UConn " forefront" of ACC expansion if by one team" and a mortal lock" if >1 | Page 7 | The Boneyard

UConn " forefront" of ACC expansion if by one team" and a mortal lock" if >1

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Sep 17, 2011
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In the ACC endgame thread I had a feeling Swofford would push to go 16 right away after getting rejected by ND. UConn/Ville/Cincy makes the most sense and all three would clearly jump in a heartbeat to do it. That would appease the footballers and at least with UConn, the academics would remain strong.
The ACC would hold their nose over Ville and Cincy and hope they improve over time academically.

That doesn't make sense to me. Why foreclose ND and ensure they can never be a full time member? After the season ND has put together, their "need" to join a conference just went way down. Now they won't unless it's required for play off access.
Sep 17, 2011
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As FairfieldCountyFan points out, what kind of signal would the ACC be sending if Louisville and its 22% 4 year graduation rate are invited? Gone forever is the ACC's claim of academic/athletic balance.

WVU was a natural geographic addition, rivalries with Pitt and VaTech, plus battling (at the time) Maryland. WVU was the undisputed football power/fan power of the Big East and was there for the taking. WVU would have solidified the Pitt-WVa-western MD-western Va tv market, adding to the market power already in Pitt, MD and VTech. And the ACC passed. Because of academics.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. The problem is that Louisville is a very poor man's WVU. So taking Louisville will come across just like the Big East adding Houston and SDSU. A survival, purely reactionary measure. A desperate measure for a desperate time.

And in the end let's just say it, if ANYONE in their right mind thinks that Louisville will prevent any ACC team from leaving, that person is just plain ignorant. FSU can give a rats ass about Louisville. Clemson wants Louisville? Huh? A Kentucky based school that isn't even the
dominant school in its own state.

The delusions of Louisville fans are riped to be mocked. It is an afterthought program in an afterthought market. Attach that to a university from whom only 22% of its students graduate from in four years, with an open admissions process, and if the ACC is NOT desperate Louisville will be rejected again.

So look at Louisville as the canary in the ACC mine. Notwithstanding the nonsense spouted by bloggers and any dolt with an internet connection, if Louisville goes ACC, ACC goes new new big east in a few months, guaranteed.

You forget, the ACC gave up a lot of that academic luster when it admitted Florida State in 1991.
Sep 17, 2011
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Coming from someone who thought no team would ever leave the ACC.

Who would expect that a school with all this supposed financial help from the alum who runs Under Armor that they would be so broke they'd have to drop 7 varsity sports?
Sep 17, 2011
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Umm, it's not only Louisville fans that think that UofL should be added to the ACC before uconn, it's literally everyone expressing an opinion outside of uconn fans. You need to talk about graduation rates, anything to create a smokescreen that covers up the festering turd that is uconn football. If you think that graduation rates are driving the realignment bus, or even have a seat on the bus, you are delusional. From an athletic department standpoint, there is simply no comparison between the two - Louisville is head and shoulders above uconn. And any talk of bringing the Hartford or any other TV market is dubious at best. When your fan base struggles to take 3500 to your BCS moment (an utter and complete beatdown) - that seems to be a pretty good indicator as to the support of uconn football. In comparison, Louisville brought 10 times that amount to its Orange Bowl victory.

Will the addition of Louisville keep FSU and Clemson in the conference? That remains to be seen but, the addition of uconn will signal to them that the ACC isn't serious at all about football and will have them running for the exits. The addition of uconn puts the ACC on the trajectory that the BE finds itself on right now.

With UConn facing a probation year for graduation rates, you really shouldn't be throwing that particular stone at Louisville.
Sep 17, 2011
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The sign of an athletic program that has actually accomplished a lot and generated lots of jealousy over the two decades that UConn has dominated the BE. Cuse fans and Pitt fans want Ville over UConn. In both cases, these schools have LOSING records against UConn in football. UConn literally held the conference together from falling to nothingness in basketball over two decades. Without UConn, the conference goes through a decade wandering the desert, it loses its mojo. As for Louisville's vast superiority in football, UConn football is 3-2 over Louisville the last 5 years. Ville's upswing comes from a coach on his way out who used one of the most crookedest recruiters known to the NCAA (a guy who will be banned for life soon) and as soon as that exited, your recruit rankings dropped off. Ville has never accomplished anything in football either. UConn is a football turd. Louisville is a CUSA wannabe turd with nothing to show for it either. And FYI, Uconn travels. Just because 3k tix were bought from an athletic department selling packages for 5G, doesn't mean there weren't tens of thousands of UConn fans there. UConn fans travel better than any other member of the conference not based below the Mason-Dixon line. Ville travels to the Orange Bowl? BFD. Ville is 50% closer to southern locales than Storrs is. UConn has brought 20k, 18k, 15k to bowls in recent years.

As for the rest, ACC is a southern conference, and I've heard penty of people down there admit they simply don't want another Yankee school. Because otherwise, in football, UConn has held its own against the ACC schools, against Maryland, UNC, NC State, including a 45-10 whipping of Virginia.

Keep telling yourself academics don't count. Keep on with that fantasy.

Then look at UConn's licensing fees, they dwarf Louisville's. Why? Interest.

What the hell has Louisville ever done in football? Look at your schedule this year. Smoke and mirrors.

You guys have won games, but you haven't made a national impression on the football field. You have no "Doug Flutie moment" to point to that would be in ESPN commercials. Yes you guys have won football games recently, but with a faceless bland kind of football, and you (like most of the rest of the Big East) played very few quality OOC conference games that would get national TV coverage and win those games.

