A comparison of the worth of Rutgers as compared to UConn to the Big Ten Network | Page 4 | The Boneyard

A comparison of the worth of Rutgers as compared to UConn to the Big Ten Network

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Aug 31, 2011
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You're still the RU alum/student on the UConn forum, still wasting your time getting mindfucked for my entertainment. Tell me again who needs to prove anything.
Feb 21, 2012
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I will not and do not accept that. Nice try in insulting me once again. but you fail. I gave you several reasons, non sports related, why I am proud of my university. Why don't you give me some reasons as relevant as the ones I provided...why you're proud of UCONN.

Rutgers is everything as a flagship state university that UCONN is....and in my opinion, more. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you will see what the Big Ten saw when choosing Rutgers over UCONN.

I'm not offended by your opinions of Rutgers. I'm offended by your sheer ignorance and stupidity of about the flagship university state university of your home state.

You must not have tried very hard in high school. If you did, you wouldn't be so under-educated. Unless you applied to UConn in the last two years, Rutgers was ahead of UCONN in the USN&WR ...and remains ahead of UCONN in all BUT the USN&WR to this day. That is the only rag that puts UCONN ahead of Rutgers.

If you think you are going to tell Rutgers fans that we are nothing but a safety school, you're out of your league, son. We have way too much to be proud of as an institution...to be insulted by a flea like you....who most likely did not get in to Rutgers.

Oh my god go away already. It's freaking Christmas. I most definitely got into Rutgers. I can scan in my acceptance letter, it was he very first one I got. What the hell do they tell you people when you go there that makes you think it's freaking Harvard? It's a good state school, so is UConn. I personally think NB and the Rutgers campus are a thole. You don't I guess. Rutgers is certainly not for everyone. Deal with it. You think UConn is in the middle of nowhere. I agree, that doesn't bother me that you think that, and I loved it.

Any time I have been to scarletnation.com, I have seen several inaccuracies and outright lies posted about UConn. I don't even think of responding. You know why? IT DOESN'T MATTER AND IT'S THIER BOARD. The fact that you guys keep coming here to "correct us" speaks to deeper character flaws within yourselves. Use this holiday for some self reflection.


Aug 31, 2011
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Compensation such as this is a classic defense mechanism. It's similar to closeted homosexuals who cannot reconcile their sexual/romantic nature being the most vocally homophobic.

But I wouldn't know any of this, I didn't even get in to Rutgers.
Jan 19, 2012
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You're still the RU alum/student on the UConn forum, still wasting your time getting mind****ed for my entertainment. Tell me again who needs to prove anything.

Your insecurity, by insulting my school to feel good about your own school, is providing me entertainment as well.

And resorting to childish homosexual jokes? A true sign of someone not capable of carrying an intelligent conversation. You're obviously from the "low class" section of NJ. Probably the reason you were denied by RU.

Ok, You're no longer fun. I'm out. Enjoy your new place in the conference of schools that are unwanted by the big boy conferences.

Maybe some day you'll get into the MAC. That would be a step up from the slop you're being left behind with.


Aug 24, 2011
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Tulane beat rutgers before they became big east. I want out as much as the next guy but thats funny .
Feb 21, 2012
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Your insecurity, by insulting my school to feel good about your own school, is providing me entertainment as well.

And resorting to childish homosexual jokes? A true sign of someone not capable of carrying an intelligent conversation. You're obviously from the "low class" section of NJ. Probably the reason you were denied by RU.

Ok, You're no longer fun. I'm out. Enjoy your new place in the conference of schools that are unwanted by the big boy conferences.

Maybe some day you'll get into the MAC. That would be a step up from the slop you're being left behind with.

Holy crap you are editing your post like 3 times after you post them, this is great. You are so concerned with UConn, this is like watching a psychology experiment unfold before my eyes.
Dec 20, 2012
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"Son," in this case, a clueless child flailing around trying to justify their actions or beliefs in order to satisfy others, to whom said beliefs ultimately mean nothing.

I can't help if you are offended by my opinions of RU. That speaks more of your subconsciously similar opinion of RU. Your holding offense adds more weight to my criticisms than anything. Your post was little more than general butthurtedness, and I quoted only the part that was in any way worth responding to because it was the only part that could be discerned as being directed at me. Nice passive-aggressive attitude.

