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AAC Website is up

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Feb 21, 2012
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WTF? This is the picture when you click on our link:

Every other link makes sense. Not ours. Seriously we should make up our page. It would be infinitely better.

I thought the exact same thing. I was actually up at campus a few weeks ago, (the place looks amazing, the grass is like a golf course and they finally created a green behind the new student union that will really bring the campus together - this area was under construction my entire 4 years there) but that building in particular, which is one of the brand new ones, I looked at and said "what the hell were they thinking!?" It is seriously the ugliest building on campus. I asked around and apparently all of the copper and rust that is there now is designed to turn a statue of liberty type green from oxidation. It may look good over time, it looks terrible and even run down now though. They could not have picked a worse picture for the site.
Sep 19, 2011
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I'm sorry is that connecticut on the front of there jerseys?

Sored on a jersey from 1920 means we outline a wolf in 2013?

If your going for the tradition thing with red, then explain to me why we just murdered the white dog and ditched the block C? I thought your red thing was about tradition?

You are a hot mess thinking wise just like Susan and warde. This is my point.

It's all a mess.

The correct answers to the issue were the following
1). Things stay the same accept for taking away the tounge of the dog and putting teeth and then making the block c and dog across the board the logo
2) going a crazy new route and doing a dog paw and a aggressive c(old English for example)
3) ditching the dog and going block c for everything or the interlocking uc for everything

We instead murdered a dog for a white wolf. We ditched the lock c and we renamed ourselves the nickname. Now our pride of the state name means nothing. Ask people not from the north east where uconn is located in 5 years. I imagine just as many ppl say Canada, Alaska or the North Pole as ppl say connecticut.

Ppl here are to funny. You defend the red by saying we used to rock it and tradition and blah blah but fail to see how screwed that argument is.

If it was me as ad I would have cleaned the football staff, the marketing diet and several other clowns out. Hired a new person for each spot. Gotten real aggressive with marketing a new future with KO and the new fball coach. I would have done a blue old English c across the board and either the dog minor change or the paw print and gone to war media wise. Instead, were a glorified community college. Some here take this like I'm ripping academics. I'm not, they are great. But you name is uconn. It sounds like a community college. Then you hang out with commuter schools in the AAC. That hurts the perception also. You have to figure this stuff in. Chesus

If we went to the b10 or acc no one takes uconn as a commuter or community sounding name because our piers are all big boys or privates. Big difference. Leadership here contributes to miss the boat by the ocean load.

If you don't have anything constructive to contribute to the board other then bitching and moaning, please stop posting. No one listens to what you say or takes you seriously anymore cause all you do is bitch and moan. I personally like the new logo, I think the old logo was outdated and due for an update. As far as you complaining about red, it is one of UConn's colors and is used to make both the Husky and UConn standout. Then you mention UConn sounds like a community college, I guess schools like UPenn and CalTech also sound like community colleges (you realize Penn State is in the Big10). Also, anyone with a half a brain would be able to figure out that UConn is in Connecticut. On top of everything your bitching and moaning is not even well thought out and makes you sound like a moron (you realize the difference between accept and except and there and their). Below is a picture of a Husky just so you know what a Husky looks like (our logo resembles a Husky enough that it won't confuse people).

Sep 20, 2011
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HFD is 100% right about the new logo being a mess.

Take a look at our "logo" on the new AAC site: http://theamerican.org/

The husky is 1/2 the size of any other logo and the word UConn is completely illegible. It looks like a crappy pixelated Windows icon from the 1990s.

The amazing thing is that this is not the logo that Nike designed for us and intended for us to use! Read Nike's press release:


Scroll down to the box labeled "The Husky Logo" and it is just the damned dog with gray outlining (which actually looks pretty good). I have no idea how our athletic department screwed this up, but it explains a lot. Nike literally hands us a new logo and we say "Thanks -- but we'll use this other image instead that you gave us to make T-shirts with!"
Aug 26, 2011
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The acc was weak on #1 land grant state school and always has been but UNC, UVA and md really were so strong at the top that they held the acc up. When md left there was no better time in the world for connecticut to pump its land grant state name and identity as a way to further help the acc. The lobbying power and what ever else you want to talk about. The acc instead took a commuter school from Kentucky who will never touch Kentucky. Everyone from warde to the gov screwed that up.

