2014 Huskies -What is the question that you are most curious about? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

2014 Huskies -What is the question that you are most curious about?

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May 22, 2012
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In no order
  • Conditioning: Being able to play hard for all quarters. Lack of conditioning was very evident in second half at beginning of last season.
  • Motivation: Not quitting when bad things happen. Win or lose to BYU how they come out against Stony Brook will learn a lot about this team. That game can not be a dogfight, needs to be a wire to wire comfortable win by at least 2 TD's.
  • QB: Big question mark, with inexperienced line will be seeing lot of pressure and blitzes, can Casey make right reads. If struggles or is hurt does Whitmer still have confidence in order to preserve a redshirt year for Boyle who still might be the future.
  • OL: Will be better than last year, might struggle early but need to show improvement. If older guys are struggling do they give young guys a shot.
  • RB: We have the power back in Max, who will be the speed back. Will we use fullback as think Walsh can be a good one, blocking, running and catching the ball.
  • TE: Will we use the TE this year.
  • Defense: Will be better but need to put teams in third and long so can force passing down as too many third and short last year forcing d to play run and pass. Can we generate consistent pass rush. DB's are good but can not cover forever.
  • Kicking game: Need more range from 40 yards and out.
Jan 29, 2012
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My biggest concern is our oc. Very concerned about having another low scoring ultra conservative predictable offense. other than that I think we are in very good hands defensively. See I g a lot of 19-16 type games.
Aug 30, 2011
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My biggest concern is our oc. Very concerned about having another low scoring ultra conservative predictable offense. other than that I think we are in very good hands defensively. See I g a lot of 19-16 type games.

I'm expecting a Brian Kelly style offense which is figure out what works and then do that. The offense was looking pretty good at the end of last season, these guys seem too smart to throw that entirely away. I think we will see a little of everything and then a lot of whatever works, I don't think it will be two runs into the line and then a pass.

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Aug 26, 2011
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In no order
  • Conditioning: Being able to play hard for all quarters. Lack of conditioning was very evident in second half at beginning of last season.
  • Motivation: Not quitting when bad things happen. Win or lose to BYU how they come out against Stony Brook will learn a lot about this team. That game can not be a dogfight, needs to be a wire to wire comfortable win by at least 2 TD's.
  • QB: Big question mark, with inexperienced line will be seeing lot of pressure and blitzes, can Casey make right reads. If struggles or is hurt does Whitmer still have confidence in order to preserve a redshirt year for Boyle who still might be the future.
  • OL: Will be better than last year, might struggle early but need to show improvement. If older guys are struggling do they give young guys a shot.
  • RB: We have the power back in Max, who will be the speed back. Will we use fullback as think Walsh can be a good one, blocking, running and catching the ball.
  • TE: Will we use the TE this year.
  • Defense: Will be better but need to put teams in third and long so can force passing down as too many third and short last year forcing d to play run and pass. Can we generate consistent pass rush. DB's are good but can not cover forever.
  • Kicking game: Need more range from 40 yards and out.
Could have just said "I question everything." :)
Aug 24, 2011
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We will need to run the ball effectively. Absolute must. That will take some of the pressure off a young OL and will be the only way to keep defenses honest. As much as this will be dependent on the OL, we will need a back, or group of them, to step up and run well. I am hopeful that Mariner turns out to be something. I am also hopeful that Cochran continues to show the poise he did last season. He, by far and away, was the best at making reads and decisions and played with great finesse.

On defense it will be all about the play at LB. I think we are solid on the DL and in the backfield. We need the LB group to make plays.

ST will be a big unknown with a new kicker and punter. We absolutely must show more in the return game.
Aug 14, 2012
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Will watching Husky football stop feeling like a bad trip to the dentist?
Last year it seemed like the tailgate rush of drinking Bloody Mary's, Beers and cooking breakfast was the highlight of the game. Sorry to say I really didn't look forward to going in and seeing the same old, same old on the sidelines and field. I want to see amped up enthusiasm on the sidelines. Just to see some excitement will be a change. I remember seeing Tyler King #52 walking/stalking the sidelines of the GT game at Memorial. With his face painted with lamp black he was a raving maniac exhorting his team mates. We sat about 6 rows behind the fence/bench and I was sort of stunned at his tirade. This is what we need less some of the potty mouth. For the last 3 years there was none of this. PPGDL treated them as pros who needed no help in getting ready for a game. An atrocious fit of 2 individuals for a college coaching staff. Not sure how these guys are fitting in with their new respective pro teams but Hathaway brought them here for their name recognition. Both of them were too far removed from even their last run of the mill college experiences. That being said I'm looking for an enthusiastic group from the trainers on up. I see a decent season coming where we stay in our seats till the end and "want" to listen to the rehash of the game on the way home like I used to. I want to hear Joe D's drive of the game to be a relevant part of the game experience not just some lucky footage. Hell we have nowhere to go but up. I want to see them come out and punch them in the Fuc#ing mouth with their new found bench pressing strength. GO HUSKIES!!!!!!!!!!
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Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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The season begins and ends on the offensive and defensive lines. Every other question is merely noise.
Aug 29, 2011
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My questions are:
  1. who will be the quarterback (guessing Cochran)?
  2. will the O-line be able to open some holes and protect the passer?
  3. what type of offense will we run? I am guessin git will be much more wide open than we've seen in the past and that will have an impact on #1.
  4. Pass rush?
  5. Return game? We were pretty weak last year. Who takes over this year on both punt and kick off returns.
Aug 26, 2011
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I have a few questions.

