you can’t even make up how big of a joke this administration is.
lol @ anyone still pretending this people can find their rear ends in a dark room.
good on mike anthony for making a call.
uconn provides the most value to espn in this deal and either the administration has no idea what the conference is doing or they have so little influence they pretend they have no idea what is going on.
front porch lol
make sure to send money tho
We're paying for our past sins. This is what happens when you end up in a conference of differing viewpoints, budgets, and goals.
Seems pretty clear UConn didn't want the deal (or parts of the deal), but got out-voted.
You don't have any leverage if you've already made it clear you will leave at first opportunity, and even less if you can't actually leave the conference (because no one wants you).
Not sure what they COULD do in this situation. But like I said, it's the poor past decisions and execution that led to this point.