ACC | Page 15 | The Boneyard


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Mar 15, 2012
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From a value standpoint to a conference, BYU would be a no brainer for any conference in the country. They have strong TV #s, though it's largely concentrated in the pacific & mountain time zones. They have strong football & basketball attendance. Their athletic revenue is excellent. If BYU were in Kentucky, the Big XII, SEC, and ACC would be fighting to add them. The only things working against them are geography & having a reputation as more self-focused than conference-focused. As a fan, I'd like to see them in the Big XII. But, they'll have to decide they're in it for the Big XII, rather than themselves.

Houston has great potential to be a high-caliber addition to any conference. But, the reason TCU was added had nothing to do with TCU vs Houston, and everything to do with Big XII vs SEC. The SEC was starting to court TCU, and there was no way the Big XII could allow the SEC to get a foothold into East Texas and the Dallas metroplex. Texas, Baylor, Tech, Oklahoma, and OSU were all unanimous in adding TCU to prevent the SEC from getting them. There is a chance Houston could be added down the road if they prove themselves to be truly serious about building an elite athletic program. But, for years and years, they neglected to invest in their programs. And, the results were proven on the field. I think Houston's had something like 1 ranked team in football or basketball over the last 20 years. That's neither here nor there, b/c at the end of the day, TCU was a defensive maneuver. The original goal was BYU and one other. When they got too big for their britches, it became WVU & Pitt. When Pitt wavered due to the league's uncertainty & the SEC started visiting Ft. Worth to talk expansion, the Big XII turned their focus to defending their stake in the Metroplex.

LOL! SEC fans refuse to believe the SEC was ever intrested in TCU, even though it was reported in the "Fort-Worth Star-Telegram" that the SEC made calls to TCU to inquire their intrest in joining the SEC.

Hey FromTheInside, what is value to a confrence of the final 2 schools the Big 12 considered last fall: WV & Louisville?


Adding Nothing to the Conversation
Sep 21, 2011
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LOL! SEC fans refuse to believe the SEC was ever intrested in TCU, even though it was reported in the "Fort-Worth Star-Telegram" that the SEC made calls to TCU to inquire their intrest in joining the SEC.

Hey FromTheInside, what is value to a confrence of the final 2 schools the Big 12 considered last fall: WV & Louisville?

You will soon learn from having to deal with them as conference mates that West Virginia's value to a league is the money it brings in through exportation of its discount moonshine and coonskin caps for Halloween costumes. Enjoy them. They're a treasure.
Aug 29, 2011
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No problem Carl, but we maybe talking about a diffrent level of player. I think its great that the Patriot League is contributing to the overall scholarship pool. But back in the 70's Paterno's main competition for recruits came from the Ivy's, Pitt, WVU. Maryland, BC, Syracuse, Temple, Villanova, Rutgers, perhaps less so with the Military Academies and in the state of Ohio. These were the schools that were largely on his schedule from his recruiting area. I agree he bumped heads on occasion for recruits with the likes of the Yankee Conference but all these schools were already playing at a different level at the time than the ones you mentioned above. And thats hasn't changed much. The only school adversely affected by the stadium clause save for a couple of the Ivies was Villanova but that was balanced by Rutgers' rise in level of competition. Whole hearttily agree that the legislation helped contain the expansion of that compettion. Think the attendence clause was even more of a hindrance.

Fair enough. No argument from me. I do think that you very much under-estimate the effect that earning the label "1-AA" had on the ability to recruit and what it did to football in the northeast.

“It all started with the I-AA classification. Right away the recruits said to us, ‘I don’t want to play with the second-class citizens.’- Joe Restic Nov. 2006 RIP

The Yale Bowl used to get 20,000 people for a spring scrimmage 25 years ago. They're lucky if they get 15,000 paid, let alone attending, for an Ivy regular season game now, let alone a non-conference game. There are annual rumblings in New Haven about the state of football and desire for big time change, and those rumblings get bigger and stronger every year.

No reason that Stanford, Northwestern, Duke, Notre Dame, etc....yes UConn too has high academic standards.....can compete at 1-A and the Ivy's can't.

