GOT Season Six | Page 22 | The Boneyard

GOT Season Six

Sep 2, 2011
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Aryas #revengetour 300 AC

My only fear is we don't have enough episodes left this season to see #AryaUnleashed. I've been waiting 25 years for her to grow up and wreak her vengeance on Westeros. We're almost there!


Universal remote, put it down on docking station.
Aug 29, 2011
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My only fear is we don't have enough episodes left this season to see #AryaUnleashed. I've been waiting 25 years for her to grow up and wreak her vengeance on Westeros. We're almost there!

as long as Sansa is on "the list" I can be patient


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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So the next EPIC GOT twist prediction?

Arya and Sansa's reunion wont be as sentimental as Sansa and Johns. She is going to stick Sansa with needle as Arya being the the conscience of the show and its viewers recognizes all the horrors Sansa caused. It was foreshadowed in S1E1 . it is known.

I don't know why viewers want to see a pubescent incest scene between Sansa and Arya. Neither of whom I find very attractive for what it's worth.

Prediction, Arya kills Cersei. Just not for a while.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Nah. Besides, Sophie wants Arya to stick her with something else (a tongue perhaps).

Here is my prediction, Arya dispatches the Waif and escapes. She sets her sight on her list, and comes for Walder Frey. That coincides with Walder's command to take Riverrun, and Cersei's direction to Jamie to take Riverrun as well. The death of Walder results in his troops aligning with or at least ignoring the Blackfish and defeat of the Lannisters.

Don't agree on the Frey's army. The Freys as a house will be wiped out, Walder's greatest fear come to fruition.
All their army will be destroyed as retribution for the Red Wedding.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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The mad king wanted the wall down. That is why the mad king had the pyromancers working for him

Or he wanted the wall to be burning to keep out the White Walkers, the ultimate barrier so to speak. We've seen the Army of the Dead able to scale cliffs like it's nothing. And Wild Fire is supposed to burn like napalm.
Sep 2, 2011
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I don't know why viewers want to see a pubescent incest scene between Sansa and Arya. Neither of whom I find very attractive for what it's worth.

Prediction, Arya kills Cersei. Just not for a while.

Because the viewers in question are men and Arya and Sansa have ? Just spit balling. :)


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Because the viewers in question are men and Arya and Sansa have ? Just spit balling. :)

It was Sophie Turner who suggested it, not any of us. I also think 19 and 20 doesn't exactly qualify as "pubescent". That's about the same age as the average new SI swimsuit model and a lot of Playboy playmates.

It's absurd anyway, as Arya is less than thrilled with Sansa (though I don't think she's on the list).

Anyone have predictions for this week? How many episodes are left this season?


Universal remote, put it down on docking station.
Aug 29, 2011
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It was Sophie Turner who suggested it, not any of us. I also think 19 and 20 doesn't exactly qualify as "pubescent". That's about the same age as the average new SI swimsuit model and a lot of Playboy playmates.

It's absurd anyway, as Arya is less than thrilled with Sansa (though I don't think she's on the list).

Anyone have predictions for this week? How many episodes are left this season?



Universal remote, put it down on docking station.
Aug 29, 2011
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It was Sophie Turner who suggested it, not any of us. I also think 19 and 20 doesn't exactly qualify as "pubescent". That's about the same age as the average new SI swimsuit model and a lot of Playboy playmates.

It's absurd anyway, as Arya is less than thrilled with Sansa (though I don't think she's on the list).

Anyone have predictions for this week? How many episodes are left this season?

Well from the previews it looks like we are getting a helping of Riverrun
John and Sansa courting Northern Superdelegates
Arya will finish up her Bravos adventure.
And more advancement of the Faith militant kerfuffle.

I think it will be a lot like episode 6 in moving the pieces forward without any major swerves. Hopefully a little more payoff in this one then last one, but I expect 8-10 to be barn burners and this to set the table.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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The more I think about it, the more I think the High Sparrow is going to meet the Seven sooner than later. That scene two weeks ago with Margaery and Loras was for her to realize he is lost. But the High Sparrow probably thinks that Loras can be a hostage to use against the Tyrells. Tommen will take about 10 seconds for Margaery to turn back (In his defense, there isn't much I wouldn't do to keep having intercourse with Natalie Dormer), and then they will unleash a beating on the High Sparrow, and attempt to put Cersei out to pasture.

