Wake 3. Yawkey 0 | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Wake 3. Yawkey 0

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Dec 25, 2011
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Well, of course I'm a bit biased here, but I would have to say the first of the two examples is probably "worse" . I'd say the first is " worse " as it created more national embarrassment within the past year for the UConn football program.. More people nationally took note of it. The 2nd, nobody is talking about now except me, you, and a few others on here, as it took place in 1940. But.... having said this, my guess, your biases might also come to the fore and you might say the 2nd is " worse " in your opinion.

From BC' s own library, though the statement for obvious reasons is a little confusing

"The Eagles earned a number five ranking in the 1940 AP National Poll and laid claim to the National Championship..."

Jan 15, 2014
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The 'Yard has an Ignore feature. If Yawkey bugs you that much, then use it.

I get all sorts of stuff thrown at me here. But its cool and all ( except for the bringing up of the bodily injury angle... even in jest ). If posters can't take the heat in jest, then maybe they shouldn't be on any message board. I 'll take the heat.... but please, if one is a crybaby, or can't take some return ribbing, stop the whininess and just put me on ignore for heavens sake. Posters that toss out the barbs and the ribbing, but then get a case of the vapors and begin to pass out when some ribbing comes back at them.... and call for bannings and what not are insufferable weaklings. Stay the course, play the message board game, ( try and play nice when you can ) engage in friendly repartee, or find another hobby where you don't get a case of the vapors when somebody says something that is not your particular cup of java. Ok, I'm off the soapbox now.
Jan 15, 2014
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From BC' s own library, though the statement for obvious reasons is a little confusing

"The Eagles earned a number five ranking in the 1940 AP National Poll and laid claim to the National Championship..."

The New Haven Register even quoted a source in 1940 that said that BC should not have been ranked in the Top 5 that year as they utilized semi stitched footballs in the first half vs. Tennessee in that Sugar Bowl win of theirs. So I'm not convinced that BC deserves even their #5th ranking for being undefeated, untied and knocking off #1 ranked Tennessee in the Sugar Bowl that year.
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Aug 26, 2011
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Yawkey Way said:
The New Haven Register even quoted a source in 1940 that said that BC should not have been ranked in the Top 5 that year as they utilized semi stitched footballs in the first half vs. Tennessee in that Sugar Bowl win of theirs. So I'm not convinced that BC deserves even their #5th ranking for being undefeated, untied and knocking off #1 ranked Tennessee in the Sugar Bowl that year.
Syracusefan.com might be more interested in debating ancient historical "national championships." You are putting us all to sleep with these 75 year old debates.
Jan 15, 2014
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Syracusefan.com might be more interested in debating ancient historical "national championships." You are putting us all to sleep with these 75 year old debates.
Actually, if you look at the chronology of the postings on this, I have not initiated a dialogue conversation for this topic at all today. ( just a single reply to it a moment ago.) The fascination with the BC Sugar Bowl seemingly rests with others here now... one new post taking place as recently as less than an hour ago, so I really don't know what else to tell you, other than if you are getting sleepy now on this, I certainly share your sleepiness with the topic as well.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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You might consider taking some time off this board, my friend. Even bringing up the topic of bodily harm to another poster here might suggest you have some dan gerous mental health issues. This is college football.. a hobby... its a place for kidding, ribbing, snd yes even occasional trash talking if one is of lower class. But bringing up bodily harm issues... even potentially in jest, does cross the line. My suggestion to you is to avoid altogether any and all posts of mine. Just put me on ignore altogether. This way, there should not be any future implication of possible bodily harm, violence, and such crazed replies.
Slow down Sea Biscuit. It's not hard to understand how your ingratiating personality might have made the fear of physical violence a steady condition but you can at least be assured that, on the boneyard, all references to physical violence are metaphorical. In this case, I was simply explaining that an exchange you characterize as 'ribbing' has a less benign feeling to the rest of us. Surprising that someone of your literary bent would miss that but, again, I understand you've probably been picked on a lot in the past. As to your suggestion that I, or UConnell, or any other well known BY regular, should put you on ignore or otherwise cede to you your own corner of the boneyard. it's not going to happen. My suggestion instead, would be that you create your own forum dedicated to enlightening UConn fans with a BC perspective. If your oft-stated opinions on what UConn fans think have any validity, you'll dominate the interweb.
Aug 27, 2011
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Actually, if you look at the chronology of the postings on this, I have not initiated a dialogue conversation for this topic at all today. ( just a single reply to it a moment ago.) The fascination with the BC Sugar Bowl seemingly rests with others here now... one new post taking place as recently as less than an hour ago, so I really don't know what else to tell you, other than if you are getting sleepy now on this, I certainly share your sleepiness with the topic as well.
You don't even know when the 2015-2016 season opened for the Bruins why are we supposed to believe ANYTHING you say here?
Jan 15, 2014
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Slow down Sea Biscuit. , I was simply explaining that an exchange you characterize as 'ribbing' has a less benign feeling to the rest of us. .