UConn v. Yale as 1-A teams nationally ranked........can you imagine? :)


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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OK, so UConn's athletic future is secure because we're going to playing San Diego State and Lehigh is now offering football scholarships again.

Someone close this thread down, problem solved. We "get it" now. I just hope there's room for Lafayette and Bucknell down the road.


All posts from this user are AI-generated
Aug 25, 2011
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It's tucked under your left moob.........along w/ a winning scratch off from '97 and the small island nation of Micronesia.
Well now you've gone and given up your identity...

Aug 29, 2011
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Believe it or not, along with independence, ND also has strongly valued having its home games broadcast nationally on an over-the-air TV network (not ESPN/cable).

Hell, the ND administration doesn't like the idea that Comcast is going to put one ND home game per year on NBC Sports (Versus).

Now, you and I both know that ESPN is not going to pay $90 million dollars for ND alone and if ESPN offered an extremely large contract, ND may likely change that stance.

I am not convinced that UConn would be in the ACC either if it had played ND. I do agree that it was shortsighted for UConn to reject the deal. ND just found someone else to play.

I just wanted you to know that ND places value on things that others may find a bit strange, like its national Catholic university identity (over Big Ten Network dollars) and its nationwide over the air network contract with NBC.

I think that this has been a great thread.

Somebody else around here has been saying these same things all along - me. The tradition of Jesuit Catholic colleges and their missions continues. Let your good judgement and your training be your guide. Notre Dame and BC are the last ones that still play football at the top level. It is completely beyond my comprehension how the leadership at BC can have let that school get to where it's at......but anyway - so many colleges in the past fielding powerful football teams, including Marquette.

The passion that the Jesuit tradition in the big east has put into basketball, I just don't udnerstand why it never went into football properly in the current day.

Probably because I'm a UConn guy. Who knows what all those guys of the cloth talk about behind closed doors. LOL>

But I believe it's changed, and I believe that the mission of Notre Dame, aligned with a Big East conference that values football as well basketball, is going to be a powerful thing in the future.

I hope that the leadership at my alma mater, is very much in tune with the leadership at ND, and with the rest of the big east conference, and I believe it to be so.

At a secular institution, well secular means what it does. The kids have the choice whether or not they go to mass.

I do regret not having an ongoing football schedule with ND, but I'm proud of my alma mater for standing up and saying that we're ok with playing neutral sites, but we want at least one home game.

And I don't believe for a second, that not having a football schedule with Notre Dame had anything to do with UConn not getting the formal invite to teh ACC with Syracuse.
Feb 10, 2012
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But I believe it's changed, and I believe that the mission of Notre Dame, aligned with a Big East conference that values football as well basketball, is going to be a powerful thing in the future.
Notre Dame isn't aligned with the BE. That's the problem. ND is aligned with itself. to the extent the BE is aligned with ND, it works. When it doesn't, ND will drop us like a bad habit. That's a big difference from what you said.
If ND's goal was to save the Northeast football, they could have done so by joining our league. Had they joined, the additions would look like BC, Maryland and maybe Penn State. And Pitt, Syracuse, and WVU would still be in the league as well.
Aug 30, 2011
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OK, so UConn's athletic future is secure because we're going to playing San Diego State and Lehigh is now offering football scholarships again.

Suddenly the thought of Lehigh saving the Big East doesn't seem as crazy as it did this afternoon. I'm adopting them as an honorary Big East team for the rest of the year. Nobody will talk about the supposedly fading UCONN program anymore.

Good Call!


Aug 24, 2011
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norfolk st would be a great mk/tv add for the big east. sarcasm off


Adding Nothing to the Conversation
Sep 21, 2011
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A lot of people live in the Norfolk/VA Beach/Hampton Roads area. I say bring them in!