Jon and Sansa are not exactly top tier lobbyists. Salesmanship is one of the many holes in the Starks' skill set. Ned couldn't convince anyone to support him against the Lannisters even though everyone hates the Lannisters and figured that the kids were born of incest. Katlyn couldn't convince her own sister to keep the Imp or Renly and Stannis to focus on the Lannisters. Robb was the best salesman of the family, but he still screwed it up. Sansa accomplished absolutely nothing in Kings Landing, and to be honest made me feel a little sympathetic to Joffrey. Bran and Rickon haven't really been given a chance, and Arya is a sociopath.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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It was Sophie Turner who suggested it, not any of us. I also think 19 and 20 doesn't exactly qualify as "pubescent". That's about the same age as the average new SI swimsuit model and a lot of Playboy playmates.

Oh I def don't think so either. I'm merely talking about how old the characters are supposed to be in the show (specifically Arya). Even moreso for those who read the books.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Jon and Sansa are not exactly top tier lobbyists. Salesmanship is one of the many holes in the Starks' skill set. Ned couldn't convince anyone to support him against the Lannisters even though everyone hates the Lannisters and figured that the kids were born of incest. Katlyn couldn't convince her own sister to keep the Imp or Renly and Stannis to focus on the Lannisters. Robb was the best salesman of the family, but he still screwed it up. Sansa accomplished absolutely nothing in Kings Landing, and to be honest made me feel a little sympathetic to Joffrey. Bran and Rickon haven't really been given a chance, and Arya is a sociopath.

Really?? What is it about anyone could make you feel even the slightest bit of sympathy toward Joffrey of all people?

And Arya's not a sociopath. The scene with the elder actor woman was there to show that she in fact does have some morals and empathy/sympathy. If she was a sociopath, she'd have jumped on the for-hire-assassin train instantly. She's just a kid who's been dumped on at every turn, and has vowed revenge as a result.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Really?? What is it about anyone could make you feel even the slightest bit of sympathy toward Joffrey of all people?

And Arya's not a sociopath. The scene with the elder actor woman was there to show that she in fact does have some morals and empathy/sympathy. If she was a sociopath, she'd have jumped on the for-hire-assassin train instantly. She's just a kid who's been dumped on at every turn, and has vowed revenge as a result.

Joffrey is a product of his mom and upbringing, and maybe a lack of diversity in his DNA. Cersei created that monster, but he was a monster.

Agree on Arya. She has compassion in excess if anything, which is what lead her to this point, and drives her to seek revenge upon...sociopaths. She is death to sociopaths, that's what she is. She is their foil.
Aug 24, 2011
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The more I think about it, the more I think the High Sparrow is going to meet the Seven sooner than later. That scene two weeks ago with Margaery and Loras was for her to realize he is lost. But the High Sparrow probably thinks that Loras can be a hostage to use against the Tyrells. Tommen will take about 10 seconds for Margaery to turn back (In his defense, there isn't much I wouldn't do to keep having intercourse with Natalie Dormer), and then they will unleash a beating on the High Sparrow, and attempt to put Cersei out to pasture.

Lots of speculation on this.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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On another note, this was bugging me as I woke up this morning. So Uncle Benjin was stabbed by White Walkers, but then the children of the forest turned him "back", sort of, by stabbing him with dragonglass. Now he has some kind of connection to the children, and to the Three-Eyed Raven. Knows where to find Bran/3ER and Meera just in time to save them from some wights, but for some reason didn't go find them when they were at the tree place where all the wights and white walkers were heading. If he had got there like a few hours earlier he would have gotten all of them out sooner and maybe saved Hodor (or maybe not Hodor, who I guess was doomed by the whole time travel thing). At least he could have saved the Children.

Also, this bit of dialogue was pointed out on reddit...
Jaqen: And?
Waif: As I expected.
Jaqen: Shame... A girl had many gifts.