1. Who is going to be a leader for this team? Is Cochran mature enough to handle it, given his age/relative inexperience? Especially with the loss of several veterans, we're going to need some people to step up and be vocal leaders.
2. Can the fans be patient in this rebuilding process? How long is it going to take, anyway? Our schedule isn't exactly terrifying this year -- if the players are well-conditioned and improve over the course of the year, will it improve attendance? Will the fans reward a move in the right direction?
3. Can Diaco work with what we have, knowing there's going to be some serious holes in O-line, running back, defensive line, etc.? Can he adjust and play to our strengths? What are our strengths? Secondary/LB's?
Aug 27, 2011
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Which will be higher, annoyed grunt or sighs?
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction Score
I have a few questions.

1. Who is going to be a leader for this team? Is Cochran mature enough to handle it, given his age/relative inexperience? Especially with the loss of several veterans, we're going to need some people to step up and be vocal leaders.
2. Can the fans be patient in this rebuilding process? How long is it going to take, anyway? Our schedule isn't exactly terrifying this year -- if the players are well-conditioned and improve over the course of the year, will it improve attendance? Will the fans reward a move in the right direction?
3. Can Diaco work with what we have, knowing there's going to be some serious holes in O-line, running back, defensive line, etc.? Can he adjust and play to our strengths? What are our strengths? Secondary/LB's?
Anything is better than the product that PPGDL put on the field aver the 1st 2.3 years. They coached to their strengths and we are still wondering what that was. Damn I wish I could have made that kind of money without hardly trying. PP even had a nice summer home in Charlestown, RI. Such a deal. If only life were that easy.
We can rest assured that HCBD and his staff will push them just a wee bit harder than the last full time staff. The team, the fans are going into the season with a new bright outlook on life. I'm EXCITED no matter what, the old debacle is gone. No Traces are left. The Elevators were turned into stairs and they/we are headed in the right direction. GO HUSKIES!!!!!!!!
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Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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CL82 said:
I can't wait for the season to start. I have to admit that I'm more excited than I have been in years. There are so many unknowns.

1) Will HCBD get buy in from the team? There is a huge culture shift happening. How much the veterans buy in will go along way in determining how well we do this season.

2) How big an impact will the new off season conditioning regime have on game day? I'm looking forward to watching the team compete for all four quarters. This could be the Six Million Dollar Man season with players being "stronger, faster."

3) This is sort of 2) b. but how well will the OL do this season? This may be the biggest factor in how well we do this season.

4) Who wins the QB competition? I think it will be Cochran but I'm excited to see someone emerge.

5) What does our running game look like? Delorenzo is more of a between the tackles guy than McCombs was. Clax brings experience and it will good to Marriner on the field. Does Newsome play this year?

6) Does our defense return to dominance? We had a good run under FUCHCRE. BD is a defense guy. I look forward being able to stop people more consistently.

So what is the biggest question you have for the 2014 season?

Answers compressed for time:

1. Yes
2. Substantial and noticable, but probably not to 2009 levels.
3. Better, still bottom half of the league.
4. Casey, next year will be the battle.
5. Committee, maybe 130 yds/game.
6. Decent against the run, iffy vs. Pass.

Biggest question: Will we perform well enough to build some good momentum for the program? Means beating one of the big 4 games (BYU, BSU, Cincy, UCF) and not losing to the weak 4 (Temple, Memphis, Tulane, USF, Army).