This past year if there was ever a time to pump connecticut it was to the acc. Instead we used a nickname which while it has no real influence on academics it sadly whether ppl here will admit it or not sounds like commuter or community. That false identity is what it is. Makes it easier brand wise for Louisville to be picked among the other things going on.

Uconn vs connecticut I believe could have helped get us that acc invite. That's my position. Everything here the past year or so has been done in reaction to things or done without vision and thought towards the future.

I am still waiting for one human being on this planet to tell me why every other state uses its land grant by name and not nickname.

It's not about what fans or commentators or sports center heads say. They can say uconn or PSU or wvu or tech whatever but the official name is the state name. We ditched that.

The acc was desperate for a state name land grant. It made almost to much sense. Picking uconn over connecticut at the very best on your side of the argument didn't help because we're in the a a c today.

A paw print done right can be aggressive and fresh. I'm not talking Clemson but hey they are getting paid so what are you talking about?

"Uconn vs connecticut I believe could have helped get us that acc invite. That's my position. "

What are you talking about? The decision to emphasize UConn as the lead brand was made in Spring 2013. Louisville was invited to the ACC in late 2012. The former has nothing to do with the latter as we were Connecticut (with a white dog logo) when the vote was taken.
Aug 28, 2011
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"Uconn vs connecticut I believe could have helped get us that acc invite. That's my position. "

What are you talking about? The decision to emphasize UConn as the lead brand was made in Spring 2013. Louisville was invited to the ACC in late 2012. The former has nothing to do with the latter as we were Connecticut (with a white dog logo) when the vote was taken.

You're never going to be on HFD's level if you continue to use things like facts, reason and logic in your debates. You obviously don't understand big time college sports


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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HFD is 100% right about the new logo being a mess.

Take a look at our "logo" on the new AAC site: http://theamerican.org/

The husky is 1/2 the size of any other logo and the word UConn is completely illegible. It looks like a crappy pixelated Windows icon from the 1990s.

The amazing thing is that this is not the logo that Nike designed for us and intended for us to use! Read Nike's press release:


Scroll down to the box labeled "The Husky Logo" and it is just the damned dog with gray outlining (which actually looks pretty good). I have no idea how our athletic department screwed this up, but it explains a lot. Nike literally hands us a new logo and we say "Thanks -- but we'll use this other image instead that you gave us to make T-shirts with!"

You are both absolutely right.

Regardless of my feelings about the logo change, the decision to include the word with the logo cheapens it and shrinks the logo. I'm sure that Junglehusky is right about the fact that they are trying to link the new logo to the university in order to show to the nation that this is UConn's logo (although I would argue that means that the logo is not appropriate). I think we would be much better served if they removed the word from the logo and increased the size of the dog to match the other logos.

HFD, this is a message for you, my friend: You have good ideas, whether some acknowledge it here or not. But you do yourself a disservice with the venom that you put into the posts and the frequency that you state the ideas. Believe me, I understand your passion! If anyone understands, it's me! But if you make your arguments with less venom and less often, I guarantee that the results will be different on the BY and elsewhere. And quite frankly, we need those results to be different because I think that you are spot-on in your criticism of a lot of the marketing efforts of the university over the last year or so...
Aug 24, 2011
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The logo looks bad on the header of the website because 1) the word "UCONN" under the dog's head (and it's a Siberian husky DOG, not a frickin' wolf) has blue lettering when it should be white lettering 2) The whole blue monochrome tint they have over all the logos looks bad to begin with. 3) the logo looks small with the word UCONN below it, but HobokenHusky is right when he says in time as the new logo becomes more recognized with UConn, they'll probably be less use of the logo & word UCONN together.

It's a new website just launched, and looks rather cheaply made at that, so I'm not gonna lose sleep over how our logo looks on it. Would assume in time they'll fix it up and improve the overall website. Plus the logo looks fine on the UConn page.

