Whitmer puts up 3 in first half | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Whitmer puts up 3 in first half

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Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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They aren't a very good team, but "loathsome"? Who the duck are you?
Someone who has been following UConn longer than you, balloon knot.
They are horrific beyond your wildest YanCon dreams. Take your insults to Watde and the gang


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Career game action TD's 0
Career game action int 10
Completion % 44.4

^^^ This!

Look, I get the sentiment that people want a high-quality QB in town. I really do. But the idea that we could get a "2-4" team with Boyle while training him for next year is quite ridiculous. He will get a bunch of reps in practice throughout the year, and he will gain experience, strength, and an understanding of the offense. Going into games to throw INT's and to pick his rump off the ground after a sack isn't doing anybody any good.

And here's the other part of the calculus that nobody seems to want to do: If Whitmer gives us a better chance to win, which it seems many in this thread are tacitly agreeing with, then THAT'S what we need as a team. Not Boyle getting an extra 15 reps in a game for experience. WE NEED WINS! Because the bottom line is that there are 80+ guys on this team that need to believe that their training and their hard work has a payoff at the end. They don't want to hear that going 1-11 is better for them because their 2nd string QB will be better in 2015 for it. They want to hear that maintaining their edge helps them win. They want to hear that finishing their blocks helps them win. They want to hear that running a more crisp route helps them win. Because if they don't see that those things get paid off with a win, then they stop happening with the same frequency and quality.

Tim Boyle is not the only player that we are trying to develop at UConn...
Aug 26, 2011
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^^^ This!

And here's the other part of the calculus that nobody seems to want to do: If Whitmer gives us a better chance to win, which it seems many in this thread are tacitly agreeing with, then THAT'S what we need as a team. Not Boyle getting an extra 15 reps in a game for experience. WE NEED WINS!

Tim Boyle is not the only player that we are trying to develop at UConn...

Why do we need wins?

Give Boyle the ball and let him develop with the team that he will be leading next year


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Spoiler Alert: Tim Boyle is never again going to be the quarterback here.

Diaco's handling of Boyle actually makes sense once you realize that.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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Why do we need wins?

Give Boyle the ball and let him develop with the team that he will be leading next year
What? The coaches own words - he is the future until he gets beat out - he is going to have some serious comp next year - I don't see him on leading this team next year. If he does I will cheer for him wildly - but my educated guess says I will be cheering for Shariffs (sp) or Davis.
Serious question - what makes you think he will be leading this team next year?


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I get the same feeling. Seems as though this is Shirreffs team in 2015. Only question is whether or not Boyle will seek a transfer. If he does, I hope there are a few targets in the JUCO or 5th year ranks to serve as serviceable backups so Davis can redshirt '15.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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Honestly though I would rather go 2 - 4, Boyle through an INT or two a game, but get the experience over Whitmer going 4-2

One prepares us for next year...one means we have to start all over next year
So should we sit Geremy Davis too? Foxx? They won't be here next year either...let's prepare the other receivers so we don't have to start all over next year at wideout as well.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Why do we need wins?

Give Boyle the ball and let him develop with the team that he will be leading next year

After my long paragraph explaining why I think we need wins, you're still asking me why I think we need wins??? :confused:
Aug 26, 2011
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Have any of us seen Sheriffs play ???

Like everyone here, i hope he's friggin great...but he was moved to FB at NC State (not exactly a great team)

Also, we haven't had very good luck with transfers in general (another area in which we seem to be "unlucky")

I really hope he's good...but who knows


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Also, we haven't had very good luck with transfers in general (another area in which we seem to be "unlucky")

Except for that Frazer guy...who ended up leading us to a BCS game...but other than that... ;)


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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I love how people want to trot out the INT lines for Boyle. Look, I get it that he's looked horrible for the one set of downs he's been given. However, has he been given the chance to prove he can bounce back and put up solid numbers? The answer is no. Last year he was a true freshman so while he was given three games to show what he had, it was last year. No one on this board knows where he's at right now in his development and until he's given a total game to play neither the CW bandwagon nor the TB bandwagon can claim they know that Boyle can't lead this team. Why is Whitmer given such a long leash for all the errors he causes but Boyle makes one mistake and is done.

I agree with Whaler that Boyle's probably not in the plans for Diaco. However, I can't stand people claiming that Boyle could not lead this team to some wins because he just throws INTs. The kid isn't given enough plays in a game to prove what he can do after he makes mistakes. If you were put in a game with the knowledge that if you screw up then your done for the game, you'd probably make tons of mistakes as well. That's unnecessary pressure being put on the kid.
Aug 26, 2011
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Except for that Frazer guy...who ended up leading us to a BCS game...but other than that... ;)

That was an 8 win season wherein we lost to Temple.

Frazer did fine during certain stretches, and was awful during others. At the time, many of us were begging for Endres.

That being said, i agree that he was one of the good ones, especially by comparison. I don't think all of our transfers have been bad....just most.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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That was an 8 win season wherein we lost to Temple.

Frazer did fine during certain stretches, and was awful during others. At the time, many of us were begging for Endres.

That being said, i agree that he was one of the good ones, especially by comparison. I don't think all of our transfers have been bad....just most.

That was an 8 win season where the players lost a teammate. And it was an 8 win season against a quality Big East. I would stab someone in the eye for an 8 win season again...
Aug 26, 2011
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That was an 8 win season where the players lost a teammate. And it was an 8 win season against a quality Big East. I would stab someone in the eye for an 8 win season again...

Thats fair. It was a tough season. I definitely agree about the stabbing in the eye.
Aug 26, 2011
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That was an 8 win season where the players lost a teammate. And it was an 8 win season against a quality Big East. I would stab someone in the eye for an 8 win season again...

