, 10 and even more games. Well, I'm glad doesn't look like that will happen. We knew what we were and what we were up against. As the season progressed we saw signs that our freshman had potential and as most freshman they've had their ups and downs. That happens as you learn and adjust to the college game. We have learned alot and grown alot.

What I learned from yesterday is we need more bigs that are strong, tuff minded, physical, and take no prisoners. We need players with the attitude of Diana and Maya. Players opponents fear. We have enough players 5,9 and 5'10. We need to get big. We have Jana and ICE and we need Sara Strong. There was talk that Sara Strong was at the game yesterday, dont know for sure if she was and the fans were chanting her name. My thought is SC has Joyce Edwards the number 2 player in the class of 2024 so Sara may choose UConn. Sara would have a better chance at UConn then at a loaded and deep SC team. No matter where she goes she will need starter minutes. I would think with Ziebell and Cheli coming in they to would expect start minutes. Depending on injuries and graduation that should happen for two reasons. With Genos remarks posted in another thread about playing 7 players that leads me to believe there will be playing time for everybody. I also believe the playtime next season will give more players more playtime/minutes because of the quality of players we will have. I'm thinking we will go at least 10 deep.

Just some remarks about yesterdays game. I will keep it short because everybody has already covered everything. We were overwhelmed. We lacked 5 scorers thus Paige and Aaliyah had to handle the scoring punch. Against many teams that would be enough. Against SC they did a good job. Against teams that dont have a one two punch like UConn has UConn will win. However we need more from our freshman and that is alot to expect because they are freshman. There are exceptions like at USC and ND and at UConn, Paige's freshman season. For the most part freshman take time to learn the college game and develop. KK and Shade showed us yesterday they are good and have potential but it will take more time.

What will next season bring. Well for one I'm hoping Sara commits to UConn. As far as who UConn will have available. Well after the past 3 seasons with the injury bug we really dont know, we can only hope everybody comes back healthy and ready to play. We're taking our lumps this season much like the past 2 seasons. Its a tuff pill for me to swallow so I'm trying not to focus on it. Im setting my sights on the future and not on the past. Today is a new day and I'm excited to see how this UConn team develops. It is clear that Geno is focused on getting his 7 players developed and ready for the big time. SC will still be a great team and we need to get back on track and overcome our injuries. SC has alot of great players coming back and some good players coming in. So does UConn. If healthy next season we should be fine. Both teams are loaded.

Right now we are what we are. Right now we are moving forward and getting ready for what's ahead because that's all we can do...and all we can do is enough.
Feb 9, 2023
Reaction Score
Well I'm still recovering from yesterday. Many posts nailed what went wrong and Im just here to post my thoughts. Early in the season when we learned we were once again injury ridden. There we many predictions about how poorly this team would be. Alot of posters felt we could loose 6, 10 and even more games. Well, I'm glad doesn't look like that will happen. We knew what we were and what we were up against. As the season progressed we saw signs that our freshman had potential and as most freshman they've had their ups and downs. That happens as you learn and adjust to the college game. We have learned alot and grown alot.

What I learned from yesterday is we need more bigs that are strong, tuff minded, physical, and take no prisoners. We need players with the attitude of Diana and Maya. Players opponents fear. We have enough players 5,9 and 5'10. We need to get big. We have Jana and ICE and we need Sara Strong. There was talk that Sara Strong was at the game yesterday, dont know for sure if she was and the fans were chanting her name. My thought is SC has Joyce Edwards the number 2 player in the class of 2024 so Sara may choose UConn. Sara would have a better chance at UConn then at a loaded and deep SC team. No matter where she goes she will need starter minutes. I would think with Ziebell and Cheli coming in they to would expect start minutes. Depending on injuries and graduation that should happen for two reasons. With Genos remarks posted in another thread about playing 7 players that leads me to believe there will be playing time for everybody. I also believe the playtime next season will give more players more playtime/minutes because of the quality of players we will have. I'm thinking we will go at least 10 deep.

Just some remarks about yesterdays game. I will keep it short because everybody has already covered everything. We were overwhelmed. We lacked 5 scorers thus Paige and Aaliyah had to handle the scoring punch. Against many teams that would be enough. Against SC they did a good job. Against teams that dont have a one two punch like UConn has UConn will win. However we need more from our freshman and that is alot to expect because they are freshman. There are exceptions like at USC and ND and at UConn, Paige's freshman season. For the most part freshman take time to learn the college game and develop. KK and Shade showed us yesterday they are good and have potential but it will take more time.

