ND complaints thread (further merged) | Page 4 | The Boneyard

ND complaints thread (further merged)

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Jan 7, 2012
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What if Muffet has been sitting on all of these feelings about Geno for a long time but just waiting until they get to another conference to "release the kraken" of animosity.

This makes a lot of sense. Good Pirates reference, BTW.

What doesn't make sense is Muffett thinking all of Orange Nation will rally behind ND. Most of Orange Nation probably sold their Final Four tickets 10 days ago. The ones that stayed are probably rooting for a roof collapse.
Aug 26, 2011
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cockhrnleghrn said:
You guys need to get in the ACC just so you can play ND twice a year.

Might be worth it just to see MM head explode - figuratively speaking of course.
Sep 13, 2011
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This makes a lot of sense. Good Pirates reference, BTW.

What doesn't make sense is Muffett thinking all of Orange Nation will rally behind ND. Most of Orange Nation probably sold their Final Four tickets 10 days ago. The ones that stayed are probably rooting for a roof collapse.

I think she's just saying anything at this point, hell she's turned on Summitt now all of a sudden Pat is be all and end all of the womens game. See what ENVY will do to anyone.....I mean it is part of the 7 Deadly Sins, something the ND school should know all about
Aug 26, 2011
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"I think that got lost," McGraw said. "When we were in the same conference, there was a modicum of it. But I think after beating them and still not feeling any respect for that, we definitely lost something."

Asked whether a more civil relationship could be salvaged, McGraw said, "That would be difficult."

"It's a little like how you would feel about a bully," McGraw said of Connecticut. "I think you have to go in there and attack and not listen to everything that's said."

McGraw said she doesn't think she ever had a close relationship with the outspoken, sometimes bombastic Auriemma, who were both raised in the Philadelphia area.

"There was also some mutual respect when we first started," McGraw said.

McGraw said she thinks Auriemma is looking for a competitive edge. "I think he likes to get under the skin, but we just didn't want to go there," McGraw said.

If I had any respect for her, it's gone. I think we were all led to believe Geno and Muffet were friends at one point. Guess not.


Aug 26, 2011
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Muffet is taking a page from Geno's play book...bringing attention onto herself to take pressure off her players. Geno did it all the time. Muffet problem is that Geno is the master of the Philadelphia Shuffle...Muffet is awkward at it.
Aug 26, 2011
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Ramping it up...

I agree with both of them... Muffet is telling it like it is from her perspective.... Geno does not give credit to her wins against UConn over the last two years of the old Big East.

And Geno is telling it like it is from his perspective...

One wears a lot of green... One wears a lot of blue...

Makes for GREAT press in advance of the game tomorrow...

Muffet would like nothing better than to be have Notre Dame be mentioned as the current biggest rival to UConn...
Sorry, her record is like 11-30 against us... won a few very close games lately, but mostly at South Bend, where they get every call imaginable. And ZERO national championships even when they could beat us.


Crowing rooster
Jan 27, 2014
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Sorry, her record is like 11-30 against us... won a few very close games lately, but mostly at South Bend, where they get every call imaginable. And ZERO national championships even when they could beat us.
Didn't they win a national championship in 1892 or something like that?
Jan 13, 2014
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Didn't they win a national championship in 1892 or something like that?
Believe it was 2001 - heh heh. They beat us in FF with Ruth Riley when freshman DT shot 1 for 15. And, as Geno has pointed out a couple times this week after Achonwa's injury, we were without the injured Shea and Svetlana.
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Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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its going to be nice seeing Ivey twisting and turning in her seat as UConn is kicking a**


Aug 27, 2011
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Now, I will admit that I am old school and things like sportsmanship, fairplay etc. are still important to me.
Her comments are clearly awful, but the fact that she must hold specific drills in practice to get her players to practice flopping and attempt to make it look believable is just under-handed, cowardly and disgusting.
Apr 7, 2013
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Boy was Geno was pissed, I saw his conference on sportscenter and his quote was something like "play fun and then when it's over we're suppose to get over it and drink wine after that that sH$t isnt gonna happen."


