UConn " forefront" of ACC expansion if by one team" and a mortal lock" if >1 | Page 3 | The Boneyard

UConn " forefront" of ACC expansion if by one team" and a mortal lock" if >1

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Aug 26, 2011
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You are missing the point that his current streak is wrong 100 times in a row. I've read every post on his blog since he started it. He is clueless and whatever sources he had dried up long ago. He literally gets nothing right. I'd prefer he was out saying UConn was joining the MAC, that would be a great sign.

I've been reading his blog and--though I didn't notice BC AD because I didn't care--he seems to have been right a lot. What exactly did he get wrong?
Aug 26, 2011
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Blaudschun speculates, but to say he doesn't have sources is nuts.

Two examples, the AD search process. He reported how (in-house) and who would conduct it (VP). After that he speculated on who was going to be looked at and who should be looked at. That's when it got very blurry, very fast. So when he says "might" or "should" he's speculating. No foul in that.

Second example. His latest post. He tells us a cc happened (at which nothing was decided) and says another should happen on Monday. That's old school reporting. He also says his sources say no opposition from BC. I believe him now, as I believed the on record quote he got from flipper. After that is his speculation. It's speculation because (my speculation) the acc is paralyzed until it speaks with nd and espn. So even his source doesn't know. He is a good old-school reporter especially if you're tuned into how he writes. He also is now a blogger.

Exactly. The guy is good.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Coming from someone who thought no team would ever leave the ACC.

LOL. Coming from someone who spent a week telling us Clemson and Florida State had already left for the Big 12.

I'll ignore your Duke, Northwestern, Rice league because it's the holidays.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Waylon or Spackler. I'd love to get a dozen posts from you right now on how great the NBC deal and multiple time zones are. Come on, for old times sake let's hear how great it's going to be....


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I've been reading his blog and--though I didn't notice BC AD because I didn't care--he seems to have been right a lot. What exactly did he get wrong?

If you can read his blog and walk away with the impression that he is right about things... your Penn State posts proved you insane - this would prove you to be an idiot.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Blaudschun speculates, but to say he doesn't have sources is nuts.

Two examples, the AD search process. He reported how (in-house) and who would conduct it (VP). After that he speculated on who was going to be looked at and who should be looked at. That's when it got very blurry, very fast. So when he says "might" or "should" he's speculating. No foul in that.

Second example. His latest post. He tells us a cc happened (at which nothing was decided) and says another should happen on Monday. That's old school reporting. He also says his sources say no opposition from BC. I believe him now, as I believed the on record quote he got from flipper. After that is his speculation. It's speculation because (my speculation) the acc is paralyzed until it speaks with nd and espn. So even his source doesn't know. He is a good old-school reporter especially if you're tuned into how he writes. He also is now a blogger.

He said X was a done deal and X wasnt a finalist. The person who got hired wasn't in his final four. Jeebus do I have to spent time quoting the idiot to prove how stupid this conversation is. Can't you people read?
Aug 27, 2011
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I have no clue on Blaudschun's connections, I am just hoping to run into my Grandover friend this holiday weekend and try to get a read from him.
Aug 26, 2011
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If you can read his blog and walk away with the impression that he is right about things... your Penn State posts proved you insane - this would prove you to be an idiot.

You used to be a good poster. now you've devolved into Blaudschun is a scrub (guy has credibility everywhere except your brain) and knee-jerk, "Oh, PSU, me hate PSU, all PSU love child molester, he PSU, therefore he bad," when the non-cavemen of the board know very well what I said about PSU. Idiot? You didn't used to be one. But things are going badly for you I suppose.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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You used to be a good poster. now you've devolved into Blaudschun is a scrub (guy has credibility everywhere except your brain) and knee-jerk, "Oh, PSU, me hate PSU, all PSU love child molester, he PSU, therefore he bad," when the non-cavemen of the board know very well what I said about PSU. Idiot? You didn't used to be one. But things are going badly for you I suppose.