What will next season bring. Well for one I'm hoping Sara commits to UConn. As far as who UConn will have available. Well after the past 3 seasons with the injury bug we really dont know, we can only hope everybody comes back healthy and ready to play. We're taking our lumps this season much like the past 2 seasons. Its a tuff pill for me to swallow so I'm trying not to focus on it. Im setting my sights on the future and not on the past. Today is a new day and I'm excited to see how this UConn team develops. It is clear that Geno is focused on getting his 7 players developed and ready for the big time. SC will still be a great team and we need to get back on track and overcome our injuries. SC has alot of great players coming back and some good players coming in. So does UConn. If healthy next season we should be fine. Both teams are loaded.

Right now we are what we are. Right now we are moving forward and getting ready for what's ahead because that's all we can do...and all we can do is enough.
too mani ifs


Looking forward to next season
Mar 6, 2017
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We have got to stop thinking that a freshman "big" is going to step on the court and make an immediate impact, unless her name is Stewie. For whatever reason, it seems to take a while for these players to get acclimated to the UConn way and the college game. Bigs on other teams do make an immediate impact because their coaches are not Geno and/or CD.
It will be very interesting to see what impact Jana will make next season, along with Ice and Ayanna. If Strong is added (if there is a scholarship available), I would not be expecting immediate stardom from any of them. But we can hope, right?
Oh, I forgot to mention Amari. I wonder why?
Apr 13, 2016
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I think the first half of season there will be play time available to shine


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Per the site owner - no discussion of who is leaving.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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1200 then USC. Talk about whiplash. Who is currently the number 1 recruiter in women's ball? It's Dawn and somehow she has a knack for doubling up the talent pool. Let the loser transfer as a junior. If she gets Strong, and I think she does, there may be all sorts of indirect consequences. With Nan literally hovering over my shoulder I'll leave it there.
Apr 13, 2016
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Ok what did I say that was offensive? Az will be limited in minutes until second half of season due to injury, Griff will most likely not be game ready until second half of season, . Jana should be ready but is an unknown quantity on the court. We will be short bigs for sure. I dont consider Patterson a big at 6'2". We could really use a sara strong.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
I usually have a contrarian view which is usually crapped on by the UConn faithfull. However, it is encouraging to see in print what I have been calling for over the last 5 years. Because Tony sas it now, this may become the mantra of the UConn followers.

"What I learned from yesterday is we need more bigs that are strong, tuff minded, physical, and take no prisoners. We need players with the attitude of Diana and Maya. Players opponents fear. We have enough players 5,9 and 5'10. We need to get big. We have Jana and ICE and we need Sara Strong. There was talk that Sara Strong was at the game yesterday, dont know for sure if she was and the fans were chanting her name. My thought is SC has Joyce Edwards the number 2 player in the class of 2024 so Sara may choose UConn. Sara would have a better chance at UConn then at a loaded and deep SC team. No matter where she goes she will need starter minutes. I would think with Ziebell and Cheli coming in they to would expect start minutes. Depending on injuries and graduation that should happen for two reasons. With Genos remarks posted in another thread about playing 7 players that leads me to believe there will be playing time for everybody. I also believe the playtime next season will give more players more playtime/minutes because of the quality of players we will have. I'm thinking we will go at least 10 deep."

Finally!!!!!!! We need bigs and players with attitude who are allowed to play their game.

We also need a change in the attitude of recruiting and who we recruit. And, we need a way to evolve the playing of UConn basketball to accomodate the new recruits of the 2025's and up. We also need to have practices that do not destroy UConn players before they even play one game.

Coaching basketball is not the same today as it was in 1995. Even the people change.

In today's game and on this UConn team we need to be more aggressive and let Amari play basketball along side AE and bang with those players. Letting AE take it all by herself does not make sense. They both should be under that basket at the same time. The thinking that Paige is a savior is distorted. She is very good but fragile and should not be banging for rebounds. Something is wrong with the picture where she has to be a do all for the program.