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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My biggest question(what I'll be looking to see) is how will Husky Nation respond, both inside of the Rent and outside, if A: The Huskies perform beyond reasonable expectations in the first four games or B: if they struggle in the first four games(struggling enough so that it resembles last year's start). I want to see the fan reaction, local media's treatment of the team and especially the coaches body language which ever way the first 3rd of the season goes. You could tell things were going south just by looking at Coach P. In the face of adversity will Coach D try to rally the troops with pats on the back and sideline pep talks or will he be in peoples faces?
My biggest question is. did attendance increase??????
Are fans supposed to come back blindly in droves without a entertaining product on the field? I (and I assume others) go to football games for a number of different reasons, but at the end of the day, there has to be an indication that the game will be entertaining in order to keep the majority of patrons in their seats.
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Aug 29, 2011
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Answers compressed for time:

1. Yes
2. Substantial and noticable, but probably not to 2009 levels.
3. Better, still bottom half of the league.
4. Casey, next year will be the battle.
5. Committee, maybe 130 yds/game.
6. Decent against the run, iffy vs. Pass.

Biggest question: Will we perform well enough to build some good momentum for the program? Means beating one of the big 4 games (BYU, BSU, Cincy, UCF) and not losing to the weak 4 (Temple, Memphis, Tulane, USF, Army).
I agree with you on #1. My sense is that those who didn't buy in have left the building.
2. There will be some noticeable improvement but nothing compared to next year.
3. O line will be better but it too is a year away. Maybe 2 years. We're back to the Mike foley approach getting athletes and building them into linemen. It is not a process that gives instant results but it does give solid results in time.
4. I agree that Cochran will be the quarterback. And if he is and if he stays healthy, he will be the quarterback for a few seasons. Personally I doubt there will be a battle if he has an effective season. the tendecy is always to go with the guy with better "measurables" but that doesn't usually work out and I think Diaco gets that.
5. Agree that we'll have running back by committee this year. But the guy who is most effective out of the backfield will have the best chance to get the most playing time.
6. We have a couple of very good dbacks, so I sort of disagree here. I'm a little worried about the line play on defense. I'm also a bit concerned with our linebacking crew. Ashariu is good. After that it is show me time.
Aug 30, 2011
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One thing i'm not buying is the idea that the O-line may still have a DeLeone hangover that will take two full seasons to recover from. Foley has been their coach since last October and Balis will have them all in great condition. If the line fails this year it will be due to a talent and experience deficit IMO, it won't be a DeLeone virus, that excuse needs to be eliminated.

The running game already improved significantly last year when Foley took over. The pass protection was terrible but half of that was due to a true freshman QB who struggled to get the ball out.

We will have two new lineman this year but most teams have turnover in their line so we are no different than most teams.
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Sep 23, 2011
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I agree with you on #1. My sense is that those who didn't buy in have left the building.
2. There will be some noticeable improvement but nothing compared to next year.
3. O line will be better but it too is a year away. Maybe 2 years. We're back to the Mike foley approach getting athletes and building them into linemen. It is not a process that gives instant results but it does give solid results in time.
4. I agree that Cochran will be the quarterback. And if he is and if he stays healthy, he will be the quarterback for a few seasons. Personally I doubt there will be a battle if he has an effective season. the tendecy is always to go with the guy with better "measurables" but that doesn't usually work out and I think Diaco gets that.
5. Agree that we'll have running back by committee this year. But the guy who is most effective out of the backfield will have the best chance to get the most playing time.
6. We have a couple of very good dbacks, so I sort of disagree here. I'm a little worried about the line play on defense. I'm also a bit concerned with our linebacking crew. Ashariu is good. After that it is show me time.

Don't discount Graham Stewart. I heard that the coaches are very high on him!


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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Are fans supposed to come back blindly in droves without a entertaining product on the field? I (and I assume others) go to football games for a number of different reasons, but at the end of the day, there has to be an indication that the game will be entertaining in order to keep the majority of patrons in their seats.
was this supposed to quote me? I didn't see how they matched up
Sep 17, 2011
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I also feel we can get solid play from the O-line with the existing talent and Coach Foley, as well as Coach Balis and a new OC. We should benefit from a more accurate and organized approach for our Offense. Year One of the old regime just seemed dysfunctional from the get go even though it had some big moments like the home Cuse and Rutgers games. The questions for me are can our RB's become a scoring threat again, who will give us a pass rush consistently and can we get more production out of the return game? I want to see UConn running backs running for chunks again...sorry. But it sure would help.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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was this supposed to quote me? I didn't see how they matched up
No. I meant to quote Weyou. I fixed my post and agree with yours.


2 golf tournaments...
Jun 9, 2012
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I want to see consistent team effort in all phases.
Also want to see an animated coaching staff on the sidelines, not one that looks like it's auditioning as posing subjects for Mount Rushmore.

You mean "Mount Rush Less" right?

They own that slot. Charter members.
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