No, wait...i just realized...they lost a teammate the year before.

Still...i would kill for 8 wins


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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No one on this board knows where he's at right now in his development and until he's given a total game to play neither the CW bandwagon nor the TB bandwagon can claim they know that Boyle can't lead this team.

If you were put in a game with the knowledge that if you screw up then your done for the game, you'd probably make tons of mistakes as well. That's unnecessary pressure being put on the kid.

On the first point - I think we all know where Boyle is in his development - behind. That can easily be determined by the quotes of the Head Coach. In my opinion, if he was close to CW you would have heard at 51/49 split once CC went down for the year, but you didnt. I say let him play too - sure, why not at this point.

On point two - listen, thats football. If you cant protect the ball you sit - ask Arkeel. Thats not unnecessary pressure - its part of football. Protect the ball or I will find someone else who can. Maybe that is part of the Boyle development, struggle with the pressures that come with being a D1 athlete. Keep in my mind, we only have 2 QB's, 2.5 if you count Foxx.

Yes, Chandler has made mistakes, absolutely, but by the number of snaps, TB makes many more per snap.

Again - put him in and I will cheer wildly for him to be successful, and I will also point out the screw ups as well. Lets be honest, Saturday night interception was BAD. He stared down that receiver and everyone knew he was going to throw there, even the guys in green.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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ibleedhuskyblue said:
Have any of us seen Sheriffs play ???

Like everyone here, i hope he's friggin great...but he was moved to FB at NC State (not exactly a great team)

Also, we haven't had very good luck with transfers in general (another area in which we seem to be "unlucky")

I really hope he's good...but who knows

Or the Lorenzen guy who led us to a share of a conference championship. Truth is we've had better luck with Juco QBs than recruiting them out of HS.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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ibleedhuskyblue said:
That was an 8 win season wherein we lost to Temple.

Frazer did fine during certain stretches, and was awful during others. At the time, many of us were begging for Endres.

That being said, i agree that he was one of the good ones, especially by comparison. I don't think all of our transfers have been bad....just most.

And it was our best season ever. Sometimes the guy is the starter for a reason. There are other guys on the field that the QB. We aren't exactly Quarterback U, so I don't know what you are expecting. I'm expecting a guy who doesn't turn the ball over and can make enough throws to keep defenses honest.

We don't have that guy on the roster right now and the closest thing to it is the guy playing. Find a way to win with what you have.

Btw, through 6 games he has 3 Ints, one was the Davis drop and another was late against Boise when we were way behind. He has one bad INT this season.

If told that would be the case half way through the season on Aug 1st, this place would be planning bowl trips. CW for his limitations isn't the problem here.
Aug 27, 2011
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At this stage it should be either:

100 pct Boyle - ride or die

100 pct Foxx - if we are going to run that offense next year

Nothing else makes any sense to me.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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J187Money said:
At this stage it should be either:

100 pct Boyle - ride or die

100 pct Foxx - if we are going to run that offense next year

Nothing else makes any sense to me.

I think we should play Boyle at right tackle. Makes just as much sense.
Aug 30, 2011
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I love how people want to trot out the INT lines for Boyle. Look, I get it that he's looked horrible for the one set of downs he's been given. However, has he been given the chance to prove he can bounce back and put up solid numbers? The answer is no. Last year he was a true freshman so while he was given three games to show what he had, it was last year. No one on this board knows where he's at right now in his development and until he's given a total game to play neither the CW bandwagon nor the TB bandwagon can claim they know that Boyle can't lead this team. Why is Whitmer given such a long leash for all the errors he causes but Boyle makes one mistake and is done.

I agree with Whaler that Boyle's probably not in the plans for Diaco. However, I can't stand people claiming that Boyle could not lead this team to some wins because he just throws INTs. The kid isn't given enough plays in a game to prove what he can do after he makes mistakes. If you were put in a game with the knowledge that if you screw up then your done for the game, you'd probably make tons of mistakes as well. That's unnecessary pressure being put on the kid.

Because when you finished 3rd in the QB competition its on you to earn playing time, and take advantage of the opportunities you've had. He hasn't done that in games, and apparently not in practice either. Throwing a pick on your only possession isn't going to get you on the field.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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No, wait...i just realized...they lost a teammate the year before.

Still...i would kill for 8 wins

You're correct. That's my bad. This season has been so tough that I'm forgetting recent history.

Also, I really wish that I could edit my post, because I re-read it and realized how horrible it sounds that I refer to Jasper Howard in one sentence and then I talk about "stabbing someone in the eye for 8 wins" in the next. Horrible.

If the mods can help me out, I'd love to take a mulligan on that post. I'm not feeling very good about it...


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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If an outsider cane in and spent a decent amount of time observing our fan base he would walk away scratching his head.

We had a transfer QB who led us to a bowl win, in the heart of SEC territory against South Carolina and then took us to the Fiesta bowl but most here (and in the stands) couldn't wait for him to run out of eligibility. Now at least one poster on this board is holding him up as a successful transfer.

We had a coach who took us from (literally) nothing to five bowl games in seven seasons, two partial championships of a BCS conference and a BCS bowl game yet there were more posters here knocking him than supporting him along the way (while deriding those who supported him as apologistas). Recently a poster here commented on our current head coach, comparing him to the head coach who did lead us to every bowl game we've participated in, believing that the comparison was an insult to the current head coach.

When speaking of the success that we did have, many of our fans (and posters here) spend their time emphasizing the shortcomings (the loss at West Virginia in 2007, losing to Temple in 2010) rather than appreciate the accomplishments.

In many ways we are our own worst enemies.
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