Can't believe the stuff people endlessly harp on and split hairs over on here. It's become comical.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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BugsyCT - it's the dog days of summer, nothing positive to talk about so we obsess over the same old same old. And until it looks like the football team can get 9-10 wins and the offense can put up 30 points a game we're going to rehash the same BS over and over. And even when we do HFD is going to call everybody clowns for cheering for UConn instead of Connecticut.
Feb 10, 2012
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It's funny that you say this when three of the teams just selected for a new conference are called Mizzou, Rutgers and Pitt. That may be your position, but it's wrong. Plenty of schools like UCLA, USC, and Ole Miss have plenty of prestige despite being known largely by a nickname. Personally I always like to say Connecticut, but I don't mind the change to UConn as it is the more recognizable name.

I do agree with you about the wolf head logo. I liked the friendly dog. I think it looked better and it was recognizable as UConn, so why reinvent the wheel? Now we have to hope fans can figure out why our wolf looking dog is different from the other wolf looking dog logos out there. I think in 20 years this logo will be remembered as the "new coke" of our logos in that we messed up something good just for the sake of change. It's a bunch of marketing idiots trying to justify their jobs that ends up with stuff like this. Surprisingly I actually do like the unis and helmets.
reminds me of the cheer they always do at the games:
C - O - N - N- E - C - T - I - C - U - T

If it's started early enough in the first half, they can usually get through it by halftime.


Aug 24, 2011
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"Uconn vs connecticut I believe could have helped get us that acc invite. That's my position. "

What are you talking about? The decision to emphasize UConn as the lead brand was made in Spring 2013. Louisville was invited to the ACC in late 2012. The former has nothing to do with the latter as we were Connecticut (with a white dog logo) when the vote was taken.

It was a known thing coming. Last fall they changed the twitter and things like that to "uconn" only a diehard fan who is blind couldn't realize all those changes were not for a reason. Yet it went over a lot of heads here I'm sure.


Aug 24, 2011
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It's funny that you say this when three of the teams just selected for a new conference are called Mizzou, Rutgers and Pitt. That may be your position, but it's wrong. Plenty of schools like UCLA, USC, and Ole Miss have plenty of prestige despite being known largely by a nickname. Personally I always like to say Connecticut, but I don't mind the change to UConn as it is the more recognizable name.

I do agree with you about the wolf head logo. I liked the friendly dog. I think it looked better and it was recognizable as UConn, so why reinvent the wheel? Now we have to hope fans can figure out why our wolf looking dog is different from the other wolf looking dog logos out there. I think in 20 years this logo will be remembered as the "new coke" of our logos in that we messed up something good just for the sake of change. It's a bunch of marketing idiots trying to justify their jobs that ends up with stuff like this. Surprisingly I actually do like the unis and helmets.

Mizzu went to the sec who has many big publics land grants. Mizzu uses its nickname like we used to use uconn. They actually call them selves the full state name tho. We don't now..... Rutgers to the b10 is the same thing. Pitt is not land grant and they used to be private and today are a half and half like temple. They moved to the acc before md left. There was not a land grant issue at that time.

I think a bunch of u kids are taking Internet talk and sports center talk as what the brand should be. Just because we say PSU or uconn or Mizzu or Ruty doesn't mean the schools call themselves that when it comes time to name names. Did Jim Delany call them Ruty or Rutgers at the press conference?


Aug 24, 2011
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reminds me of the cheer they always do at the games:
C - O - N - N- E - C - T - I - C - U - T

If it's started early enough in the first half, they can usually get through it by halftime.

The uconn cheer was ruined by a bad ad who let cheerleaders kill it. It was best when big red controlled it. I always said the correct thing was for big red to hand over the reins of the chant to dale in some official unofficial ceremony in the stands one game and so its safe for another 30 years of fun.

Know why that cheer used to be fun? Because its our nick name. It's not fun when its our actual name that's plastered on everything. The nick name aspect of it made it fun. It's dead now.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Mizzu went to the sec who has many big publics land grants. Mizzu uses its nickname like we used to use uconn. They actually call them selves the full state name tho. We don't now..... Rutgers to the b10 is the same thing. Pitt is not land grant and they used to be private and today are a half and half like temple. They moved to the acc before md left. There was not a land grant issue at that time.

I think a bunch of u kids are taking Internet talk and sports center talk as what the brand should be. Just because we say PSU or uconn or Mizzu or Ruty doesn't mean the schools call themselves that when it comes time to name names. Did Jim Delany call them Ruty or Rutgers at the press conference?
Did Lou Perkins, or John Rowland, Harry Hartley, Dave Gavitt, Jim Calhoun, Geno Auriemma, Dan Malloy, Pres Obama (when he hosted the champs teams) call us UConn or Connecticut? Some of them may have used both, but I wager if you add up all those press conferences over the years UConn wins out.

