So no Filipowski tonight. I think he and Furphy were the only 2 in the Green Room who didn't get picked.
The NBA really bleeped this one up. They had like 20+ guys in the Green Room, basically guaranteeing a few will still be left at the end of the night. Really dumb move. I love the draft but there are so many issues with the production it's making it very difficult to continue to watch outside of the UConn picks.
1) Figure out the trades. NFL does it quickly and effectively yet the NBA is still having players wearing the wrong hats, getting picked by the wrong teams.
2) Stop the leaks, my goodness. I was staying off twitter and then you have Bilas and RJ announcing the picks before the commish. What are we doing here?
3) The Green Room should be lottery locks only.
4) Givony and Fran are the only ESPN guys who know the europeans, why aren't they with Bilas and RJ evaluating the picks?