The fickleness of our fanbase | Page 9 | The Boneyard

The fickleness of our fanbase

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Aug 27, 2011
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Thanks for your clarification earlier - understand (maybe) where you are coming from. Just want to point out though that I've overpaid for quite a few things in my life that weren't nearly as good as advertised (from dinners to vehicles to personnel). Live and learn


If this isn't calling him a bad guy/bad AD - I'm not sure what is? ;)

You know what? I guess you're right. I don't like him. I don't him, Herbst, P, GDl or anybody else that is presiding over this utter debacle. Either they are taking action or they are part of the problem. They are now part of the problem. Whether they are there for 5 second or five years, they alone can make a difference and they have not. So, no apologies to a big bag of whose shown zero leadership. I'm angry and I've paid up for 12 years to be angry.


Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Aug 26, 2011
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Whaler, for what it's worth, I would think that a casual fan and a fair weather fan are very different things. To me, a casual fan is someone who likes a team but if they aren't performing well, doesn't care enough to go crazy like many diehards do and maybe doesn't follow the team with as much passion for the remainder of the season (i.e. watches on TV instead of going to the game, DVR'ing instead of watching live, or just ignores the game alltogether). Full disclaimer, I would call myself a casual fan by this definition.

A "fair weather fan" to me is by definition, someone who follows the fair weather. That means that when UConn was considered good (by whatever standards that person uses), they would follow and cheer for the Huskies. However, when the team is not considered good (which I think there is consensus that this season qualifies), they would then root for the most convenient good team they can think of. I guess another name would be bandwagon fan?

Even the urban dictionary agrees with me! fan

I think it's flexing a lot of internet muscles to call someone who decides not to go to the game a front runner or fair weather fan. I highly doubt HFD is about to start cheering for Alabama this year because they are awesome and was also an Auburn fan when they had Cam Newton. That's what you're implying by calling someone a front runner fan or fair weather fan.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Whaler, for what it's worth, I would think that a casual fan and a fair weather fan are very different things. To me, a casual fan is someone who likes a team but if they aren't performing well, doesn't care enough to go crazy like many diehards do and maybe doesn't follow the team with as much passion for the remainder of the season (i.e. watches on TV instead of going to the game, DVR'ing instead of watching live, or just ignores the game alltogether). Full disclaimer, I would call myself a casual fan by this definition.

A "fair weather fan" to me is by definition, someone who follows the fair weather. That means that when UConn was considered good (by whatever standards that person uses), they would follow and cheer for the Huskies. However, when the team is not considered good (which I think there is consensus that this season qualifies), they would then root for the most convenient good team they can think of. I guess another name would be bandwagon fan?

Even the urban dictionary agrees with me! fan

I think it's flexing a lot of internet muscles to call someone who decides not to go to the game a front runner or fair weather fan. I highly doubt HFD is about to start cheering for Alabama this year because they are awesome and was also an Auburn fan when they had Cam Newton. That's what you're implying by calling someone a front runner fan or fair weather fan.

Well I never intended to start a semantic debate on the difference between casual and front runner or fair weather.

The original post which is still there after 200 replies was my point - surprise at how many people posted they aren't going to the home games.

So based on your parsing of the semantics - I guess my surprise is how many posters here are casual fans. I anticipated that the message board slice of the fanbase was less casual and more die hard.
Aug 29, 2011
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1) crossing u off my christmas list
2) i laughed at this post, well done
3) i would argue tht carl lost his mind years ago and nelson never had one so really the current state of uconn has sd and i going nuts
4) i think i could add several others to this list
5) to the ship! avast, ye mateys!
edit 6) just saw whaler liked your post. i just pooped my pants and puked

Dan, what's this red solo cup tailgate thing that you won? saw it on Twitter...


Aug 24, 2011
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Dan, what's this red solo cup tailgate thing that you won? saw it on Twitter...

one of my friends a while back noticed that the company solo cup had a twitter "redsolocup" nso we would hammer that twitter with pms and @'s about blue cups for fun. they have like a new line of cups with a bunch of different colors so this was the begining of the blue cup thing back then... no red cups in this state yada yada. well they then came out with some tailgate contest and u had to tweet them something(forget) then gets kids from your school to retweet and fav it so i handled my biz like only the champ hfd is on twitter and wala, i got me some cool gift coming in the mail. i asume it will be some little party tailgate package. cool beans w/e it is. i like free when its not goverment handouts ;). i told them no red cups in the package!


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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I guess my surprise is how many posters here are casual fans. I anticipated that the message board slice of the fanbase was less casual and more die hard.

Even this definition doesn't apply 100%. I find it funny that we are having this conversation now when the normal casual vs. die-hard discussion rears its head in mid April, about the time of the Spring Game. I've followed this thread for the last 11 pages and it seems to me that you really mean to call out the ticket holders (vast majority being season ticket holders) who will just let their tickets go unused?