Sure, SU has sucked for the '00s, but it wasn't that long ago that we were damn entertaining and played memorable games against top flight competition. You guys have that game against UMichigan, which is a great step for your program. But you need 20 more of those to register nationally. That's how football works. It's generational, long-term, playing memorable games against name brand programs with lots of history. Boise State has been great but they're aren't must-watch TV to most of America.
Aug 26, 2011
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Given that the YUM Center seats 22,000 and we average 50,000+ for football, I'd say there are more fans than you think. If your fanbase is so much larger, why don't you compare in average attendance?
We have a larger television audience. Not sure if you took notice of that.
Aug 26, 2011
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With UConn facing a probation year for graduation rates, you really shouldn't be throwing that particular stone at Louisville.

Huh? He's a Louisville fan. And, uh, Louisville football got hit with APR sanctions this year. But please tell me you are not confusing what it means for an entire school to have strong academics as opposed to TWO basketball players leaving school early for the pros.

Do the APR math. UConn was dinged for a score of 920. Possible points for the year:
MAX 13 PLAYERS x 2 SEMESTERS = 26. Points earned: 24.

GOOD STANDING (course credits)
MAX 13 PLAYERS x 2 SEMESTERS = 26. Points earned: 24

Divide 48 by 52: .922

Multiply .922 x 1000 (so that this looks like a solid number instead of percentages): 922 (below the threshold of 930).

So, how can you compare what 2 basketball players did to the academic stature of the school?
Aug 26, 2011
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You guys have won games, but you haven't made a national impression on the football field. You have no "Doug Flutie moment" to point to that would be in ESPN commercials. Yes you guys have won football games recently, but with a faceless bland kind of football, and you (like most of the rest of the Big East) played very few quality OOC conference games that would get national TV coverage and win those games.

Sure, SU has sucked for the '00s, but it wasn't that long ago that we were damn entertaining and played memorable games against top flight competition. You guys have that game against UMichigan, which is a great step for your program. But you need 20 more of those to register nationally. That's how football works. It's generational, long-term, playing memorable games against name brand programs with lots of history. Boise State has been great but they're aren't must-watch TV to most of America.

And have you seen Louisville's schedule this year? Heck, you guys blew out Louisville. And by the way, what did I write about UConn football above? Where did I say UConn football was great? I said the opposite.
Aug 26, 2011
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Huh? He's a Louisville fan. And, uh, Louisville football got hit with APR sanctions this year. But please tell me you are not confusing what it means for an entire school to have strong academics as opposed to TWO basketball players leaving school early for the pros.

Do the APR math. UConn was dinged for a score of 920. Possible points for the year:
MAX 13 PLAYERS x 2 SEMESTERS = 26. Points earned: 24.

GOOD STANDING (course credits)
MAX 13 PLAYERS x 2 SEMESTERS = 26. Points earned: 24

Divide 48 by 52: .922

Multiply .922 x 1000 (so that this looks like a solid number instead of percentages): 922 (below the threshold of 930).

So, how can you compare what 2 basketball players did to the academic stature of the school?

Ithacamatt wont have a response for this.
Aug 26, 2011
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Ithacamatt wont have a response for this.

It's the easiest thing in the world to gloss over. It is one program, that same program's current APR is now 980, and everyone in charge when the bad APR happened, from the president on down, is gone.

Next topic.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9930 using Tapatalk
Aug 26, 2011
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What do you call a ghost who disappears and has no presence?

We should give him time - might have been at the game or watching it out at a bar. I'll give him credit if he comes back to take his licking, but if we don't hear from him in the next day or so, we can call him derogatory names based on female reproductive organs. But in a non-misogynistic manner, of course.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9930 using Tapatalk
Sep 1, 2011
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As much fun as it's been to chat with you geniuses, I will bid you all farewell, so that you can get back to warming your hands over your various trash can fires. Enjoy the football game tomorrow - we Louisville fans certainly will...
you you toothless clown. How'd you like that game?
Sep 2, 2011
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Odd that that dynastic Louisville squad, led by its dirty recruiter, Clint Hurtt (who will most likely have a show cause issued against him by the NCAA) got beat by a UConn team at home.

So other than UConn's superior academics, institutional profile, more NCAA bb titles, better market, fortuitous geography, more fans, and a football team that is 4-4 in the Big East against Louisville, tell me again why Louisville is more attractive?
Aug 27, 2011
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As much fun as it's been to chat with you geniuses, I will bid you all farewell, so that you can get back to warming your hands over your various trash can fires. Enjoy the football game tomorrow - we Louisville fans certainly will...
Aug 26, 2011
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For all the denigrating comments coming from the Cuse, Ville and Pitt fans the last week, you would think they'd have a better record against UConn than this the last 7 years:

Ville 3-4
Cuse 2-5
Pitt 3-4

All 3 teams have losing records against UConn in this period.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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You forget, the ACC gave up a lot of that academic luster when it admitted Florida State in 1991.

Yet it still ranks first among all FBS conferences.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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That doesn't make sense to me. Why foreclose ND and ensure they can never be a full time member? After the season ND has put together, their "need" to join a conference just went way down. Now they won't unless it's required for play off access.

I think you're right on this

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Aug 26, 2011
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For all the denigrating comments coming from the Cuse, Ville and Pitt fans the last week, you would think they'd have a better record against UConn than this the last 7 years:

Ville 3-4
Cuse 2-5
Pitt 3-4

All 3 teams have losing records against UConn in this period.

its all jealousy driven. We have accomplished more in BBAll in 15 years than all of them combined. They see the same thing threatening their football
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