There was a lot of believing going on here until New Year's day.
We believed in the narrative and the history of how Hurley's a turnaround guy;
We saw development in several players last year and believed the summer improvement stories;
We began to see what the three freshmen are capable of doing; and
We shook off last season's losing record by pointing out how Hurley doesn't have his own players yet and it's really the second year where his teams take off;
But now we're panicking that maybe he's a mirage and can't coach.
Well, he could coach in Charleston where, except for our point guard's poor decisions and one miracle three pointer by Xavier to tie it in regulation, we could have had three nice wins.
He could coach a nice win against (agreed they were overrated) a highly ranked team, Florida.
He could coach when he was able to recruit some very good freshmen this year with two other very good recruits signed for next year.
Who knows if he's the right guy, but he's got five more years after this, so everybody ought to relax and pray.
The thing that concerns me is what happened after Charleston. The team looked loose and played hard and played well. How could the team and all ten active players look so good and now look as if they've never played together, especially on offense?