Merely attending games does not make one a diehard. I haven't been to Fenway Park in over 3 years. And since my son was born in early August, I don't think I've watched 9 aggregate innings of baseball, let alone a full game, but I consider myself a die hard Sox fan, and have since 1984. I haven't been to a Patriots game since 2005 and I've never been to FedEx Field...But I am a true Redskins fan and a Patriots long as they aren't playing the 'Skins. Likewise for the Celtics and Bruins (Conversely, I do consider myself only a casual hockey fan...).

Yes/no? Discuss...
Aug 29, 2011
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A little thought on coaching's a quote on a guy I know, a guy that's been an NFL coach for 30 years. This quote was obtained by a reporter in 2009.

"For any coach who didn't have a history with him, (xxxxx) might be a problem because of his personality,'' said an NFL scout. "But XXXXXX has worked with him, so he'll know what he's getting into. (XXXXXX) might be an interesting fit in XXXXX-- he'll definitely shake those players up a little bit.''

The team that coach went to, had been a perennial loser, for a long, long time. That team, now (with some good personnel decisions obviously) has a top 5 in the NFL defense, and has been to the playoffs for the first time since - they had Barry Sanders running the ball.

Gunther Cunningham, is probably the meanest, nastiest coach I've ever known or seen. Great, fun guy away from football, but nasty - nasty person on the field. There are plenty like him, in both the NFL and in college, and Deleone is one of them. These are guys, by their very nature, make people uncomfortable around them.

But you know what? They get results. Cunningham is a fantastic defensive coach, coordinator. Deleone - my opinion, is his strength is focusing on position coaching. If you follow his track record through his career, when he's been in charge of position groups for any period of time, they usually improve quite a bit.

This is why I had no problem with Deleone going to the OL as a position coach, when it happened, because I knew he would bring a system that would help us better recruit offensive SKILL players that want to be in the NFL, because we can attract QB's, RB's, TE's and WR's that want to play in the NFL, with the blockign systems he teaches. But when Deleone was named the OC, and chief playcaller by Pasqualoni, somebody should have smacked old Paul in the back of the head.

It's unfortuante that we didn't have an AD in place that knew what he was doing with football at the time, b/c the condition of hiring Pasqualoni, should have been that Deleone doesn't call offensive plays. He had success at Syracuse as a play caller in the early 1990s, but that was when Syracuse had some very, very talented players on offense, that could overcome what he continually does with his calls - and that's completely ignore momentum.

The best offensive play callers, all have the simple ability, to identify what's working during a single drive, during a game, and stick with it, until it doesn't work anymore......and while doing that, work into the plays the things they need to do, so that when they have to change up and adjust,or want to throw in a wrinkle, game plan for different types of opponents, it's not hard to do and not hard to come up with new twists - that won't disrupt a game flow.

Deleone, on the other hand, will draw up completely new, unusual, and unseen before offensive plays, to throw at an opponent, and plug them into the middle of a game, and while on the chalkboard everythign looks great, in the middle of a game, when it's crunch time, it completely destroys momentum. It does actually set defenses up for something either later in the same game, or in future games, which is great in the film rooms, and on the boards, but it too often completely throws off our own offensive momentum in the game.

It happens all the time, at UConn, and when he was at Syracuse.
Aug 29, 2011
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one of my friends a while back noticed that the company solo cup had a twitter "redsolocup" nso we would hammer that twitter with pms and @'s about blue cups for fun. they have like a new line of cups with a bunch of different colors so this was the begining of the blue cup thing back then... no red cups in this state yada yada. well they then came out with some tailgate contest and u had to tweet them something(forget) then gets kids from your school to retweet and fav it so i handled my biz like only the champ hfd is on twitter and wala, i got me some cool gift coming in the mail. i asume it will be some little party tailgate package. cool beans w/e it is. i like free **** when its not goverment handouts ;). i told them no red cups in the package!

are you a student right now? thought you were older for some reason.


Aug 24, 2011
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are you a student right now? thought you were older for some reason.

yea im not a uconn student. i pulled it off. got rep husky nation as much as possible. those cups are going to a good cause. trust.
Aug 29, 2011
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yea im not a uconn student. i pulled it off. got rep husky nation as much as possible. those cups are going to a good cause. trust.

not worried at all brother. hope you're excited as i am to do some cold weather tailgating friday!


Aug 24, 2011
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not worried at all brother. hope you're excited as i am to do some cold weather tailgating friday!

i can't go to the game. im a casual fan and we are not allowed to root for uconn unless they are a winning team. joke over.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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i can't go to the game. im a casual fan and we are not allowed to root for uconn unless they are a winning team. joke over.

Why joke - you finally have it. This is the exact point!
Aug 27, 2011
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You know what? I guess you're right. I don't like him. I don't him, Herbst, P, GDl or anybody else that is presiding over this utter debacle. Either they are taking action or they are part of the problem. They are now part of the problem. Whether they are there for 5 second or five years, they alone can make a difference and they have not. So, no apologies to a big bag of whose shown zero leadership. I'm angry and I've paid up for 12 years to be angry.