Oh and... how exactly did Louisville get into the ACC when the ACC only wanted Land Grant schools's? They began as a private seminary, were a municipal school in the early 1900s and were't a state school until the 60s. Never a land grant college.

But please, go ahead and ignore the facts since they clash with your made-up narrative.
Aug 26, 2011
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Did Lou Perkins, or John Rowland, Harry Hartley, Dave Gavitt, Jim Calhoun, Geno Auriemma, Dan Malloy, Pres Obama (when he hosted the champs teams) call us UConn or Connecticut? Some of them may have used both, but I wager if you add up all those press conferences over the years UConn wins out.

Oh and... how exactly did Louisville get into the ACC when the ACC only wanted Land Grant schools's? They began as a private seminary, were a municipal school in the early 1900s and were't a state school until the 60s. Never a land grant college.

But please, go ahead and ignore the facts since they clash with your made-up narrative.

For athletic purposes it has always been UConn as 95+% of the references from players, coaches, athletic administration, announcers, etc. have been to UConn. It's only the recognition that the school can benefit by leveraging the power of that brand (and that the students, alums, etc. had already recognized it by adopting it nearly universally) that changed. HFD would have us believe that an earlier change to Twitter (an inherently informal communication mechanism) tipped off the ACC's due diligence spies that they were going to have to suffer the indignity of being associated with UConn if they invited the far different University of Connecticut. Of course, if that was true they could have just said, "we prefer the more formal name" and I'm sure the admin would have been fine with it and accepted the offer.

It's just another thing for those that have intertwined misery and self-importance to drone on about.
Aug 24, 2011
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The uconn cheer was ruined by a bad ad who let cheerleaders kill it. It was best when big red controlled it. I always said the correct thing was for big red to hand over the reins of the chant to dale in some official unofficial ceremony in the stands one game and so its safe for another 30 years of fun.

Know why that cheer used to be fun? Because its our nick name. It's not fun when its our actual name that's plastered on everything. The nick name aspect of it made it fun. It's dead now.

You have become a caricature of the biggest lunatic in an insane asylum. Please get help.


Aug 24, 2011
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You have become a caricature of the biggest lunatic in an insane asylum. Please get help.

I tried to get help. Instead everyone here sides with what uconn currently is. Enjoy it. U own it.

Sue me.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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You have become a caricature of the biggest lunatic in an insane asylum. Please get help.

HFD has been pretty off the wall lately and I'm not even sure if you were writing this specifically about the U C O N N chant, but Dan is right, the cheer leaders have absolutely butchered that change and done everything in their power to ruin my favorite UConn tradition.

As awesome as that chant can sound at Gampel, imagine it times 4 at the rent?


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Wait, am I missing something? They do the U-C-O-N-N chant after every touchdown (and field goal?) at the Rent. I always enjoy it, just wished we scored more :rolleyes:

You must be missing the fact that when the cheer leaders do it, it sucks.

A) They mess up the cadence of the U-C-O-N-N. Every single time.
B) They do it twice, which is over kill.
C) Worse off they do it only in front of the student section, so you get two half assed chants that sounds awful.

Solution: Get a 10 second video of Big Red on the jumbo tron after each field goal or TD and get the whole stadium to do it.

Look this seems like a small issue but to me it's not. It's things like this, that just drive me crazy when it comes to fan experience. This could literally be done in 2 hours and upgrade the fan experience by combining a hoop tradition with football, but nobody gets it in UConn AD.


Aug 24, 2011
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Wait, am I missing something? They do the U-C-O-N-N chant after every touchdown (and field goal?) at the Rent. I always enjoy it, just wished we scored more :rolleyes:

Yea your missing something. The u c o n n chant was a battle cry in games where we made big runs and the other team called time out. Then the chant would rock the arena and tv cameras would always catch part of it to show the atmosphere.

Then they took it and now its c k e d.

Not only is it to blah and no energy. But it has no special/important meaning any more.

The way they should have translated it to football was big red giving it to dale in some special thing for fun event. It should be used in football games only in 2nd halfs and when the opposing team has to call a timeout and we have them on the ropes.