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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"But I think after beating them and still not feeling any respect for that, we definitely lost something."

Sounds like an inferiority complex. What was UConn supposed to do, hold a press conference and announce that ND was superior? The Huskies always complimented ND and responded appropriately win or lose. If MM isn't happy with that it's really her issue. I think her real problem is that she failed to deliver the ultimate victory in recent years. Beating the Huskies should not have been the goal - winning the NCAA tournament was the proper goal. Since she did the former without the latter, particularly when UConn stepped up and delivered a championship, it has apparently left a hole in MM's program that she doesn't know how to fill so she's lashing out.

The timing is really odd. She has a chance to cure all of that tomorrow and instead she's acting up and, I would think, planting seeds of doubt about how she's handling it. Very strange.
Because she knows she can't win this game- this is a longer term strategy of hers to try to be the poor pat Summit. She can't win tomorrow- that's why!

wyo angel

spicy. spunky. sassy. an angel in disguise.
Nov 11, 2013
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I've always thought a coach was more than a person who merely instructs players in the fundamentals of a sport and directs team strategy. I believe a coach is also a mentor, encourager, supporter, inspirer and someone who can build character and confidence in those around him/her. I also believe a coach is the foundation from which good sportsmanship is learned and embraced. Good sportsmanship is learned from coaches who love and respect the sport they coach regardless of whether the team or player they coach wins or loses.
If a technical foul could be given during an awards presentation for unsportsmanlike conduct then Ms. McGraw is definitely deserving of such, IMO. Any college coach who cannot acknowledge and applaud a college athlete for winning POY, regardless of what school he or she plays for, is guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct. Shame on you, Ms. McGraw, for dropping the baton during an impressionable teaching moment for young athletes everywhere .


Dedicated Lurker
Sep 14, 2011
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Coach McGraw's actions (and non-actions) right now that are directed at UConn are very sad. And seem to reveal some shortcomings.


Aug 15, 2011
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I gotta say I really don't like this pre-game smack stuff.

Geno's reacting, in a muted way for him, but Ms. McGraw is driving it.

And she's doing so in an awkward, heavy-handed way, especially with
the disgraceful surliness at Breanna's POY ceremony.

I know ESPN is probably encouraging it, and some of the other media keep it going with questions because they think it adds spice to that boring old basketball stuff -- like the first NC match-up of undefeateds in NCAA basketball history.

But if I want this kind of "bad blood" crap I'll become a fan of pro wrestling.

Act like a professional, McGraw. Represent. Decline the invitations to display petty public petulance.

That's all.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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Let us hold our vinegar and let the kids take care of business. It is their game, every blessing to them to stay calm in their heart for stillness in the moment, clear in their minds to keep their wits while others are losing their heads, and strong like the Valkyrie as they ride down on their foes.
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Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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I gotta say I really don't like this pre-game smack stuff.

Geno's reacting, in a muted way for him, but Ms. McGraw is driving it.

And she's doing so in an awkward, heavy-handed way, especially with the disgraceful surliness at Breanna's POY ceremony.

I know ESPN is probably encouraging it, and some of the other media keep it going with questions because they think it adds spice to that boring old basketball stuff -- like the first NC match-up of undefeateds in NCAA basketball history.

But if I want this kind of "bad blood" crap I'll become a fan of pro wrestling.

Act like a professional, McGraw. Represent. Decline the invitations to display petty public petulance.

That's all.

I just caught another snippet from her presser which I think is the most revealing of all. First I want to note that her demeanor as she went through her little self-pity, hate UConn diatribe was of a person enjoying it. But the comment that struck me was to the effect that going to the ACC this year has been something of a distraction from having to follow UConn around. I think this helps round out the Muffet's profile as a cancerously envious person who is out of touch enough to believe that she deserves more respect than Geno and her team deserves celebrity/media attention more that the Huskies. After all, this is a person so twisted up with rancor she can blame an athlete for winning POY when her player was never seriously in the conversation. She's one sick puppy; she is also using it to try to incent ( incense?) her team. She has out CVived CViv.