Aug 24, 2011
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i hope marinate doesn't read this thread. i have no clue who this insdier guy is, but hell even if its all bs he still sounds 10 times better than marinate as our commish lol


Adding Nothing to the Conversation
Sep 21, 2011
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Absolutely. I'll take Mr. Inside over Mr. Inside-My-Belly as our commish all day. At least this dude knows how TVs work.
Aug 29, 2011
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i hope marinate doesn't read this thread. i have no clue who this insdier guy is, but hell even if its all bs he still sounds 10 times better than marinate as our commish lol

I know you followed me before as the YCG on the other website. I saw where you wrote that somewhere. I apologize for my previous comments to you that were disparaging. Sorry. I hope you appreciate the intensity and passion for the game that I bring. I think you do. A little different than I do, but still....cracking helmets intensity. There is no other way.

BUT: you must understand, that the direction this current commissioner is taking the Big East, and the leadership of the Big East? (that means AD's and Pres') is unbelievable. Mark my words......

Villanova football will become the new Jesuit Catholic football program parallel to Notre Dame. Big East football wil pave the way to a true national championship in college football. A 130+ years and waiting.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Villanova football will become the new Jesuit Catholic football program parallel to Notre Dame. Big East football wil pave the way to a true national championship in college football. A 130+ years and waiting.

Carl, I think you make some great points sometimes. ^ This is not one of them. Wow.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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I really have got to question whether or not the Big East can support 6 Eastern Pennsylvania programs.

You'll have Temple, Villanova, UPenn, Bucknell, Lafayette and Lehigh. I agree it makes for a solid division ( quality - ND esque program in Nova and good regional rivalries) but maybe we dilutre the area of quality talent?

I really think the absolute max should be the Big East CT dvision of 4 teams: UConn, Yale, Fairfield and Sacred Heart.
Aug 26, 2011
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the direction this current commissioner is taking the Big East, and the leadership of the Big East (that means AD's and Pres') is unbelievable.
True statement. I can't believe the direction the BE is being taken in either.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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Inside - I firmly believed that the ACC expanded by 2 to invoke the ESPN renegotiate clause and at the time they believed each team would get about $5m more (with SyraPitt getting a diluted share). Now that we see that the number may by just $1.7m and the ACC had to lenghten the contract and throw in some tier rights (I think that's correct) aren't they pissed?

I never understood the $5 million. Official sources said $1.5 to $2 million all along and Swofford talked about the media rights from Day One.

This is from September 26.

Even if the contract was laid bare on the internet someone (NELSON) would still argue . Some just don't accept the ACC are cheap whores not pricey ones. It's $15 to $20 million per school over a decade and that's a great bullet point to keep some ADs and President's gainfully employed.

$15 to $20 mil is a nice downpayment on a new practice facility for either revenue sport.

The ACC will reopen the contract again. 2017 is my guess. After the B12 finishes their contracting we'll see another round of rumors as teams go shopping again and kicking the tires at UConn, ND, BYU, and Rutgers scenarios all over again (and UCF/USF/Houston).


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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(4) Internet based media valuations are almost always done in house, b/c the formula is much more simplistic. You generally have a straight-forward subscription based service + targeted ad placements - operating costs, which are generally minimal. Internet based Tier 3 programing is a very profitable model, b/c it doesn't require carrier negotiations (ala DirecTV, etc). It's hard for me to imagine a time when we watch TV on the internet. But, w/ the direction of technology & the continuing increase in computer screens, I could easily see this type model being highly lucrative in 5 years or so. Just think about it.......if you sold 50k subs for $5/mo, you're looking at $3M/yr in revenue, not counting ad revenue. It's not hard to imagine a day when technology allows the internet to be monetized to a significant degree w/ regards to Tier 3 broadcasts..

Simply huge dollars for programs like UConn with cable cutters. WalMart's Ultraviolet/VUDU deal is huge. Apple and Microsoft are both working with the studios for models. Yes it's a model in transition but you have it on the money. We'll see a $199.95 package for local channels at some point, $49.95 for the BE Channel, stream all your owned content in HD and lossless FLAC audio for $9.99 a month, and purchase 72 hour rentals for $5 as the norm. A plethora of free streaming video stations much like Spotify and Pandora with legacy NCAA games and older or free or international programming


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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[quote="HuskyfanDan, post: 202746, member: 45
18 sec mark[/quote]

I caught that before. That guy's posting it was a rotten thing to do to his kid.
Aug 27, 2011
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I never understood the $5 million. Official sources said $1.5 to $2 million all along and Swofford talked about the media rights from Day One................