I am confident that what I just said is argumentative but, in reality, a lot of this is true.
Jan 26, 2016
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I wouldn't be counting on Strong coming to Storrs at this point............I think next season the backcourt will be stacked especially if Paige and Azzi return and with the addition of the two incoming recruits...............UConn needs to find a rugged 6'3" plus 4/5 in the transfer portal who can rebound and play defense to help make up for Aaliyah's absence........Jana and Ayanna may be able to help there but it sure would be nice to have an experienced banger up front......


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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We also need a change in the attitude of recruiting and who we recruit. And, we need a way to evolve the playing of UConn basketball to accomodate the new recruits of the 2025's and up.
Have you even looked at who Geno is recruiting or are you criticizing based on assumptions?

In today's game and on this UConn team we need to be more aggressive and let Amari play basketball along side AE and bang with those players.
Tell me one instance in the last three years where Amari was aggressive and willing to bang in the post.
Dec 12, 2020
Reaction Score
The issue with UCONN right now is not aggressiveness. It's athleticism.

Dawn Staley is incredible at recruiting athletes who are faster and stronger than most of their opponents. That's why, even though SC does not have one singular superstar like a Clark or Bueckers, they have a bunch of great players who can be woven in and out without a drop off in play. Even Clark is more athletic than she comes off because she is very quick. One move and she gets enough space to take a 3.

I bring this back to UCONN. Who is UCONN's most athletic player? AE. Notice that her play rarely drops off against these elite teams because she has the physical talent to keep up even when being targeted by the other team. Paige isnt as atheltic as she used to be due to injuries but she had a quickness that is similar to Clark. On the flip side, people keep mentioning Amari and only focus on her height and ignore her two left feet and lack of post moves. Nika is one of the most aggressive players in Division 1 but, since she lacks athleticism, she frequently gets taken apart by teams with fast athletic guards like Hildago.

So UCONN can add all of the aggressiveness and taller players that we want but UCONN won't be elite again until they can add players that are as fast and as strong as the top teams.


OC Hoops Fan
Aug 26, 2011
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Thankfully Taylor Swift won the Super Bowl yesterday or today would be a real Debbie Downer Monday.

Onward UConn goes and X is next!!


Looking forward to next season
Mar 6, 2017
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What do you mean by this?
It's my thinking that Geno and CD's expectations are bit higher than other coaches.
And I am not bashing any other coach or our players, it's just my opinion of how things work at UConn.
May 16, 2023
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I usually have a contrarian view which is usually crapped on by the UConn faithfull. However, it is encouraging to see in print what I have been calling for over the last 5 years. Because Tony sas it now, this may become the mantra of the UConn followers.

"What I learned from yesterday is we need more bigs that are strong, tuff minded, physical, and take no prisoners. We need players with the attitude of Diana and Maya. Players opponents fear. We have enough players 5,9 and 5'10. We need to get big. We have Jana and ICE and we need Sara Strong. There was talk that Sara Strong was at the game yesterday, dont know for sure if she was and the fans were chanting her name. My thought is SC has Joyce Edwards the number 2 player in the class of 2024 so Sara may choose UConn. Sara would have a better chance at UConn then at a loaded and deep SC team. No matter where she goes she will need starter minutes. I would think with Ziebell and Cheli coming in they to would expect start minutes. Depending on injuries and graduation that should happen for two reasons. With Genos remarks posted in another thread about playing 7 players that leads me to believe there will be playing time for everybody. I also believe the playtime next season will give more players more playtime/minutes because of the quality of players we will have. I'm thinking we will go at least 10 deep."

Finally!!!!!!! We need bigs and players with attitude who are allowed to play their game.

We also need a change in the attitude of recruiting and who we recruit. And, we need a way to evolve the playing of UConn basketball to accomodate the new recruits of the 2025's and up. We also need to have practices that do not destroy UConn players before they even play one game.

Coaching basketball is not the same today as it was in 1995. Even the people change.

In today's game and on this UConn team we need to be more aggressive and let Amari play basketball along side AE and bang with those players. Letting AE take it all by herself does not make sense. They both should be under that basket at the same time. The thinking that Paige is a savior is distorted. She is very good but fragile and should not be banging for rebounds. Something is wrong with the picture where she has to be a do all for the program.