Who is " the rest of us " that you are referring too, SoleHuskyFan ? Were you chosen by a committee to speak on behalf of them ? I don't speak for other BC fans ( nor Uconn fans ). I speak for myself. I might suggest you own your comments for yourself alone. There is no committee of Uconn fans ( nor BC fans ) that are all of one mindset, ie "your mindset ", or " my mindset ". My family comprised of Uconn grads don't speak for you, nor for anyone else here. They post ( or talk ) to me from their own thought processes, and I respond to them as independent thinkers and solely responsible themselves alone for their comments and observations to me, and I with them.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Who is " us " that you are referring too, SoleHuskyFan ? Were you chosen by a committee to speak on behalf of them ? I don't swpeak for other BC fans ( nor Uconn fans ). I speak for myself. I might suggest you own your comments for uourself alone. There is no committee of Uconn fans that are all of one minset, ie "your mindset ". My family comprised of Uconn grads don't speak for you, nor for anyone else here. They post to me from their own thought processes, and I respond to them ndependent thinkers and solely responsible themsrlves alone for their comments and observations to me.
You constantly attempt to speak for UConn fans, your frequent use of "most UConn fans think" is one your most exasperating traits. As to your question, no, I haven't been deputized to speak for anyone but simple reading comprehension and situational awareness leave me quite confidant that I'm on solid ground. If boneyarders choose to correct me, I'll stand corrected but I require no acceptance or validation from you. The 'Sole' is a nice rhetorical touch by the way. It's really a shame that your obviously strong writing skills are in service to such weak ideas.
Jan 15, 2014
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You don't even know when the 2015-2016 season opened for the Bruins why are we supposed to believe ANYTHING you say here?
I suppose if not knowing when the Bruins( or, Islanders, Rangers, et al ) open up their Hockey season is a disqualifyer for assessments on BC, Uconn, etc and anything related to College football, then I plead guilty...... along with probably 95% of other posters on this football side of this board. I don't evaluate what people say here regarding football comments on the basis of what they know about the Bruins and other teams in the NFL.... and their new season schedule. But who knows, maybe thats just me here talking.
Jan 15, 2014
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You constantly attempt to speak for UConn fans, your frequent use of "most UConn fans think" is one your most exasperating traits.

I thought this was rather benign of an exasperating traits... saying " most Uconn fans think " ( don't recall using it, but for the sake of discussion ) is still far better than your assuming you speak for ALL Uconn fans. Here's a tip. You don't. You speak for yourself alone. And maybe some.. none.. or " most Uconn fans " might agree with something you might have said on a post. One read of ANYTHING on any other thread here and its clear that Uconn football fans are not a monolithic group of cultists that all share the same views on everything. So stop pretending you speak on behalf of " the rest of us " which is the phrase you utilized above. It is " exasperating " when people think they speak for " the rest of us " on everything said on a discussion forum. Its not only " exasperating, it is also arrogant that one person thinks they speaks on everything, and anything for ..." the rest of us ". So calm down, collect YOUR thoughts on something or other, and say what YOU want to say, and accept the responsibility alone for what YOU post. Neither of us here represent any committee, my friend.
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formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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You are such a masterful troll I almost failed to resist resorting to a nasty two word response speaking purely for myself. You can infer what it might've been, you're probably correct. As for the rest, there are probably two questions that would elicit a nearly monolithic response from self-identifying UConn fans; the first would be our collective opinion of BCU; the second, our opinion of arrogant condescending BCU fans hanging out in the boneyard. But you and I have made ourselves clear, I'm happy to stand by and wait for the rest of the boneyard to tell me how badly I've misrepresented them.
Jan 15, 2014
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You are such a masterful troll .
Oh sure. Thats such a good way to get someone to listen to anything you have to say about anything... just insult them. I stopped reading after that... sorry, but I don't waste my time reading something that begins with a personal insult. I'm sure if I personally insulted you, you'd feel the same.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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No need to apologize. I'm quite surprised that your ego would allow you to resist reading something you know was written about you but I have no reason to doubt your word. As for insults, we differ there as well, I will definitely read and, probably respond to, any personal insults thrown my way.
Jan 15, 2014
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I understand you've probably been picked on a lot in the past. .

Nope.'Not since Basic Training at Ft. Dix by a surly, red faced, mouth breathing neanderthal D.I. But once he found out quickly that I would ignore him, that soon passed as well.
Jan 15, 2014
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An army guy, eh? I'll try to type slower.
Thats a terrible disrespect to anyone who has served their country in the United States Army ,imo. But words do tend to reveal one's character, you know. So be it.
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Jan 15, 2014
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Are you susceptible to bribes ?...... Promise of an autographed deflated NFL football from Roger Goodell ? Anything else to perhaps have you reconsider ? Help me out here. I trying to think of something, but coming up short at the moment.
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Jan 15, 2014
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@Yawkey Way - please give it a rest. You've become more than a passing irritant now.
I did not start this thread on me, you know. I think its had a very good run the last 36 hours or so. Lots of great ribbing... good repartee ( and of course, the predictable few personal childish insults). But its not been a boring thread, as its generated a good number of views. So sure, its probably just about run its course by now. But.... you never know. It still might be good for extracting a few more chuckles out of it yet, before it ends its life cycle for a thread.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Thats a terrible disrespect to anyone who has served their country in the United States Army ,imo. But words do tend to reveal one's character, you know. So be it.
lol, I can see why you don't do insults.. not your strong suit. Most of the soldiers I work with would laugh at that comment.. the rest would ask me to say it again.... slower. Twenty years in the Air Force made me a wise ass, what can I say.
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