So to be clear, BlueDogs is saying that hiring an up and comer for either BB or FB is a non-starter. I still disagree with Herbst - she ran the entire Georgia system (including an SEC program). So while he can be mad, you can't argue that she wasn't a big time hire. If so, I'd like to hear who we should have hired (other than someone that would have fired PP on day one, because HFD would have done that).

And then tell me (and this is much easier for BB) - which $4M a year coach would leave where they are to come to UCONN? Approximately NONE of them. The ESPN guys were saying on Saturday that Tennessee isn't even an attractive job in the SEC because they don't have a lot of home-grown talent and it is hard to recruit. Urban Meyer would have taken the job? Tell me who is on your short list, and don't give me a bunch of MAC guys and Assistants out there because then you are contradicting yourself. If you can find a top 20 coach that would leave their job for UCONN let me know.
Aug 27, 2011
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So to be clear, BlueDogs is saying that hiring an up and comer for either BB or FB is a non-starter. I still disagree with Herbst - she ran the entire Georgia system (including an SEC program). So while he can be mad, you can't argue that she wasn't a big time hire. If so, I'd like to hear who we should have hired (other than someone that would have fired PP on day one, because HFD would have done that).

And then tell me (and this is much easier for BB) - which $4M a year coach would leave where they are to come to UCONN? Approximately NONE of them. The ESPN guys were saying on Saturday that Tennessee isn't even an attractive job in the SEC because they don't have a lot of home-grown talent and it is hard to recruit. Urban Meyer would have taken the job? Tell me who is on your short list, and don't give me a bunch of MAC guys and Assistants out there because then you are contradicting yourself. If you can find a top 20 coach that would leave their job for UCONN let me know.

Money clarifies and crystallizes decisions. Don't be so quick to discount what a few million bucks does. Plus, Connecticut is a great place to live. I always wonder why folks are so quick and sure that Connecticut is the last place people want to be...yet live here.
Aug 27, 2011
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Money clarifies and crystallizes decisions. Don't be so quick to discount what a few million bucks does. Plus, Connecticut is a great place to live. I always wonder why folks are so quick and sure that Connecticut is the last place people want to be...yet live here.

If your suggestion is to pay twice market to lure a top 20 HC away from their job I think you value football at the expense of all else. Which is admirable but unrealistic. Do you think Saban would leave Alabama for an extra million a year?
Aug 26, 2011
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Best route is to find up and coming talent and pay him fair market value. Then if he delivers you roll out the big money for him and you keep him happy with big salaries for the coordinators and assistants.

Talk about luring a Saban here is crazy. How much is enough? 5? 6? Million a year, plus you are spending half as much or more on his coaches.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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So, no apologies to a big bag of whose shown zero leadership. I'm angry and I've paid up for 12 years to be angry.

You're calling the AD " a big bag of ?" Grow up.
Aug 27, 2011
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You know what? I guess you're right. I don't like him. I don't him, Herbst, P, GDl or anybody else that is presiding over this utter debacle. Either they are taking action or they are part of the problem. They are now part of the problem. Whether they are there for 5 second or five years, they alone can make a difference and they have not. So, no apologies to a big bag of whose shown zero leadership. I'm angry and I've paid up for 12 years to be angry.
BlueDogs I hope you felt the same way about Hathaway, Hogan and Austin!


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Isn't fair to wait until December before you decide they have taken no action?
Nov 1, 2012
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I know I only 'self-identify' as a UConn fan, but the number of posters who are saying they aren't going to Rentschler the rest of the year is surprising.

One of the best games every played at Rentschler, one that people talk about all the time was against Pitt in a season where UConn went 1-6 in the Big East.
Funny how I remember full or near full capacity when the team was competitive. Another Pasqualoni legacy.....plenty of empty seats!
Sep 1, 2011
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I wanted to revisit this thread. How many people stayed home to watch a great hoops win and watched the football game on TV? It was an easy decision for me, why miss out on a team and coach that get it to sit in the cold and watch a team and coach that don't get it.
Aug 26, 2011
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I wanted to revisit this thread. How many people stayed home to watch a great hoops win and watched the football game on TV? It was an easy decision for me, why miss out on a team and coach that get it to sit in the cold and watch a team and coach that don't get it.

Glad you enjoyed yourself... I went to the game and was able to watch both games, had great appetizers, a nice steak, some garlic mashed potatoes, few bottles of wine w/ friends. I don't consider mid 40's @ night cold.
Aug 26, 2011
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I wanted to revisit this thread. How many people stayed home to watch a great hoops win and watched the football game on TV? It was an easy decision for me, why miss out on a team and coach that get it to sit in the cold and watch a team and coach that don't get it.
You have no sense of adventure.
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