I am confident that what I just said is argumentative but, in reality, a lot of this is true.
I'm glad to hear you say this and you will get no crap from me. Something has felt different the last few years and although most people want to chalk it up to injuries, to me you've actually buttoned it up nicely (and diplomatically). It's more than just injuries.
Apr 7, 2016
Reaction Score
Well I'm still recovering from yesterday. Many posts nailed what went wrong and Im just here to post my thoughts. Early in the season when we learned we were once again injury ridden. There we many predictions about how poorly this team would be. Alot of posters felt we could loose 6, 10 and even more games. Well, I'm glad doesn't look like that will happen. We knew what we were and what we were up against. As the season progressed we saw signs that our freshman had potential and as most freshman they've had their ups and downs. That happens as you learn and adjust to the college game. We have learned alot and grown alot.

What I learned from yesterday is we need more bigs that are strong, tuff minded, physical, and take no prisoners. We need players with the attitude of Diana and Maya. Players opponents fear. We have enough players 5,9 and 5'10. We need to get big. We have Jana and ICE and we need Sara Strong. There was talk that Sara Strong was at the game yesterday, dont know for sure if she was and the fans were chanting her name. My thought is SC has Joyce Edwards the number 2 player in the class of 2024 so Sara may choose UConn. Sara would have a better chance at UConn then at a loaded and deep SC team. No matter where she goes she will need starter minutes. I would think with Ziebell and Cheli coming in they to would expect start minutes. Depending on injuries and graduation that should happen for two reasons. With Genos remarks posted in another thread about playing 7 players that leads me to believe there will be playing time for everybody. I also believe the playtime next season will give more players more playtime/minutes because of the quality of players we will have. I'm thinking we will go at least 10 deep.

Just some remarks about yesterdays game. I will keep it short because everybody has already covered everything. We were overwhelmed. We lacked 5 scorers thus Paige and Aaliyah had to handle the scoring punch. Against many teams that would be enough. Against SC they did a good job. Against teams that dont have a one two punch like UConn has UConn will win. However we need more from our freshman and that is alot to expect because they are freshman. There are exceptions like at USC and ND and at UConn, Paige's freshman season. For the most part freshman take time to learn the college game and develop. KK and Shade showed us yesterday they are good and have potential but it will take more time.

What will next season bring. Well for one I'm hoping Sara commits to UConn. As far as who UConn will have available. Well after the past 3 seasons with the injury bug we really dont know, we can only hope everybody comes back healthy and ready to play. We're taking our lumps this season much like the past 2 seasons. Its a tuff pill for me to swallow so I'm trying not to focus on it. Im setting my sights on the future and not on the past. Today is a new day and I'm excited to see how this UConn team develops. It is clear that Geno is focused on getting his 7 players developed and ready for the big time. SC will still be a great team and we need to get back on track and overcome our injuries. SC has alot of great players coming back and some good players coming in. So does UConn. If healthy next season we should be fine. Both teams are loaded.

Right now we are what we are. Right now we are moving forward and getting ready for what's ahead because that's all we can do...and all we can do is enough.
Hope you are right Tony. I have already predicted that Sara Strong will not be coming to UCONN. Seriously, would you want to come to UCONN after watching yesterday's undressing? Unless you have an " underdog mentality " ( I am going to show those bullies), you want to be on a team that looks like they can compete. And we looked the opposite. On the plus side, Sara can immediately see that she can start in the middle. ICE shows nothing and Jana has never played in America.
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
The issue with UCONN right now is not aggressiveness. It's athleticism.

Dawn Staley is incredible at recruiting athletes who are faster and stronger than most of their opponents. That's why, even though SC does not have one singular superstar like a Clark or Bueckers, they have a bunch of great players who can be woven in and out without a drop off in play. Even Clark is more athletic than she comes off because she is very quick. One move and she gets enough space to take a 3.

I bring this back to UCONN. Who is UCONN's most athletic player? AE. Notice that her play rarely drops off against these elite teams because she has the physical talent to keep up even when being targeted by the other team. Paige isnt as atheltic as she used to be due to injuries but she had a quickness that is similar to Clark. On the flip side, people keep mentioning Amari and only focus on her height and ignore her two left feet and lack of post moves. Nika is one of the most aggressive players in Division 1 but, since she lacks athleticism, she frequently gets taken apart by teams with fast athletic guards like Hildago.