Too bad you weren't on the admissions board of Rutgers, or else you surely would have not wasted the admission offer that I received. Looking back, I actually found it funny how much Rutgers was an afterthought after I had been accepted to UConn, TCNJ, Northeastern, and the like. Hell, I probably would have gone to Rowan as an engineering student before I went to Rutgers.

Rutgers is at best am in-state fall-back. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can reconcile your attending.

You have some serious insecurities, UCONN and Rutgers are really closely ranked academically. I was admitted to both, and went to Rutgers. It doesn't make either school any better or worse. Rutgers had a much better ranked program in what I wanted to do. It's clear you're attacking the merits of Rutgers to boost your preconceived ideas. Nothing we say can change what you believe, even if none of the facts support what you are saying.
Dec 20, 2012
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Tulane beat rutgers before they became big east. I want out as much as the next guy but thats funny ****.
In one of our worst seasons in the last 10 years. One loss doesn't define a program, Pitt lost to Youngstown state. Michigan to Appalachian, Arkansas to LA-Monroe. It happens. I think looking at programs on a decade long scale is fairly reasonable test of where it is heading.
Dec 20, 2012
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Holy crap you are editing your post like 3 times after you post them, this is great. You are so concerned with UConn, this is like watching a psychology experiment unfold before my eyes.
What dumb logic. The edit function gets used most often right after someone posts something, because of grammar. They also reword their arguments once they have reread them.
Feb 21, 2012
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What dumb logic. The edit function gets used most often right after someone posts something, because of grammar. They also reword their arguments once they have reread them.

Thank you for the kind words RUwinning, I guess I should have expanded my thought for all of the UConn obsessed RU posters out there that get their panties in a bunch if a NJ native tells them that going to college in the sprawling bus systems of gorgeous NB and Pisc was not their idea of an ideal college experience.

This bugsy guy has several times posted a post with mild insults in it and then It would appear, sits for a few minutes and lets his rage build up, then goes back and adds another paragraph of insults to the post. This is not a simple edit for grammar; it would lead one to believe that this board, which is the board of a school that is not even a conference mate anymore, takes up a significant amount of his time and energy


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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I'll save Rutgers and UConn fans a lot of time by simply posting the following facts:

Rutgers and UConn are peer institutions academically.

Rutgers and UConn are similar football programs.

Rutgers Basketball hangs up NIT Appearance Banners at The RAC, while UConn hangs up 3 National Championship banners.

New Brunswick isn't a great town, but the individual campuses are nice, however it has a disjointed feel because you have to take buses to get between the 5 campuses (College Ave, Busch, Livingston, Cook and Douglass). Storrs is quite literally in the middle of nowhere in Eastern CT. Storrs is UConn. You either hate it or love it.

And ultimately the only difference that matters in this exercise is that New Jersey has a lot more cable TV households than Connecticut.


Aug 31, 2011
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You have some serious insecurities, UCONN and Rutgers are really closely ranked academically. I was admitted to both, and went to Rutgers. It doesn't make either school any better or worse. Rutgers had a much better ranked program in what I wanted to do. It's clear you're attacking the merits of Rutgers to boost your preconceived ideas. Nothing we say can change what you believe, even if none of the facts support what you are saying.
I'd love to see the path of logic that brought you to the conclusion that I am somehow insecure about my decision to not go to Rutgers.
Dec 20, 2012
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I'd love to see the path of logic that brought you to the conclusion that I am somehow insecure about my decision to not go to Rutgers.
No your insecurities are about the worth of UCONN, you can not validate your self worth without denigrating Rutgers.
Dec 20, 2012
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I'll save Rutgers and UConn fans a lot of time by simply posting the following facts:

Rutgers and UConn are peer institutions academically.

Rutgers and UConn are similar football programs.

Rutgers Basketball hangs up NIT Appearance Banners at The RAC, while UConn hangs up 3 National Championship banners.

New Brunswick isn't a great town, but the individual campuses are nice, however it has a disjointed feel because you have to take buses to get between the 5 campuses (College Ave, Busch, Livingston, Cook and Douglass). Storrs is quite literally in the middle of nowhere in Eastern CT. Storrs is UConn. You either hate it or love it.

And ultimately the only difference that matters in this exercise is that New Jersey has a lot more cable TV households than Connecticut.
Exactly this. This is extremely correct, but I believe UCONN does command a large amount of TV's still.
Jan 19, 2012
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I'd love to see the path of logic that brought you to the conclusion that I am somehow insecure about my decision to not go to Rutgers.