Point being - the waif referred to herself in the first person, and was Jaqen referring to Arya or the Waif?


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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On another note, this was bugging me as I woke up this morning. So Uncle Benjin was stabbed by White Walkers, but then the children of the forest turned him "back", sort of, by stabbing him with dragonglass. Now he has some kind of connection to the children, and to the Three-Eyed Raven. Knows where to find Bran/3ER and Meera just in time to save them from some wights, but for some reason didn't go find them when they were at the tree place where all the wights and white walkers were heading. If he had got there like a few hours earlier he would have gotten all of them out sooner and maybe saved Hodor (or maybe not Hodor, who I guess was doomed by the whole time travel thing). At least he could have saved the Children.

Also, this bit of dialogue was pointed out on reddit...
Jaqen: And?
Waif: As I expected.
Jaqen: Shame... A girl had many gifts.

Point being - the waif referred to herself in the first person, and was Jaqen referring to Arya or the Waif?

Interesting. The Waif is clearly obsessed with Arya, is the same way Arya is obsessed with her list. Add that to "a face will be added either way" and it's not clear who he expects to die.


Sep 14, 2011
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On another note, this was bugging me as I woke up this morning. So Uncle Benjin was stabbed by White Walkers, but then the children of the forest turned him "back", sort of, by stabbing him with dragonglass. Now he has some kind of connection to the children, and to the Three-Eyed Raven. Knows where to find Bran/3ER and Meera just in time to save them from some wights, but for some reason didn't go find them when they were at the tree place where all the wights and white walkers were heading. If he had got there like a few hours earlier he would have gotten all of them out sooner and maybe saved Hodor (or maybe not Hodor, who I guess was doomed by the whole time travel thing). At least he could have saved the Children.

When you talk about Benjin plot holes, we are expected to believe that this gigantic army of White Walkers was just hanging around outside the cave waiting for HOW LONG for Bran to get touched? You'd think they'd have something better to do. Well, maybe not if they are already dead.

White Walker #1: Hey, Larry, how we gotta wait out here?
White Walker #2: Quit your complaining. You got someplace better to be?
White Walker #1: No, just freezing my out here.
White Walker #2: You had your sliced off years ago. And with it went your brain...
Nov 1, 2011
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I distinctly heard burn them all upon reviewing the clip on YouTube. He says it twice, and it is very clear the first time.

Yes, I usually watch with sub-titles and I am 90% sure I recall him yelling "Burn them all" in the show.
Aug 24, 2011
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When you talk about Benjin plot holes, we are expected to believe that this gigantic army of White Walkers was just hanging around outside the cave waiting for HOW LONG for Bran to get touched? You'd think they'd have something better to do. Well, maybe not if they are already dead.

There is no indication of how much time passed after Bran encountered the Walkers in his warging/dream.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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There is no indication of how much time passed after Bran encountered the Walkers in his warging/dream.

It was hinted at being pretty damn short I thought.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Really?? What is it about anyone could make you feel even the slightest bit of sympathy toward Joffrey of all people?

And Arya's not a sociopath. The scene with the elder actor woman was there to show that she in fact does have some morals and empathy/sympathy. If she was a sociopath, she'd have jumped on the for-hire-assassin train instantly. She's just a kid who's been dumped on at every turn, and has vowed revenge as a result.

Re: Joffrey. I have a little sympathy for him, not a lot. I would probably be a little crazy if someone told me that I had to marry Sansa.

Arya is a sociopath with the Stark self-righteousness and moral superiority. A bad combination.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Arya is a sociopath with the Stark self-righteousness and moral superiority. A bad combination.

Yet, Arya has demonstrated both having a conscience and capacity for sympathy/empathy on a few occasions. That by very definition proves she's not a sociopath.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Yet, Arya has demonstrated both having a conscience and capacity for sympathy/empathy on a few occasions. That by very definition proves she's not a sociopath.

I am not going to have an argument with you over whether a TV character is technically a sociopath. Arya's body count is big and going to get a lot bigger. Call her what you want.

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