This is ACC spin. The figures discussed with the 12 schools to get approval to expand were close to an additional $5m each. Now this figure for the 12 schools assumed a less than equal share for SyraPitt for the first few years.

The ACC schools would not have approved changing their conference if they were told the yearly take would merely rise from $13m a team to $14.7m. Why - the internal grades from the last expansion are basically D's. BCU has been a disaster and Miami a huge embarrassment. Do you think the ACC is going to risk (again) the identity of their beloved southern conference by adding 2 northern schools? Do you think FSU and Clemson would have agreed to increase the exit fee to $20m from basically $12.5m to pocket an addition $1.7m per year. Hell that would take 4.5 years of the additional $1.7m just to break even with the higher exit fee. Yes the ACC was desperate to fix its BB but Swofford snowed the Presidents into thinking the take would increase by nearly $5m a school for the existing 12.

But its done, SyraPitt is gone and that's that. I think it does mean that the only way additional teams are invited into the ACC is 1) with ND - which will never happen, or 2) three FB schools are poached.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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and Miami a huge embarrassment..

NEforceUConn, I agree with most of your points most of the time, but the above point is just plain wrong. Whether we like to admit it or not, Miami is one of the most marketable teams in college football and the ACC would have pulled the trigger on that move every day of the week and twice on Sunday. With the exception of Notre Dame, name me another team that is more hated than "The U". Also, it's difficult to name a university that has sent significantly more people to the NFL than Miami as well. Their merchandise can be found at any generic store in the country.

If Miami didn't make the move from the Big East to the ACC, this discussion thread (and most of the threads on the realignment board) doesn't happen...


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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This is ACC spin. The figures discussed with the 12 schools to get approval to expand were close to an additional $5m each. Now this figure for the 12 schools assumed a less than equal share for SyraPitt for the first few years.

The ACC schools would not have approved changing their conference if they were told the yearly take would merely rise from $13m a team to $14.7m. Why - the internal grades from the last expansion are basically D's. BCU has been a disaster and Miami a huge embarrassment. Do you think the ACC is going to risk (again) the identity of their beloved southern conference by adding 2 northern schools? Do you think FSU and Clemson would have agreed to increase the exit fee to $20m from basically $12.5m to pocket an addition $1.7m per year. Hell that would take 4.5 years of the additional $1.7m just to break even with the higher exit fee. Yes the ACC was desperate to fix its BB but Swofford snowed the Presidents into thinking the take would increase by nearly $5m a school for the existing 12.

But its done, SyraPitt is gone and that's that. I think it does mean that the only way additional teams are invited into the ACC is 1) with ND - which will never happen, or 2) three FB schools are poached.

You are thinking way too deep. ADs and Presidents can claim they added $20 million to their coffers by forcing the contract to be re-opened.

What did it cost them to do this? They have to work Pitt and SU into their schedules. Oh My! $20 million and a couple schedule changes!

If UConn and Rutgers add another $2o million to each school in 5 years they will change their schedules again!
Aug 27, 2011
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NEforceUConn, I agree with most of your points most of the time, but the above point is just plain wrong. Whether we like to admit it or not, Miami is one of the most marketable teams in college football and the ACC would have pulled the trigger on that move every day of the week and twice on Sunday. With the exception of Notre Dame, name me another team that is more hated than "The U". Also, it's difficult to name a university that has sent significantly more people to the NFL than Miami as well. Their merchandise can be found at any generic store in the country.

If Miami didn't make the move from the Big East to the ACC, this discussion thread (and most of the threads on the realignment board) doesn't happen...

Yes Miami has its share of championships however I was referring to the huge Miami football fight in their first year or two in the ACC. Perhaps its fleeting but the ACC liked to think it had sportsmanship as one of its virtues. That incident, at the time, was a big black eye down here on tobacco road and in Charlotsville.

Yes the U is the U but this fighting incident, the mediocre level of football, and the lack of FAN support made people think twice about the expansion. The crowds at Miami's new stadium are pathetic, worse than Temple's.
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