Seriously? are you that dumb that you don't even know how you're being insulted?

An.d you got into Rutgers? Sure you did!
Jan 19, 2012
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Thank you for the kind words RUwinning, I guess I should have expanded my thought for all of the UConn obsessed RU posters out there that get their panties in a bunch if a NJ native tells them that going to college in the sprawling bus systems of gorgeous NB and Pisc was not their idea of an ideal college experience.

This bugsy guy has several times posted a post with mild insults in it and then It would appear, sits for a few minutes and lets his rage build up, then goes back and adds another paragraph of insults to the post. This is not a simple edit for grammar; it would lead one to believe that this board, which is the board of a school that is not even a conference mate anymore, takes up a significant amount of his time and energy

Nope, just grammatical mistakes. For the next year at least, UCONN is the school I still consider to be RU's biggest rival. Why is it shocking that I love to see what your fans are thinking about all of this?

If that qualifies as a psychological experiment, then have at it. You obviously need more excitement in your life if this is so fascinating to you.
Feb 21, 2012
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Nope, just grammatical mistakes. For the next year at least, UCONN is the school I still consider to be RU's biggest rival. Why is it shocking that I love to see what your fans are thinking about all of this?

If that qualifies as a psychological experiment, then have at it. You obviously need more excitement in your life if this is so fascinating to you.

I guess I saw it wrong on my phone. I get alerts on topics I have participated in, and a few of the post seemed very different from what I initially saw on my phone. I apologize if that was not the case.

Not even sure how this started, I think we can all agree with connhuskbask post and call it a day. Rutgers fans/alums are extremely defensive from being down for so long, I get that. You are In the B1G now though, so it might be beneficial to let a few slights go by when you see then on another team's board. It happens. Some NJ people don't think Rutgers is the place for them, that is ok. It doesn't mean they "we're not admitted". Saying this about a school with basically the same reputation just makes you look petty.


Aug 31, 2011
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No your insecurities are about the worth of UCONN, you can not validate your self worth without denigrating Rutgers.
I was simply sharing my experience with Rutgers and how many people from around where I live care about it. My experience didn't match up with how Rutgers fans view their school (go figure), fans got all butthurt (speaking of insecure), so I decided to start messing with you all. And here you are, still on the UConn forum.


Aug 31, 2011
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Seriously? are you that dumb that you don't even know how you're being insulted?

An.d you got into Rutgers? Sure you did!
Yeah, because I have so much to gain by lying about where I got in to college on the internet. Let alone lying about getting into Rutgers.
Sep 21, 2011
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I live in AZ which actually is B1G country due to the many retirees both all year and snow bird residents
Thats why they represent so well in Arizona Bowl games.
We are to the midwest what Fla is to the Northeast.
We do however have some Northeasterners out hear.
A good quanity of the UConn fans at the fiesta bowl were locals me included.
The thing we have in common is although we are transplants we still have loyalties to our home states.
State University flags are proudly displayed on our golf carts.
I have a couple of New Jersey friends who don't seem to even know Rutgers exists.
I think its because unless you know its the State Univerisity it has a perception as another eastern rich kid school.
That somehow has little in common with the average Jersey Guy. Where the average guy on a Center Street bar in Shelton identifies himself with UConn.
I have a couple of close golfing buddies one from Nebraska the other from Wisconsin both follow sports closely
They couldn't understand how RU got in the B1G. Their thought was we don't need another Northwestern.
When I explained it was the flagship Public University of New Jersey with 9million people that also touched the Philly and New York Markets they understood the move.
This does point out a perception problem Rutgers has with both their own residents and other states.
My personal belief is that Uof New Jersey is a sleeping football giant
They have been given a great opportunity its up to them what they do with it.

That being said I believe UConn also belongs in the B1G.
I don't know if it will happen but if Delaney is asstute enough to recognize RU than there is hope for us.


Aug 31, 2011
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They have been given a great opportunity its up to them what they do with it.
Exactly what I was thinking today. New York and Philly are great, but there is plenty of good football going on in NJ already (Donald Brown first comes to mind). Add on those other football recruits being able to stay close to home and play the big boys on the big networks. Rutgers has a huge opportunity to capitalize on that.
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