A. I've always been a bad poster. I am an balloon knot

B. You are in the tank for Penn State and no one can take you seriously.

C. If you read Blauds blog you would never defend a thing he says. I would get banned if I described him correctly.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Waylon or Spackler. I'd love to get a dozen posts from you right now on how great the NBC deal and multiple time zones are. Come on, for old times sake let's hear how great it's going to be....

Please provide a link where you predicted Rutgers and Maryland were going to the Big 10. Thanks in advance.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Please provide a link where you predicted Rutgers and Maryland were going to the Big 10. Thanks in advance.

I am happy to be honest and admit I didn't see Maryland and Rutgers to the Big 10. You should try admitting when wrong - it's a good feeling.
Aug 26, 2011
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A. I've always been a bad poster. I am an balloon knot

B. You are in the tank for Penn State and no one can take you seriously.

C. If you read Blauds blog you would never defend a thing he says. I would get banned if I described him correctly.

I understand it's Thanksgiving. I've had a few too! Some Prosecco first, then some Rosee because someone told someone it's good with turkey, then we said it and just popped open a bottle of red, sat down and had several beers. N0w we're sitting sipping scotch. I understand.


Aug 24, 2011
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Tarzan confused. Tarzan had too much bourbon this afternoon. Tarzan go to sleep because BY posters are no longer funny to him. Tarzan gets beating from Jane. Random noises and yelling! ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz....

helo, dis is petrazan
Aug 26, 2011
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Tarzan confused. Tarzan had too much bourbon this afternoon. Tarzan go to sleep because BY posters are no longer funny to him. Tarzan gets beating from Jane. Random noises and yelling! ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz....
Why does Tarzan shave?


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Waylon or Spackler. I'd love to get a dozen posts from you right now on how great the NBC deal and multiple time zones are. Come on, for old times sake let's hear how great it's going to be....

Sep 17, 2011
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Tarzan confused. Tarzan had too much bourbon this afternoon. Tarzan go to sleep because BY posters are no longer funny to him. Tarzan gets beating from Jane. Random noises and yelling! ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz....

Until tomorrow...Kowabunga!
Aug 26, 2011
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Waylon or Spackler. I'd love to get a dozen posts from you right now on how great the NBC deal and multiple time zones are. Come on, for old times sake let's hear how great it's going to be....


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I am happy to be honest and admit I didn't see Maryland and Rutgers to the Big 10. You should try admitting when wrong - it's a good feeling.

I don't claim to have inside sources, I just like to talk about expansion. You like to come here and attack posters. Look at some of your posts in this thread. You have a problem.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Waylon or Spackler. I'd love to get a dozen posts from you right now on how great the NBC deal and multiple time zones are. Come on, for old times sake let's hear how great it's going to be....

I will say that one of two things is going to happen:

1) Several more ACC schools are going to leave, or

2) ESPN is going to significant increase its rights fees because it is about to lose a lot of schools.

Which will mean that...I was right back in the spring, and you were wrong all along. Without any inside sources, I reached the conclusion that the ACC's TV agreement was causing major instability in that league, while you were saying the ACC would never split up.

We will know the NBC deal once all the other leagues are done. Whatever it is, it will be a lot more than that league deserves.
Nov 21, 2012
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Umm, it's not only Louisville fans that think that UofL should be added to the ACC before uconn, it's literally everyone expressing an opinion outside of uconn fans. You need to talk about graduation rates, anything to create a smokescreen that covers up the festering turd that is uconn football. If you think that graduation rates are driving the realignment bus, or even have a seat on the bus, you are delusional. From an athletic department standpoint, there is simply no comparison between the two - Louisville is head and shoulders above uconn. And any talk of bringing the Hartford or any other TV market is dubious at best. When your fan base struggles to take 3500 to your BCS moment (an utter and complete beatdown) - that seems to be a pretty good indicator as to the support of uconn football. In comparison, Louisville brought 10 times that amount to its Orange Bowl victory.

Will the addition of Louisville keep FSU and Clemson in the conference? That remains to be seen but, the addition of uconn will signal to them that the ACC isn't serious at all about football and will have them running for the exits. The addition of uconn puts the ACC on the trajectory that the BE finds itself on right now.

As FairfieldCountyFan points out, what kind of signal would the ACC be sending if Louisville and its 22% 4 year graduation rate are invited? Gone forever is the ACC's claim of academic/athletic balance.