Is there a handshake at the end of the championship game?
Sep 6, 2011
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The difference between class, and ignorance. Last year after the UConn win in the semi- final game, Geno taking the extra time to talk to Skylar, and tell her what a great player she was, and how much she did for the college game. Fast forward to this year, Stewie receives player of the year award, Muffet doesn't even have the courtesy to clap for an outstanding young lady.


Aug 26, 2011
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I think the fans here have nailed it pretty well. Muffet wants this to be about her...but it isn't, this is about the players, the game of basketball and athletes leaving it all on the floor as they engage in the battle between the lines. "Little Miss Muffet" has lost sight of that. It was Mallory, Ivey, Ruth Riley, Diggins, Novesel, Peters, McBride, Jewell and soon to come Turner who deserve the credit for Notre Dame's Achievements thus far. When comparing the two programs in totality with regards to women's basketball Muffet is seriously over-reaching. Muffet should remember when Geno had the chance to brag on Stewie for her activity and participation during Olympic / National team practice he CHOSE to spend that time praising McBride expressing what a surprise she was to all who attended.

Here is Geno's quote: "Going into the camp, Kayla McBride was perhaps just another college player invited," Auriemma said. "I don't think a lot of people paid as much attention to her last year because most of it was naturally all on Skylar Diggins.

"But once she got to camp and people began to see what she can do, well, it didn't surprise me, but I think it surprised a lot of others. I would venture to say other than Stewie and Elena Delle Donne, she might have been the most impressive player there."

McBride, certain be a first-round WNBA draft pick next week, was thrilled to know Auriemma thought so highly of her.

"It's certainly a good feeling to have," McBride said. "He pushes his players. I like that. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to be coached by him. And it's humbling to know what he thinks of me."

Muffet...really needs to check her "tude" for the benefit of the game. She should take a few pointers from her players. Does anybody here think that McBride orchestrated the silent routine when Stewie's POY award was announced...NOPE! That was all Muffet and for that she should be ashamed of herself...putting herself, her ambition, her personal desires ahead of the game and its players when she should be setting an example as a leader in the sport.

We have what could shape up to be a great championship game coming up. The first time in NCAA history in either the men or the women's side of things...two undefeated teams who are on a quest for perfection. Both teams have dominated the competition all year long. This is about them, their accomplishment, their place in history. Both Geno and Muffet have a role to play as head coaches but it is the players who ultimately play the game...it is their time. In short, Mufffet needs to just SDSU. Notre Dame is playing this game for themselves their families, their coaches, Natalie Achonowa and for a second national championship. UConn is playing the game for themselves, their families, their coaches, for Morgan Tuck and for a ninth national championship. Let's let them play! Go Huskies!!!
Sep 9, 2011
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Yeah same here. Would love for Stewie and Kaleena to come out firing and knocking down 3s in the first minute of the game. Like bad shooting, hot shooting is also contagious and if UConn gets rolling, it will be bombs away like in last year's final when they set the record for made 3s in a final game. I think tomorrow we may see some killer instinct from this team finally where if they get going, they aren't going to stop until the final buzzer or Geno makes some mercy subs for the last 4 minute segment.
I actually think it's been a while since UConn's "A" game showed up. Lately their shooting has been a struggle but I saw signs that maybe that drought is over. I can't think of a better night to really like up the scoreboard. As has been mentioned, I would like nothing better than seeing the Irish humiliated and shutting up all Muffet's nonsense. However, I will easily settle for a victory that would give them their 9th title and put him on top of women's basketball officially (though he's been there for a while with fans that know better). Maybe a close game eeked out in the last seconds would be an even bigger dagger in the hearts of their team and most importantly, Muffett. Remember how many times UConn lost key players at the end of the season, thrwarting likely national titles. Shea and Sveta one year while losing Nykesha another and then there was Mel Thomas whose steadiness and great outside shooting was missed in the NCAA tournament. I have no sympathy for them and an agonizing loss is what I'd like them to remember this season for.
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