Personally I think they both should've gone to jail just for the sheer stupidity of taking them to a pawn shop
this place has
the absolute worst collection of beagles and quacks. i wouldn't take a yellow pad or a cough drop from the lot of youse.
hey pro football doc! everrone, and i mean everrone, livin on ely's ferry
or joshuatown road is carrying, especially those hollywood people who make psa's by day, and target practice at night. the bears and the wolves are a real thing. my family and friends livin over there, too, tho they're not hollywood types, well except one. my cuz is a 'cause of the month' type.
anyway, back to the high horsin around. i'll wait for the fullness of time to tell me what happened. update: football guy didn't die, and they didn't cancel the season.