WVU was a natural geographic addition, rivalries with Pitt and VaTech, plus battling (at the time) Maryland. WVU was the undisputed football power/fan power of the Big East and was there for the taking. WVU would have solidified the Pitt-WVa-western MD-western Va tv market, adding to the market power already in Pitt, MD and VTech. And the ACC passed. Because of academics.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. The problem is that Louisville is a very poor man's WVU. So taking Louisville will come across just like the Big East adding Houston and SDSU. A survival, purely reactionary measure. A desperate measure for a desperate time.

And in the end let's just say it, if ANYONE in their right mind thinks that Louisville will prevent any ACC team from leaving, that person is just plain ignorant. FSU can give a rats ass about Louisville. Clemson wants Louisville? Huh? A Kentucky based school that isn't even the
dominant school in its own state.

The delusions of Louisville fans are riped to be mocked. It is an afterthought program in an afterthought market. Attach that to a university from whom only 22% of its students graduate from in four years, with an open admissions process, and if the ACC is NOT desperate Louisville will be rejected again.

So look at Louisville as the canary in the ACC mine. Notwithstanding the nonsense spouted by bloggers and any dolt with an internet connection, if Louisville goes ACC, ACC goes new new big east in a few months, guaranteed.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Umm, it's not only Louisville fans that think that UofL should be added to the ACC before uconn, it's literally everyone expressing an opinion outside of uconn fans. You need to talk about graduation rates, anything to create a smokescreen that covers up the festering turd that is uconn football. If you think that graduation rates are driving the realignment bus, or even have a seat on the bus, you are delusional. From an athletic department standpoint, there is simply no comparison between the two - Louisville is head and shoulders above uconn. And any talk of bringing the Hartford or any other TV market is dubious at best. When your fan base struggles to take 3500 to your BCS moment (an utter and complete beatdown) - that seems to be a pretty good indicator as to the support of uconn football. In comparison, Louisville brought 10 times that amount to its Orange Bowl victory.

Will the addition of Louisville keep FSU and Clemson in the conference? That remains to be seen but, the addition of uconn will signal to them that the ACC isn't serious at all about football and will have them running for the exits. The addition of uconn puts the ACC on the trajectory that the BE finds itself on right now.

The bigger TV market isn't a smoke screen, neither is our 50% larger fan base. Our higher academic ranking isn't a smoke screen either. As for FB, in our worst season to date as an FBS program we are still better than ULs Kragthorpe years.

You have a nice new stadium and a good coach as long as he stays. We'll see how empty it is once he's gone.

Btw, we are better in BB, too. I'll bet half of today's CBB fans couldn't name Denny Crum as the coach of your two titles.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2
Sep 1, 2011
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Take a look at the right sideline...that look like 3500 people ?

Aug 26, 2011
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Umm, it's not only Louisville fans that think that UofL should be added to the ACC before uconn, it's literally everyone expressing an opinion outside of uconn fans. You need to talk about graduation rates, anything to create a smokescreen that covers up the festering turd that is uconn football. If you think that graduation rates are driving the realignment bus, or even have a seat on the bus, you are delusional. From an athletic department standpoint, there is simply no comparison between the two - Louisville is head and shoulders above uconn. And any talk of bringing the Hartford or any other TV market is dubious at best. When your fan base struggles to take 3500 to your BCS moment (an utter and complete beatdown) - that seems to be a pretty good indicator as to the support of uconn football. In comparison, Louisville brought 10 times that amount to its Orange Bowl victory.

Will the addition of Louisville keep FSU and Clemson in the conference? That remains to be seen but, the addition of uconn will signal to them that the ACC isn't serious at all about football and will have them running for the exits. The addition of uconn puts the ACC on the trajectory that the BE finds itself on right now.

oh good you're here! We needed someone to come in and tell us we're doomed.
Aug 26, 2011
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Louisville's entire school is a turd and you're the biggest cockblockers going in the expansion game. "Don't take WVU take us, Don't take UConn take us, pretty please". Losers go back to conference USA thats where your football and basketball belong.
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