So UCONN can add all of the aggressiveness and taller players that we want but UCONN won't be elite again until they can add players that are as fast and as strong as the top teams.
Aubrey is as athletic as anyone…possibly jana…
Jan 30, 2023
Reaction Score
Well I'm still recovering from yesterday. Many posts nailed what went wrong and Im just here to post my thoughts. Early in the season when we learned we were once again injury ridden. There we many predictions about how poorly this team would be. Alot of posters felt we could loose 6, 10 and even more games. Well, I'm glad doesn't look like that will happen. We knew what we were and what we were up against. As the season progressed we saw signs that our freshman had potential and as most freshman they've had their ups and downs. That happens as you learn and adjust to the college game. We have learned alot and grown alot.

What I learned from yesterday is we need more bigs that are strong, tuff minded, physical, and take no prisoners. We need players with the attitude of Diana and Maya. Players opponents fear. We have enough players 5,9 and 5'10. We need to get big. We have Jana and ICE and we need Sara Strong. There was talk that Sara Strong was at the game yesterday, dont know for sure if she was and the fans were chanting her name. My thought is SC has Joyce Edwards the number 2 player in the class of 2024 so Sara may choose UConn. Sara would have a better chance at UConn then at a loaded and deep SC team. No matter where she goes she will need starter minutes. I would think with Ziebell and Cheli coming in they to would expect start minutes. Depending on injuries and graduation that should happen for two reasons. With Genos remarks posted in another thread about playing 7 players that leads me to believe there will be playing time for everybody. I also believe the playtime next season will give more players more playtime/minutes because of the quality of players we will have. I'm thinking we will go at least 10 deep.

Just some remarks about yesterdays game. I will keep it short because everybody has already covered everything. We were overwhelmed. We lacked 5 scorers thus Paige and Aaliyah had to handle the scoring punch. Against many teams that would be enough. Against SC they did a good job. Against teams that dont have a one two punch like UConn has UConn will win. However we need more from our freshman and that is alot to expect because they are freshman. There are exceptions like at USC and ND and at UConn, Paige's freshman season. For the most part freshman take time to learn the college game and develop. KK and Shade showed us yesterday they are good and have potential but it will take more time.

What will next season bring. Well for one I'm hoping Sara commits to UConn. As far as who UConn will have available. Well after the past 3 seasons with the injury bug we really dont know, we can only hope everybody comes back healthy and ready to play. We're taking our lumps this season much like the past 2 seasons. Its a tuff pill for me to swallow so I'm trying not to focus on it. Im setting my sights on the future and not on the past. Today is a new day and I'm excited to see how this UConn team develops. It is clear that Geno is focused on getting his 7 players developed and ready for the big time. SC will still be a great team and we need to get back on track and overcome our injuries. SC has alot of great players coming back and some good players coming in. So does UConn. If healthy next season we should be fine. Both teams are loaded.

Right now we are what we are. Right now we are moving forward and getting ready for what's ahead because that's all we can do...and all we can do is enough.
Geno is not getting the most out of the players he has left and that is on him. Amari was a top 5 player and she isn't good enough after years of working with UConn coaches to play when it is obvious what they have isn't the answer. If nothing else they need more length so the defense doesn't need to say into the lane to help leaving the guards on the other team wide open for 3s.

They will beat every team in their conference because none of them can play the size game. By the same token they have little of no chance against a team with even decent talent and length. Next year they will be playing without Paige and AE so who knows what they will look like then.
Aug 26, 2011
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Well Geno recruited both Saniya Rivers and Raven Johnson. When Q signed he referenced the need to get quicker on the wing. He knows the landscape is changing.


Aug 26, 2011
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The roster will be somewhere between 12-16 players, depending on what happens at the end of the season, and yes, rosters are maxed at 15. There are four players that could return, and no, I am not speculating on what they may do, or what they should do. Not my business.

Until those decisions are announced, portal activity is the last of things to consider, yes?

For now, I'm on a one game at a time focus.
Mar 12, 2017
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Well Geno recruited both Saniya Rivers and Raven Johnson.
I would love to know why they chose not to come to UConn. Would have loved to have either of them.

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