That was the equavalant to the bball meaning of it. Imagine 40k all looking for dale to do the chant with uconn up. 3, 1 minute left with Rutgers on the 45 facing 3rd and 5 and they call. Timeout. That's where the chant should be. Not where it is today.

This is such a basic thing. It's Rich in tradition. And yet the school could not have c k e d it up any more.



Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Amen HFD. I haven't been totally on board with you lately, but that post is right on the money.


Aug 24, 2011
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You must be missing the fact that when the cheer leaders do it, it sucks.

A) They mess up the cadence of the U-C-O-N-N. Every single time.
B) They do it twice, which is over kill.
C) Worse off they do it only in front of the student section, so you get two half assed chants that sounds awful.

Solution: Get a 10 second video of Big Red on the jumbo tron after each field goal or TD and get the whole stadium to do it.

Look this seems like a small issue but to me it's not. It's things like this, that just drive me crazy when it comes to fan experience. This could literally be done in 2 hours and upgrade the fan experience by combining a hoop tradition with football, but nobody gets it in UConn AD.

Amen. Yet ppl here will get on me like I'm some dog with Internet. The sooner ppl here open eyes and see what a mess things are the better.

News flash. Uconn can hire me as ad for 1/4th the cost. I will sell the exact same amount of tickets that warde does. I'll wear school colors and ill fix a bunch of little things I'm capable of.

Which is better? Warde or hfd?

Neither did tickets better or got us into a power 5. But one of them improved game day atmospheres and acted like he cares a bit.


Aug 24, 2011
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Gotcha, I never really noticed the cadence being off but their should definitely be some kind of video played for the whole crowd to do it. I also don't mind it twice but I would prefer if they do it right after the TD and then right before kick-off.

HFD, I remember during basketball games two years ago they stupidly forced a U-C-O-N-N during a TV timeout, but I guess they quickly realized how bad it was b/c I was at every bball game this past year and they didn't do it, everything was done naturally and lead by Big Red or students. I certainly don't share your outlook on many things, but we absolutely need to do a better job of transferring it over to football, it's the best chant we have.

It needs to be pure fan. Like j e t s jets.....

Big red at bball games till he dies
Dale at football games then bball also

The cheerleaders should have nothing to do but join in with the crowd. I don't even want it on video boards. I want those to be live camera shots of the crowd doing it so it gets ppl more pumped and likely to join in. I can go on if a hour with this. It's like #357 on my list to do. That many things suck more than how much this sucks right now.

Nebraska jumps around. USCe sandstorms. We chant our NICK NAME. That's way more powerful then a old song. We can do student section sing alongside any time. I enjoy them. But in the heat of battle a nick name chant is gold. Yet uconn is desperately trying to
1) kill the chant by ruining it
2) devalue the hasn't by branding the school the nick name
And 3) not understand the core principles of it because warde and Susan don't care. They are not connecticut people. They are on a life pitt stop boosting resumes to become a b10 ad and a ivy president. They RE the problem.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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Suggestion to Fishy & Mods: Add the AAC website to the Media Links drop down menu above please.

FWIW I wrote an updated menu script two summers ago. It didnt work. Someone should try it, though. Reach out to temery
Aug 27, 2011
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Yup the logo looks bad. It's the same everywhere. Look at a ESPN recruiting list vs other schools logos. Same story. You can't have uconn and the wolf both together.

Why do they? They know its so far fetched from the dog they had that no one recognizes it besides fans of uconn. So they have to let ppl know what it is by writing uconn. The red outline on some sites they use also sucks. It just screams look at me our colors are good enough so we outline in red.

Everything about it sucks in so many ways. It's just going to take the children here more time to realize what a disaster it is. When you rebrand and you need to write your name on something so ppl know its you, you suck.

Good logos have 1 aggressive part about them. The beck of the Lville cardinal, the teeth of the Florida gator and so on. The most aggressive or stand out part of our logo is the wolfs ears because they are big proportionally to the rest of the wolf face. The teeth are not that noticeable. It's a god dam joke. It really is. Keep supporting it all u clowns.

That's actually the way rebranding works. If the logo changes are substantial you tie them together until the new one stands on its own. That had nothing to do with whether you like or don't like the new logo.
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